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Al - Ghani Showed 'True Face" Of SFMF's Jihad Promotion And Jew Hatred On Facebook
June 24, 2019
It appears Abdur Rahman al-Ghani's job as Facebook Manager for the South Florida Muslim Federation (SFMF) Facebook page may be over. Following two FrontPage articles written by this author, exposing al-Ghani's hatred for Jews and America and support for an Islamic State, SFMF has removed the ‘Team Member' section from its Facebook page (SoFlo Muslims), which listed al-Ghani as its sole team member. At the same time, al-Ghani removed from the ‘Intro' section of his own Facebook page that he "Manages SoFlo Muslims."
The South Florida Muslim Federation has only been around for just over two years, and in that short period of time, major issues have been exposed regarding the terror and hate-related groups and individuals involved with it.
The Executive Director of SFMF is Nezar Hamze. Prior to leading the Federation, Hamze was the Regional Operations Director for the Florida chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), an organization with foundational and financial ties to Hamas. Wilfredo Ruiz, the Public Relations Director of SFMF, is also the current Communications Director of CAIR-Florida and the legal advisor for the American Muslim Association of North America (AMANA), a group that has been cited by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) for anti-Semitic activity.
Both CAIR and AMANA are member organizations of SFMF. Indeed, SFMF is an umbrella group for most, if not all, of South Florida's radical Muslim organizations, including all of South Florida's radical mosques.
This past March, SFMF's Council of Imams held its second meeting at the Islamic Center of Greater Miami (ICGM). One of the participants at the meeting was Izhar Khan, the imam of Masjid Jamaat Al-Mumineen (MJAM), located in Margate. From 2011 to 2013, Khan spent 20 months in a Miami federal detention center on charges of terrorism. According to the indictment against him, "Izhar is a Pakistani Taliban sympathizer who worked with… others to collect and deliver money for the Pakistani Taliban… Izhar… provided and attempted to provide material support and resources… knowing and intending that they be used in preparation for and in carrying out… a conspiracy to murder, kidnap, and maim persons in a foreign country."
SFMF has a Facebook page, SoFlo Muslims. Up until at least last month, the group's Facebook Manager was Abdur Rahman al-Ghani. As of this writing, any mention of al-Ghani's connection to the SFMF Facebook page has been removed. It is probably not a coincidence that this took place following the publishing of two scathing articles written by this author, documenting the bigotry and extremism of al-Ghani.
Al-Ghani believes Jews are inherently wicked and in control of the media and world banking system, which he refers to as the "Global Zionist Banksters Plan." The following are quotes attributed to al-Ghani and others, which al-Ghani has proudly posted onto social media about Jews: 1) "Bolshevic Jews are the children of Satan." 2) "80% of so-called Jews are really Ashkenazi Zionist, a derivative of the Khazarians." 3) "All the world suffers from the usury of the Jews, their monopolies and deceit." 4). "Zionist/Israelis are not holy people. They are demonic and the most evil on earth."
In November 2012, al-Ghani targeted homosexuals, quoting an individual named Alioune Ndiaye, who had written about the opening of a gay-friendly mosque in France. Al-Ghani's post states, "If you are gay, you are not a Muslim,you are a stone cold kaffir outside the fold of Islam. No one is born gay, it is a sickness a person nurses either from their evil desires, or a behavior that was learnt either from abuse or from being evil by nature… May the curse of Allah be upon these people who are trying to make a mockery of our deen…"
Though he resides here, al-Ghani hates the United States and those who fight to defend her. In April 2012, he posted a graphic labeling the US the "Worlds Number One Terrorist Organization." In November 2011, he posted a picture of someone holding a sign reading, "Democracy is Cancer. Islam is the Answer." In April 2012, he posted a graphic of the prohibition sign over the word "Democracy" along with an image of a demon. Next to it, he wrote, "JUST SAY NO!!!... TO democracy, parliaments and dictators! KHILAFAH or nothing!!!" In March 2012, al-Ghani posted a graphic stating, "ISLAM WILL DOMINATE THE WORLD."
Al-Ghani has posted material in favor of terrorist groups and threatening US institutions. In February 2012, he posted a bloodied CIA logo with the caption, "Wiping out the CIA." In September 2012, he paid homage to deceased al-Qaeda leader Anwar al-Awlaki, posting an image bearing al-Awlaki's name and containing a black Islamic flag, with the ominous caption, "ALLAH IS PREPARING US FOR VICTORY." In November 2012, he posted a photo depicting Hamas militants with the caption, "The few the brave. They are not [a] regular army. They have nothing to fight [for] except a strong faith on Allah. We love u Hamas. U are the real hero."
In July 2017, Abdur Rahman al-Ghani became the first person to review the SFMF Facebook page, at a time when the page was being designed and the group was being established. No doubt, al-Ghani was involved with SFMF at an early stage. And now, despite the fact that al-Ghani's name is gone, the type of hatred and incitement he propagated will continue.
Al-Ghani revealed the ‘true face' of the South Florida Muslim Federation. Its leadership, membership and activities prove that SFMF is pushing a toxic Islamist agenda that is no small threat to the community. It is a bigotry-driven group, which must be investigated for its terrorist associations and shut down immediately.
Beila Rabinowitz, Director of Militant Islam Monitor, contributed to this report.
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