This item is available on the Militant Islam Monitor website, at

Philly Mayor Launches"Interfaith RoundTables" At 'Caliphate Hall' Lead By Imam Quaiser Abdullah 'To Solve City's Problems'

July 8, 2024

MIM: The relentless 'stealth jihad' aimed at turning City Hall into the City Caliphate and replace the Constitution with the Koran is being spearheaded by CAIR and Emgage. They are aided and abetted by Philadelphia Mayor Cherelle Parker who was endorsed by both groups who delivered the Muslim vote to her.

According to CAIR/Hamas and Emgage:

"As Muslim Philadelphians we must continue to show up especially at the local level to ensure that our needs are met."

MIM:A photo of the "Muslim City Hall Day" today ( 7/8/2024) on the Facebook page of The Council On American Relations (a front group for Hamas) and their allies Emgage who were welcomed at' 'Caliphate Hall' to press for their Islamosupremacist agenda and "ensure that our needs are met".

May be an image of 10 people, dais and text

CAIR - Philadelphia Chapter is in Philadelphia City Hall.


Thank you to our community for joining us for our second annual Muslim City Hall Day in partnership with Emgage PA (@emgageaction).

As Muslim Philadelphians, we must continue to show up especially at the local level to ensure that our needs are met. Stay tuned for our next event Muslim Capitol Day coming in the fall!


MIM: Imam Quaiser Abdullah (second on the left in brown tie) is the recently appointed 'Director of Muslim Engagemen't, a special position created by Mayor Cherelle Parker as a quid pro quo for CAIR and Emgage's campaign endorsement.

Quaiser Abdullah -LinkedIn


MIM:Salima Suswell (standing in the front and center wearing a long yellow head covering and brown and yellow print dress) is a former CAIR/Hamas operative. She is now a senior advisor with Emgage is coordinating 'stealth jihad' activities with CAIR. She also served as an advisor to the Biden-Harris campaign.

Salima Suswell

Senior Advisor


National and Pennsylvania


MIM: Ahmet Selim Tekelioglu, the Executive Director of CAIR/Hamas Philadelphia is crouching next to the Emgage 'Muslim Voter Mobilization' sign on the far right of the picture with his arm around a child.

Executive Director, CAIR-Philadelphia

Ahmet Selim Tekelioglu


MIM: Note that the white Council On American Islamic Relations (CAIR) sign (on the left of the picture) boldly and brazenly proclaims:

"Organizing For Good- Living Our Faith" leaving no question that CAIR is a Muslim religious organisation whose aim is to promote Islamic/sharia law.

"Protecting Civil Rights" - Demanding that non Muslims comply with sharia precepts when dealing with Muslims.

"Enchancing The Understandig Of Islam" - Dawah under the quise of interfaith activities and education.

Promoting Civic Engagement - The photograph above says it all.

"Challenging Islamophobia" - Shutting down any criticism and critics of Islam or Muslims using legal means (lawfare and shakedowns)

(Commonly used as a pretext for litigation against law enforcement,educational institutions and employers for not accomodating Muslim religious demands in secular spaces)


MIM: For more on CAIR see:

Civil rights group partially funded by the Saudi Wahhabi establishment
Has numerous ties to extremist Islamic organizations


MIM: Emgage's poster on the left of the picture declares "Muslim Voter Mobilization" . The military term "mobilization" is deliberate and leaves no question as to the promotion of Muslim political power is the tactic of choice in the Islamic 'stealth jihad' which envisions the Islamisation of America and the world as a 'fard' religious obligation incumbent upon all Muslims.


MIM: The purpose, meaning, methodology and history of Da'wa:


"You are the best nation raised up for humankind. You enjoin righteousness, forbid corruption and you believe in Allah."

— Quran, Sura 3 (Al-Imran), ayah 110[19]

Influence In Politics

Muslims made it a part of their political theory (through relating daʿwah to jihad) and life (using the concept of daʿwah in their political agendas). Taken in general, the intertwining of daʿwah and politics, then, has been a feature throughout the Muslim history, though practical implications of this have been different in different ages.[29]


MIM: Imam Dr. Quaiser Abdullah,The Board Chair of Interfaith Philadelphia is also the new "Director of Muslim Engagement' a unique and 'special' position created by Mayor Cherelle Parker as a quid pro quo for the endorsements she received from the Council On American Islamic Relations (CAIR a Hamas front group) and Emgage the'Political Action Committee' of CAIR which both promote the Islamic takeover of America by funding and pushing the elections of Sharia observant pro jihad and Jew hating Muslims to public office in an effort to replace the Constitution with the Koran.

The Musllim members of 'Interfaith Philadelphia' are also members of Sharia compliant pro jihad and Jew hating groups which include The Council On American Islamic Relations, The Muslim Students Association and The Interfaith Youth Core.

An example of Dawah as Dialogue was revealed by an Imam and member of the Interfaith Philadelphia organisation who is a participant in Mayor Parkers's 'Interfaith Roundtables'.

In a 2016 article telling Muslims why they have an obligation to vote 'en masse' under the rubriek "The Ballot or the Bullet"?Imam Daoud Mikal Muslim Shabazz declared the quiet part out loud and cited he sucessful Muslim push by Councilman Curtis Jones, CAIR and other pro jihad groups to have the Islamic observances of Eid al Fitra and Eid al Adha declared holidays for everyone by the School District of Philadelphia he wrote:

"...One small example of the benefits of Muslims' political involvement in the School District of Philadelphia ...where everyone, students, teachers faculty and administrators will have those days off to celebrate Eid al Fitr and Eid al Adha.

***Not only do the Muslims within the school district benefit, but there is a corrresponding Dawah process that inevitably occurs."... ***

Imam Daood Mikal Muslim Shabazz of Masjid Masjidullah aka 'The Center For Human Excellence' , member of Interfaith Philadelphia and participant in Mayor Parkers' 'Interfaith Roundtables' Intiative.


Excerpt from the article by Interfaith Philadelphia and Roundtable Imam Daoud Mikal Muslim Shabazz on the Sapelo Square website whose "vision" is to be "a source of expert content on Black Muslims and the issues that impact their lives as Black people and as Muslims".


One small example of the benefits of Muslims' political involvement is the School District of Philadelphia now has on its 2017-18 calendar and beyond, the Eidain Holidays where everyone, students, teachers, faculty and administrators all will have those days off to celebrate Eid al Fitr and Eid al Adha. Not only do the Muslims within the school district benefit, but there is a corresponding Dawah process that inevitably occurs.

So, in this election cycle, Black Muslims in America should vote in mass and encourage everyone within their sphere of influence to do the same. We owe it to ourselves, to our ancestors, our offspring and to our Lord if it is our intent to make our world more pleasing to Almighty G'd."

MIM: The 'Mission Statement' of the Interfaith Philadelphia group purports to promote "a religiously diverse democracy' totally ignoring the fact that the Muslim clerics on the Mayor's new Interfaith Roundtable" are exploiting the democratic process to destroy democracy in America.

As can be seen in the article excerpt above Imam Daooud Mikail Shabazz declared the quiet part out loud.

MIM: Note the IP's emphasis on 'tables' which indicates that the 'Interfaith Roundtable' Initiative announced by Philly Mayor Cherelle Parker came directly from the group itself. It is also no coincidence that the Director of Interfaith Philadelphia, Imam Quaiser Abdullah, is also the Philly 'Caliphates' brand new 'Director of Muslim Engagement'.

MIM:CAIR and Emgage have sucessfully infiltrated City Hall and the Philadelphia City governmental institutions to influence policy and policy makers in a textbook example of 'stealth jihad'.

"We embrace the widest possible table and encourage people to stay at the table"

From the Mission Statement of Philadelphia Interfaith.


Core Values & Guiding Principles (Of The Philadelphia Interfaith Organisation)

We value freedom of religious expression as a justice issue, honoring the myriad of ways people self-identify and orient around religion and spirituality.

Our work is local.

We strive to help the Philadelphia five county region become a vibrant, religiously diverse democracy. This requires work with individuals and institutions, youth and adults, leadership and the grassroots. All residents of our region are our constituency.

Religious literacy is critical to all sectors, vocations, and is an important dimension of civil society.

​Understanding the customs, practices holidays, dietary needs, sacred texts, arts, core stories and teachings of diverse faith traditions is essential to creating a stronger, more connected community, where religious diversity is not only tolerated but appreciated.

Our call to action is "Dare to Understand."

We invite people to speak authentically and listen respectfully; to listen to understand. This takes curiosity, humility and courage. People know us best when we are able to tell our own stories. In coming to know others, we better understand ourselves. This enables us to discover our commonalities, and celebrate our distinctiveness.

***We embrace the widest possible table and encourage people to stay at the table.***

We value the dignity and worth of every individual, we respect multiple world views, and we strive to create spaces for all to express their whole and distinctive identities.

Collaboration and relationships are essential, and take time.

This work cannot be done alone, and building trust, understanding, and cooperation takes time. We value our partners and program participants, and are committed to investing in, and strengthening these relationships. Systems change expertise reminds us that collaborations benefit from the differences among the collaborators, and an ability to see the world differently and through the eyes of another. Enduring change needs investment over time.

We value institutions and their leadership, as well as grassroots constituents and activists.

We recognize they are each critical for social change and can co-exist. Challenging the edges, (from within and without,) is needed for new ideas and norms to break through. Healthy structure and institutions are needed for change to endure.

*Interfaith Philadelphia upholds our policies of Non-Discrimination and Against Sexual and Other Harassment, with practices for addressing grievances. We are using the Global Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Benchmarks (GDEIB) in a commitment to ongoing and measurable DEI progress.


Interfaith Philadelphia 'Board Chair'/Imam Quaiser's Abdullah's bio on their website.


Imam Quaiser D. Abdullah, Ph.D.

Board Chair

Imam Quaiser D. Abdullah, Ph.D., is an assistant professor in the Department of Communication, Social Influence in Klein College of Media and Communication at Temple University, and Director of Muslim Engagement for the city of Philadelphia. He also serves as the Program Director for the Master of Science in Communication Management at Klein. His teaching portfolio covers undergraduate and graduate courses in conflict resolution, mediation, conflict within educational systems, interpersonal communication, leadership, and organizational development. Imam Quaiser earned his undergraduate degree in Political Science and Religion, with a minor in Asian Studies. He then went on to earn a graduate degree in Adult Learning and Organizational Development and a doctorate in Educational Psychology. Imam Quaiser currently serves as the board chair for Interfaith Philadelphia (2021-2024), co-president for the Association for Conflict Resolution (2023-2024), co-chair for the Mayor's Commission on Faith-Based and Interfaith Affairs (2022-2024) and faculty/staff advisor for the MSA at Temple University. In 2013, SAGE published his chapter entitled "Muslim Leader Formation and Education" under the Religious Leadership project in The SAGE Reference Series on Leadership.

His chapter, "Daanaa Abdullah: Exemplar of Community Leadership" was published in Democratic Ethical Educational Leadership: Reclaiming School Reform, in 2015 by Routledge. Imam Quaiser is one of the Imams at Masjid Quba. He has also served as Chairman and COO of Quba Institute, which is a 60-year-old organization that has established social institutions that support the Muslim community in the Philadelphia area. He also served as the conference chair for the Muslim Alliance of North America's (MANA's) annual conference in Philadelphia in 2007 and 2008. He also served as a chaplain with the 18th District in Philadelphia's Police Department. Imam Quaiser is the president of Statera Coaching and Leadership Consulting, LLC. Statera Coaching is a private company that focuses on conflict resolution, leadership development, workforce training and development, professional & conflict coaching and organizational development. He is a certified Conflict Resolution in Education trainer, certified coach, Positive Discipline Educator and a trained mediator in the area of Transformative Mediation, with a focus on family, divorce and custody mediation.


Imam Quaiser Abdullah: Made 'Director Of Muslim Engagement' By Philly Mayor Parker After Endorsements By CAIR & Emgage

April 25, 2024

Mayor Cherelle L. Parker Announces Appointments and Reappointments as the Parker Administration Continues to Grow

March 7, 2024

Imam Quaiser Abdullah, Director of Muslim Engagement

Imam Quaiser D. Abdullah, Ph.D., will serve as the Director of Muslim Engagement within the Mayor's Office. Director Abdullah currently serves as the board chair for Interfaith Philadelphia, co-president for the Association for Conflict Resolution, and co-chair for the Mayor's Commission on Faith-Based and Interfaith Affairs in Philadelphia, PA. Imam Quaiser is one of the Imams at Masjid Quba and has served as Chairman and COO of Quba Institute, which is a 70-year-old organization that has established social institutions that support the Muslim community in the Philadelphia area. As Director of Muslim Engagement, Imam Quaiser will engage not only the Muslim community but the entire faith community with Director Speakes and the office of Faith-Based and Interfaith affairs.


MIM: For complete article see:


MIM: Interfaith Aka Dawa


"Influential Muslim Brotherhood Fuhrer (now dead) Qatar based Yusuf al-Qaradawi also promises that eventually Islam will prevail over all other religions and a single Islamic state will rule the world.

Al-Qaradawi says some countries will fall to the armed Islamic jihad, but in others, such as the United States, victory will come through Da'wa - the teaching of Islam to non-Muslims - which will trigger Westerners to convert to Islam "in droves."

"We will conquer Europe, we will conquer America! Not through (the) sword, but through Da'wa" al-Qaradawi told members of the Muslim Arab Youth Association at the group's 1995 convention in Toledo, Ohio.



By David Rosen

July 3, 2024

Philadelphia's Mayor Cherelle L. Parker is set to engage with the city's interfaith group leaders at a new series of Faith-Based Roundtables.

Scheduled to take place on the second floor of City Hall in the Mayor's Reception Room, Room 202, at 5 PM, Mayor Parker aims to foster increased collaboration and dialogue among the diverse faith communities within the city.

Joining her will be Wilfred Speakes, the Director of Faith-Based Initiatives and Interfaith Affairs, alongside other city officials.

According to the official release by the City of Philadelphia, the initiative is designed to strengthen ties between the city's administration and faith-based organizations, offering a platform for discussion on community challenges and the role of spiritual leadership in addressing them.

This approach underscores the administration's recognition of the powerful influence religious institutions hold in local communities.

The mayor's schedule indicates that these roundtables represent a step toward leveraging that influence to promote positive societal change.

The engagement with faith leaders occurs amid broader efforts by Mayor Parker's office to involve various community sectors in civic affairs, highlighting the importance of unity and support from all walks of life in city governance. Leaders from different religious backgrounds are expected to not only bring forth their unique perspectives but also work together towards common goals that will benefit the broader Philadelphia community.


MIM: Forget more police and mosque monitoring, or demanding Interfaith Philadelphia Director and Director Of Muslim Engagement Imam Quaiser Abdullah who advises Temple U's MSA/SJP to call upon his co religionists cease their violent incitement, university encampments, daily riots and flag burnings in Philadelphia and Pennslyvania.


MIM: Is this initiative even Constitutional?

"We want to be a resource that bridges that gap between church and state to make the city safer," said Bishop Wilfred Speakes, director of the Office of Faith-Based Initiatives and Interfaith Affairs."

'To bridge that gap Speakes wants to take these roundtables across the city to various places of worship, and faith-based community centers…'


Philly mayor launches interfaith roundtable: 'I cannot do this alone'

Kyle Watson

Jul 3, 2024

Various members of the interfaith community gathered at City Hall on Tuesday evening to hear Mayor Cherelle Parker and other city leaders launch faith-based roundtables under the city's Office of Faith-Based Initiatives and Interfaith Affairs.

There are over 6,000 interfaith groups in Philadelphia who serve the community. The aim for the mayor's roundtables is to bring the religious representatives together for ideas and input in an effort to improve government.

They are a part of Parker's "One Philly, United City" initiative to increase civic engagement and pride.

We want to be a resource that bridges that gap between church and state to make the city safer," said Bishop Wilfred Speakes, director of the Office of Faith-Based Initiatives and Interfaith Affairs.

To bridge that gap Speakes wants to take these roundtables across the city to various places of worship, and faith-based community centers.

"When you have been here and had the opportunity to sit in this chair, you know what Philadelphia is facing now as it relates to challenges," Parker said. "They are much bigger than human beings. They are much bigger than any resource the government has in order to try to solve. We need trusted partners and leaders who are even the most vulnerable."

Myesha Massey, deputy commissioner of community partnerships for the Philadelphia Police Department said Philadelphia can't become a safer city until it builds partnerships in the community.

"That's truly what I stand on," she said. "At the Philadelphia Police Department, we rely on you the clergy as practical educators and messengers of the community. It is your experience and your support that is essential to helping us."

Officials on Tuesday deemed faith-based institutions as key connectors to the community and valuable in building a vision for the city.

"We are here for a long time, not a short time, and we are building trust," said Imani Stewart-Jackson, community manager for the Ninth District of Philadelphia. "We know that it is going to take more than one interaction."

This new initiative appears to have brought some energy and interest from leaders in the interfaith community.

"I cannot do this alone," Parker said. "How many of you are prepared to meet the opportunity? We won't allow you to say that the city did not proactively attempt to make you partners. You can't be partners unless you step out of that official capacity and get engaged and help us do the work."


Mayor Cherelle Parker, center, is surrounded by interfaith leaders, holding up her signature "One Philly" finger at City Hall Tuesday.


MIM: The truth about interfaith being seen by Muslims as 'jihad through Da'wah'.

"Qaradawi Says Purpose Of Interfaith Dialogue With Christians Is Conversion And Action Against Israel"

"A Qatari newspaper has reported that Youssef Qaradawi has said that the major purpose of Muslim interfaith dialogue with Christians to "invite" them to Islam and "to stand up together against Zionism and the Israeli arrogance and tyranny." In his statement, Dr. Qaradawi first responds to a question about conversion by saying that God has ordered Muslims to "Invite (all) to the Way of thy Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching":…"


MIM: More on Interfaith as bad faith.

Jihad through "Con"version : Exploiting good faith, and the Constitution, to recruit converts to Islam

July 9, 2004

Conquest or Conversion : Da'wa as Jihad and Terrorism

This from Jihad Watch:

A leading Islamic cleric ,Yusuf al-Qaradawi also promises that eventually Islam will prevail over all other religions and a single Islamic state will rule the world.

Al-Qaradawi says some countries will fall to the armed Islamic jihad, but in others, such as the United States, victory will come through Da'wah - the teaching of Islam to non-Muslims - which will trigger Westerners to convert to Islam "in droves.".

"We will conquer Europe, we will conquer America! Not through (the) sword, but through Da'wa al-Qaradawi told members of the Muslim Arab Youth Association at the group's 1995 convention in Toledo, Ohio.

"Jihad can be with the pen and the tongue just as it can be with the sword and the spear. Islamic Jihad is not limited to military efforts only; it extends beyond this, including several means that Muslims need to utilize now more than ever."


What Muslims really believe about interfaith as a weapon of Da'wa:

"The Call for the Unity of Religions is a False and Dangerous Call"

"Anyone who disbelieves in the complete truthfulness of... the Qur'an, is a disbeliever and is not a brother or sister to the muslims".
May 23, 2005


Parker launches interfaith roundtable: 'We can't do all of this by ourselves, so you all have to help us'

PHILADELPHIA (KYW Newsradio) — Mayor Cherelle Parker says she intends to run policy decisions by an interfaith roundtable that she launched last week.

Parker likes to get big groups of people together. This is the third roundtable she has convened — following a business roundtable and an inter-governmental roundtable — and she says it's not just for show.

"You know, I don't like meeting just for the sake of meeting. I want something tangible that comes out of the effort."

She told the members at the recent launch event that she tried to gather the largest, most diverse group she could.

"This is the first time we've had a formal structure," the mayor said. "Yes, past mayors have had a liaison to the faith-based community and I think that's nice. But the way I envisioned 'interfaith' was every race, ethnicity, spiritual and religious leader that you could imagine all being at the table."

She said she wants to use them as a sounding board for policy decisions and for outreach, so their congregations are aware and taking advantage of city programs that can benefit them.

"We have great programs here in the city of Philadelphia, but the public thinks they need a hookup to get connected to the programs. We do a poor job of marketing,"

Parker says she also wants the members to weigh in on policies that affect their communities.

"We are not always going to agree. I know that," Parker said. "I done fought with some of the people in this room before. I know we'll fight again about something. But that makes you even more valuable."


MIM: Here are the Muslim participants in the Interfaith Roundtable. The Interfaith Center of Greater Philadelphia is headed by Imam and Temple professor Quaiser Abdullah who preaches at the Al Qaeda linked Quba Institute aka The Mosque of The International Muslim Brotherhood and is the Faculty Advisor of the Muslim Student Association at Temple University. The MSA is an arm of the Muslim Brotherhood and works with the Students For Justice In Palestine promoting Jew hatred and jihad on campus.

MIM:For more on Imam Quaiser Abdullah and the Quba Institute aka Mosque of The International Muslim Brotherhood see:

Imam Quaiser Abdullah: Made 'Director Of Muslim Engagement' By Philly Mayor Parker After Endorsements By CAIR & Emgage

April 25, 2024

Mayor Cherelle L. Parker Announces Appointments and Reappointments as the Parker Administration Continues to Grow

March 7, 2024


MIM: In 2007 Muslim students from the Quba Institute aka the International Mosque of the Muslim Brotherhood held an 'interfaith' event with young students from the Gratz Jewish College and the Archbishop Carroll High School under the aegis of the Sukkat Shalom-Peace Shelter-Dar Us Salaam and the Interfaith Center of Greater Philadelphia.

"...Spending an evening making meals for the needy was just part of an event called Sukkat Shalom/Peace Shelter/Darus-Salam held on Nov. 16. An interfaith program for students, it was organized by Seasons of Service, the Interfaith Center of Greater Philadelphia's Walking the Walk: Values in Action and the Suburban Jewish Community Center-B'nai Aaron in Havertown.

The Christian, Muslim and Jewish students came together at B'nai Aaron not just to help others, but to learn more about themselves in the process...."

"...The night began with a primer on hospitality in each of the faith traditions, presented by three religious educators. Mohammad Aziz, chairman of the board of directors of the Islamic Society of Valley Forge, talked about how, in Islamic teachings, Muslims are instructed to welcome a guest into their home for three days before even asking the reason for the visit.

Rabbi Alan LaPayover, former associate rabbi of Congregation Beth Am Israel in Penn Valley, spoke of the tradition of hospitality during Jewish holidays and festivals, noting the symbolic invitation offered to Abraham, Moses and David to dine in the sukkah during Sukkot, and the throwing open of the door for visitors before the Passover seder.

Molly Roach, director of religious education at Philadelphia's St. Timothy's Parish, discussed the work of Dorothy Day -- the founder of the Catholic Worker movement -- and her efforts to feed the poor. While groups like hers didn't always have enough to feed everyone or even keep themselves afloat, Roach said Day insisted that "divine providence [would] provide for them..."

"Students form friendships that wouldn't occur normally," attested "Rabbi" Carol Harris-Shapiro, a professor at Gratz College and a board member at the Interfaith Center. Not only are relationships growing between adherents of these faiths, she said, but also between teens from urban and suburban backgrounds. And because the program lasts an entire year, the time exists for real bonds to develop.

"All of the components reinforce each other," she concluded. "They're learning about one another at the same time they're learning about the world."


CAIR and Hasan Al Turabi - Quba Institute does Interfaith with the Philly Mitzvah Food Pantry

January 9, 2007

MIM: In the 1990's Sudanese cleric and politician Imam Hassan al Turabi. who was educated in the West gave sanctuary to Osama Bin Laden and Aymann Al Zawahiri (the present fuhrer of Al Qaeda).

According to the Quba Institute's now deleted website Hassan Al Turabi has 'replenished and supported' their "educational agenda".

MIM: From the Quba Institute's now deleted website


The Quba Institute of Arabic and Islamic Studies is a corollary of the International Muslim Brotherhood, Inc. The International Muslim Brotherhood was established in 1949. It is the oldest indigenous Muslim Organization/Masjid in Philadelphia. From as far back as 1967, when the first Adult Islamic Educational Programs were established, this masjid has been at the forefront of Islamic education. During that time, International Muslim Brotherhood forged partnerships with the Muslim Student Associations of local Universities to expand the level of competency of their educational outreach programs.

***Such educational and political luminaries as Hassan Turabi, the former President of the Sudan***; Abdul-Hamid Abu Sulaiman, the Director of the Islamic University of Malaysia and Medhat Hassanein, the Minister of Finance of The Arab Republic of Egypt ***have added their voices and their efforts to replenish and support International Muslim Brotherhood's educational agenda.***

In a 1997/8 (?) AP interview Hassan al Turabi proclaimed:

"America incarnates the devil for Muslims. When I say Muslims, I mean all the Muslims in the world."

Hassan al-Turabi, Saddam Hussein's close ally, Osama bin Laden's friend and one-time benefactor, as quoted in an interview with the Associated Press (1997)"...

"...Al-Turabi "led the creation of the NIF police state and associated NIF militias to consolidate Islamist power and prevent a popular uprising," the rights group said.

He was also an avid supporter of jihadists. In a 1998 interview with The Associated Press, al-Turabi said the US Embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania that year were "understandable."

"Anyone who resists power or persecution – if you like him, you call him ... a freedom fighter, a revolutionary," al-Turabi said. "It's only when you don't like him you use another language, that he's a terrorist."


Imam Quaiser D. Abdullah, Ph.D.

Board Chair

Imam Quaiser D. Abdullah, Ph.D., is an assistant professor in the Department of Communication, Social Influence in Klein College of Media and Communication at Temple University, and Director of Muslim Engagement for the city of Philadelphia. He also serves as the Program Director for the Master of Science in Communication Management at Klein. His teaching portfolio covers undergraduate and graduate courses in conflict resolution, mediation, conflict within educational systems, interpersonal communication, leadership, and organizational development. Imam Quaiser earned his undergraduate degree in Political Science and Religion, with a minor in Asian Studies. He then went on to earn a graduate degree in Adult Learning and Organizational Development and a doctorate in Educational Psychology.

Imam Quaiser currently serves as the board chair for Interfaith Philadelphia (2021-2024), co-president for the Association for Conflict Resolution (2023-2024), co-chair for the Mayor's Commission on Faith-Based and Interfaith Affairs (2022-2024) and faculty/staff advisor for the MSA at Temple University.

In 2013, SAGE published his chapter entitled "Muslim Leader Formation and Education" under the Religious Leadership project in The SAGE Reference Series on Leadership.

His chapter, "Daanaa Abdullah: Exemplar of Community Leadership" was published in Democratic Ethical Educational Leadership: Reclaiming School Reform, in 2015 by Routledge.

Imam Quaiser is one of the Imams at Masjid Quba. He has also served as Chairman and COO of Quba Institute, which is a 60-year-old organization that has established social institutions that support the Muslim community in the Philadelphia area.

He also served as the conference chair for the Muslim Alliance of North America's (MANA's) annual conference in Philadelphia in 2007 and 2008. He also served as a chaplain with the 18th District in Philadelphia's Police Department. Imam Quaiser is the president of Statera Coaching and Leadership Consulting, LLC. Statera Coaching is a private company that focuses on conflict resolution, leadership development, workforce training and development, professional & conflict coaching and organizational development. He is a certified Conflict Resolution in Education trainer, certified coach, Positive Discipline Educator and a trained mediator in the area of Transformative Mediation, with a focus on family, divorce and custody mediation.


Isam Osman, J.D.

Isam Osman is a Philadelphia native who joined Interfaith Philadelphia's program as a high school student. He later grew into a role as a student group leader with Interfaith Philadelphia and began leading seminars and workshops.

He completed his undergraduate degree in Biomedical Engineering at Drexel University where he continued his interfaith work by heading to Chicago to be trained by the Interfaith Youth Core to begin a grass roots movement of interfaith dialogue at the University. Isam is currently working in the Healthcare Consulting space while continuing his search and activity of bridging gaps of understanding among our extremely vibrant and diverse communities.


MIM:The Interfaith Youth Core which trained Osman is headed by Muslim Brotherhood operative Eboo Patel.

For more on the Interfaith Youth Core's Da'wa mission see:

Eboo Patel and The Interfaith Youth Core - Da'wa's Newest Media Darling

June 11, 2008


Eboo Patel Again Reveals His Duplicity

July 21, 2008


MIM: Note Sabir's CAIR membership.


Ejaz Sabir, J.D.

Ejaz A. Sabir is an attorney by profession in the greater Philadelphia area. Mr. Sabir has over 15 years of experience in various roles including a legal advisor, public speaker and founding member of Sabir Law Group. He has represented clients from over 70 different countries.

Mr. Sabir is the first attorney from Northern India (Kashmir) to concurrently serve as an advisor on Asian Affairs committees of City of Philadelphia Mayor, District Attorney, and Police commissioner.

He has also served as a member of the Asian Pacific American Bar Association of Pennsylvania, National Association of Muslim Lawyers, ***Council on American-Islamic Relations, ***and Amnesty International. Mr. Sabir is an active member of several interfaith organizations, he speaks to clarify misconceptions about Islam, civic engagements, and immigrant rights and has been involved in interfaith programs in over 50 establishments in the tri-state area.

​Mr. Sabir has received Certificates and Awards from different organizations for his professional and social contributions which include Channel 6abc Outstanding Community Service Award, Top 10 Best Attorneys as published by the American Institute of Legal Counsel, Top Lawyers 2015 as published in Main Line Today, Philadelphia Mayoral Commission on Asian Affairs, Christian League of Pakistan in America, Philadelphia Sikh Society of Delaware Valley, Pakistan Community Cultural organization, Philadelphia Police Commission on Asian Affairs, Philadelphia District Attorney Commission on Asian Affairs, and Successful Aging Career Institute of Upper Darby. He currently serves on Board of Directors for Interfaith Philadelphia.

​Ejaz A. Sabir is a graduate of the Temple University (Cum Laude) and earned his Juris Doctor degree in two years from Western Michigan University. He lives in Downingtown with his wife, their son Abdullah, daughters Fatimah , Ayesha and Sara, and a cat called Merlin!


Imam Mikal Da'ood Muslim Shabazz

​Mikal currently serves as an Imam at Masjidullah, the Assistant Northeast Regional/Section Convener of Imams of Masajid in the Association of the late and great ***Imam W. Deen Mohammed, ***an Interfaith Philadelphia Board Member and, after retirement from EPA, a Physics and Chemistry teacher at the New African Online School. During his tenure in Al-Islam, he has served in a variety of capacities including an ***Account Manager/Bookkeeper for a National Islamic Weekly Newspaper***, a Math, Chemistry and Biology instructor at the University of Islam, the Director of Adult Education at the Philadelphia Masjid and Cultural Development Chairman and Convener for the Family Nights of Music. At Masjidullah, he has served on various committees, and as an Arabic Instructor, Director of the Islamic Studies Institute, Masjid Administrator, Director of Masjidullah's Men's Association Training and Development Program, an Organizational Development Consultant, Recognition and Appreciation Benefits Banquet (RABB) Chairman, Executive Committee Chairman, Special Projects Chairman, Family Life Conference Chairman, Governmental Infrastructure Commission Chairman, an Islamic Studies Instructor at Masjidullah's Madressatul Islamiyyah, Masjidullah Chief of Staff, Assistant Resident Imam and Resident Imam.

​Outside of his Masjid activities, Mikal had worked as an Environmental Engineer, the Regional Toxic Release Inventory Coordinator, a Program Analyst, an On-Scene Coordinator, the Chemical Accident Prevention Programs Team Leader, the Regional Emergency Rapid Response Support Project Officer/Emergency Planner which involved daily management of a $165 million contract for biological, nuclear, chemical and oil spill emergency responses and disaster preparation and homeland security programs, as a Senior Enforcement Officer/Inspector and as a Project Officer for Remedial Action Contracts for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Mid-Atlantic Region. He has received a Gold Medal for Excellence in Government Service, seven Bronze Medals for Commendable Service, the highest award offered at the Regional level, and two Special Achievement Awards for Outstanding Performance from the EPA.

​Prior to joining EPA, Mikal served as a Process Engineer and Operations Trainer with ARCO Petroleum Products Company where he provided regular unit surveillance, solved non-routine operating problems, conducted energy conservation and corrosion control projects, optimized process unit operations and provided supervision for special unit turnaround situations. He trained veteran and new employees on Refining Fundamentals, new operating and computer control equipment, edited, revised, developed, authored and coauthored various training and operating manuals. He also served as a trainer for the Refinery's Quality Improvement Program (QIP) where he trained foremen, supervisors, and managers on QIP principles. Mikal was a steering committee member of ARCO's Civic Action Program where he served on the Political Action Subcommittee. Also, as part of his Community Involvement, he served as Chairman for two non-profit organizations, the Marcus Foster Educational & Cultural Center and the Stenton Park Advisory Council.

​Mikal has a B.S. in Chemical Engineering from Drexel University where he has also done graduate course work in Polymer Chemistry, Engineering Geology, Hydrology, and Groundwater Hydrogeology. He is a student of various Islamic scholars, ***a graduate of Imam Muhammad ibn Saud Islamic University's Intensive Shariah Workshop from the Institute of Arabic and Islamic Sciences in America***, a graduate of the U.S Army's Primary Leadership Development and Officer's Basic Courses, and a graduate the U.S. EPA's Greater Leadership Opportunity and Executive Leadership Programs. He has served a both a non-commissioned and commissioned U.S. Army Reserve Officer and has received several Army Achievement and Commendation medals and a veteran of Operation Enduring and Iraqi Freedom. Captain Mikal Shabazz retired from the military as a Medical Service Corp Officer in Special Forces of the US Army's Civil Affairs & Psychological Operations Command.

​Mikal, along with his beloved and multi-talented late wife, Taiyibah Shabazz, have foster parented 14 children, four of which they adopted and four of which were unaccompanied orphan refugees from Africa. He and his brilliant and beautiful wife, Shirley Jones-Shakur, both former widows, have over 67 years of combined marriage experience and are parents of six children and currently grandparents of seven. Mikal's hobbies include line-dancing, listening to and playing music, where he serves as an amateur reed instrument player, which includes baritone, tenor alto and soprano saxophones, flute and clarinet, and has played with big bands and small ensembles for over forty years.


In 2016 Imam Mikal Shabazz wrote a piece in response to the religious question "should Black Muslims vote in 2016?

The article appeared as one of several on a web posting headlined "The Ballot or the Bullet"?

"The Ballot or the Bullet" was the title of speech made by Malcolm X in 1964, ironically, at the King Solomon Baptist Church in Cleveland,Ohio and became the definitive manifesto of Black Nationalist Philosophy after he split from the Nation of Islam.

The 'Ballot or the Bullet' became a slogan and rallying cry for Black nationalism as 'a self help philosophy'.

(The speech was also given 9 days earlier in Detroit but the Detroit speech is regarded as the definitive version.)

Excerpts from the Detroit speech:

"The political philosophy of black nationalism only means that the black man should control the politics and the politicians in his own community"

"...I'm not a Republican, nor a Democrat, nor an American – and got sense enough to know it."

I'm one of the 22 million black victims of the Democrats. One of the 22 million black victims of the Republicans and one of the 22 million black victims of Americanism. [applause] And when I speak, I don't speak as a Democrat or a Republican, nor an American. I speak as a victim of America's so-called democracy. You and I have never seen democracy – all we've seen is hypocrisy...."

We've experienced only the American nightmare. We haven't benefited from America's democracy. We've only suffered from America's hypocrisy. And the generation that's coming up now can see it. And are not afraid to say it. If you go to jail, so what? If you're black, you were born in jail.."

"...This is why I say it's the ballot or the bullet. It's liberty or it's death. It's freedom for everybody or freedom for nobody. [applause] America today finds herself in a unique situation. Historically, revolutions are bloody, oh yes they are. They have never had a bloodless revolution. Or a non-violent revolution. That don't happen even in Hollywood [laughter] You don't have a revolution in which you love your enemy. And you don't have a revolution in which you are begging the system of exploitation to integrate you into it. Revolutions overturn systems. Revolutions destroy systems..."


In the Largest Mass Possible

By Imam Mikal Da'ood Muslim Shabazz

Should Black Muslims Vote in 2016? My short answer to the above question is "in the largest mass possible" because it is an obligation.

Voting is part of what we can do to help make our city, country and world better for ourselves and our offspring, which should be our intention. Since we do pay taxes, it is important for us to determine how our monies are being used, otherwise we have taxation without representation. By being involved in the political process via voting, we have the potential opportunity to not only express ourselves and our interest but to in fact influence foreign and domestic spending, e.g., enhance the quality of life via environmental, health and food protection and safety, better educational and transportation improvements, balanced and reasonable foreign aid, and so on.


One small example of the benefits of Muslims' political involvement is the School District of Philadelphia now has on its 2017-18 calendar and beyond, the Eidain Holidays where everyone, students, teachers, faculty and administrators all will have those days off to celebrate Eid al Fitr and Eid al Adha. Not only do the Muslims within the school district benefit, but there is a corresponding Dawah process that inevitably occurs

So, in this election cycle, Black Muslims in America should vote in mass and encourage everyone within their sphere of influence to do the same. We owe it to ourselves, to our ancestors, our offspring and to our Lord if it is our intent to make our world more pleasing to Almighty G'd."


MIM:The vision of Imam Shabazz's Masjid Masjidullah.


Masjidullah is on a mission, with the Help of Allah, to establish respect for the Holy Qur'an as the book of guidance for humanity, and the life of Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Blessing upon Him) as the example for human conduct. Masjidullah has always been a strong supporter of the leadership and tafsir of Imam W. Deen Mohammed. His approach puts us in the best position to establish the Quran & Sunnah in 21st century America.


The name "Shabazz": Where did it come from?

By Yahya Monastra

Probably most people first became aware of the name Shabazz as a designation for the African-American people through a reference to it in the autobiography of Malcolm X; where Malcolm (may Allah's mercy be upon him), in the middle of a discussion on Elijah Muhammad's racial doctrine, says: "One of the scientists, at odds with the rest, created the especially strong black tribe of Shabazz, from which America's Negroes, so-called, descend." [1] The name gained further currency when Malcolm adopted it during his Hajj as part of his new Islamic name: EI-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz. To this day, it is used as a surname by many African-American Muslims.

One of the lengthiest published expositions on the mythology of the "tribe of Shabazz: is in Elijah Muhammad's book A Message to the Blackman in America, in the chapter "Original man, know thyself':

"(God) had declared that we are descendants of the Asian black nation and of the tribe of Shabazz. Originally they were the tribe that came with the earth (or this part) 60 trillion years ago when a great explosion on our planet divided it into two parts. One we call the earth and the other the moon."

"We, the tribe of Shabazz, say Allah (God), were the first to discover the best part of our planet to live on. The rich Nile Valley of Egypt and the present seat of the Holy City, Mecca, Arabia ... Weare the mighty, the wise, the best, but we do not know it.


Adnan A. Zulfiqar, J.D., Ph.D.

​Adnan A. Zulfiqar, J.D., Ph.D. is a legal scholar, historian and educator. He is an Associate Professor of Law at Rutgers Law School where he teaches courses on criminal law, criminal procedure and Islamic law. His scholarly work centers on legal obligation, revolutionary jurisprudence and criminal codes. Adnan is also Co-Founder and CFO of Banja Umodzi ("One Family"), a humanitarian organization focused on orphan care, relief aid and reconstruction in urban and rural areas of Malawi (Africa). It remains the work he is most passionate about.

Adnan has been actively involved in interfaith work for over 20 years, including on the Administrative Committee of the Religious Leaders Council of Greater Philadelphia, the Zones of Peace Interfaith Taskforce and the Steering Committee for the Jewish and Muslim Emerging Leaders Retreat. He previously served as Interfaith Fellow and Campus Minister to the Muslim Community at the University of Pennsylvania and on the board of Masjid Quba. He is currently a board member of Sapelo Square.
Adnan received his B.A. in Religion and Anthropology from Emory University, M.L.S. in International Affairs from Georgetown University, and his J.D. (Law), M.A. and Ph.D. (Near Eastern Languages & Civilizations) from the University of Pennsylvania.

Adnan speaks multiple languages and spent over a decade of his life residing in the Middle East, South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. He currently lives in Philadelphia with his wife and three kids, who have inherited his love of basketball, the ocean and Brazilian jiu-jitsu.

MIM:Excerpts from the faculty biography of Adnan Zulfiqar who is listed as an "Associate Professor of Law" at Rutgers University who is described as a "legal historian working on Islamic law... with specific interests in legal obligation, jihad & revolution, policing and criminal codes".

"...Adnan A. Zulfiqar, J.D., Ph.D., is a legal historian working on Islamic law, criminal law and law in the Global South, with specific interests in legal obligation, jihad & revolution, policing and criminal codes..."

"Professor Zulfiqar currently serves on the Board of Directors of The Merchant's Fund, Interfaith Philadelphia and Millions of Conversations. He is serving for a second time as Chair of the Section on Islamic Law at the American Association of Law Schools (AALS) and previously was on the Annual Meeting Committee (2020-21) of the American Society for International Law (ASIL), the Editorial Board of the Arab Law Quarterly, the Advisory Board of Sapelo Square and on the Legal Advisory Committee of the ACLU in Philadelphia. From 2021-23, he served as a Commissioner (mayoral appointment) on the Philadelphia Human Relations Commission, the city's official civil rights agency. "

"…Professor Zulfiqar is a Regional Scholar at the University of Pennsylvania's Middle East Center, Editor at Harvard Law School's SHARIASource and faculty affiliate at the Rutgers Center for Transnational Law and the Center for Security, Race & Rights.


Nzinga El-Mekki Abdullah-Aziz

Nzinga El-Mekki Abdullah-Aziz spent her childhood growing up between Qum, Iran and Philadelphia, PA.

She later attended Jami'at uz-Zahra (Women's' Islamic Theological Seminary) in Qum, Iran, from 1993-1997.

Nzinga is a graduate of Drexel University, holding a Master of Science degree in Nursing Education and has worked as a registered nurse for nearly twenty years, primarily in the Community Health setting.

She is certified in Hospice and Palliative Care, currently employed as a Hospice Nurse Navigator and pursuing training as an End-of-Life doula. As a mother of two, her interests are grounded in the spiritual and physical wellness of human beings. Nzinga is involved in various activities and projects and enjoys spending time with others who recognize the richness and depth of our interwoven tapestry.


MIM: Nzinga Al- Mekki Abdullah Aziz attended Jamiat al- Zahra prominent Shia womens university/seminary from 1993 until 1997 "which was established at the request of the late Imam Khomeini". "Teachers at Jami'at al-Zahra include Rahim Ra'ouf, Fariba Alasvand and Farideh Mostafavi (Khomeini's daughter).[2]"

MIM: In 1988 Irans 'Supreme Leader' Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini told the New York Times:

"We are intent on tearing out the roots of corrupting Zionism, capitalism, and Communism in the world. We have decided to rely on God Almighty to destroy the regimes which are based on these three pillars, in order to spread the regime of the Islam of the messenger of God—peace be on him and his scion—in a world of arrogance."

—Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, July 20, 1988, quoted in The New York Times, July 23, 1988

MIM: For more on the Iranian Revolution and continuing jihad against the West and Israel see:

MIM: Jamiat Al- Zahra University where Interfaith Philadelphia member Nzinga Mekki al Abdullah studied for four years is regarded as the 'Fruit of the Islamic Revolution'and aims to promote and continue Khomeini's toxic legacy.


Chancellor of Jamiat Al-Zahra University:

Jamiat Al-Zahra Fruit of Islamic Revolution

August 23,2022


Saying that Jamiat Al-Zahra University is one of the great fruits of the Iranian Islamic Revolution and one of the relics of the Late Imam Khomeini, Mrs. Burqai stressed the need for the effective presence of scholarly, pious, and committed women to form civilized Islamic families and promote the Islamic lifestyle, as well as to attend scientific and managerial positions.

Hawzah News Agency- Chancellor of Jamiat Al-Zahra University Ms. Zahra Burqai was a keynote speaker in the special program organized to commemorate the anniversary of the establishment of Jamiat Al-Zahra University by order of Late Imam Khomeini, which was held with the presence of a group of seminary scholars, in the meeting hall of the management area of this scientific institution.

Ms. Zahra Burqai offered condolences on the occasion of the days of mourning for the leader of the martyrs Imam Hussain (PBUH) and the martyrdom of the Imam Sajjad (PBUH) and said," Jamiat Al-Zahra University is one of the great fruits of the Islamic Revolution and one of the relics of the Late Imam Khomeini."

Jamiat Al-Zahra is the fruit of the Islamic Revolution

The Chancellor of Jamiat Al-Zahra University stated, "Jamiat Al-Zahra is in a sense the fruit of the Islamic Revolution and the result of the progressive principle of the Islamic jurisprudence and following it in the structure of the Islamic Republic of Iran."

Ms. Burqai further noted," It was the profound thinking of the Imam Khomeini that was able to fulfill the historical wish of Muslim women for the systematic study of religious sciences in the Shiite world."

She further noted," Islam, as the most perfect divine religion, and with the blessing of the enlightening verses of the Holy Quran and the life-giving instructions of the Ahl al-Bayt, peace be upon them, has guaranteed the happiness of all humans and has considered the study of science and knowledge to be essential to attain perfection."

It must be noted that Jami'at al-Zahra is the world's main Shia seminary for women. It is located in Qom, Iran.

The seminary teaches female students only, both Iranian and foreign. Most students attend the college, though distance learning is also possible. If they are single, students may reside in the dormitories associated with Jami'at al-Zahra. Otherwise, they live at home.

This item is available on the Militant Islam Monitor website, at