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Humanitarian Organizations Cooperate With Libyan Migrant Traffickers in "Rescue Operations" In The Mediterranean Sea

July 10, 2017


Italian prosecutors are investigating humanitarian organizations who send huge rescue ships just outside or even inside the Libyan territorial waters where they pick up tens of thousands mostly African economic migrants and subsequently provide them with a kind of "ferry service" to southern Italy. Two weeks ago,12,000 migrants arrived in Italy in just a few days time! It is believed that the rescuers are cooperating with dangerous and ruthless Libyan migrant traffickers and are therefore facilitating illegal migration to the European Schengen area.They are suspected of coordinating their rescue efforts with North African migrant traffickers who are making huge profits every day. These migrant traffickers put their victims deliberately in unseaworthy inflatable boats or dinghies and then make cell or satellite phone calls to the rescue ships nearby.

Sicilian prosecutor Carmelo Zuccaro told the Amsterdam-based newspaper "De Telegraaf" that two rescue ships sailing under the Dutch flag are under investigation now. There indications that they made deals with criminal migrant trafficking gangs about clandestine migration to Europe. One of the organizations that is being investigated is "Sea Watch," but they deny, of course, that they are doing anything illegal. Sea Watch is owned by Germans. The same applies to the rescue ship "Jugend Rettet," also flying under the Dutch flag.

Zuccaro says that another rescue ship called "Migrant Offshore Aid Station" is using drones and other extremely expensive techniques with a view to quickly tracing the overcrowded inflatable boats close to the Libyan coast. "Aid to clandestine migration is punishable under certain circumstances," Zuccaro says. Since these so-called rescue operations began, the number of economic migrants from Africa has increased drastically. Egyptians, Iraqis Syrians and Lebanese are also using this Mediterranean route more and more now.

"The Local" (Italy) quotes Italian admiral Enrico Credendino, commander of the EU's anti-trafficking operation Sophia. He said in an interview with the Italian daily Corriere della Sera that humanitarian Non-Governmental Organizations or NGOs "do attract migrant boats, at least in the dark." "At night they use large flood lights, the traffickers see them and send the dinghies (carrying migrants) toward the lights."

Massive influx of African economic migrants destabilizes the Italian economy

The massive influx of economic migrants from Africa is destabilizing the already crisis-stricken Italian economy. Pensions have been cut and the southern part of Italy is very poor indeed. Moreover, there are huge cultural and social clashes. Polygamy, rape, witchcraft (voodoo in Nigeria and the so-called "Evil Eye" in Morocco and Egypt, for example) and corruption are widespread in Africa and in Somalia Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is quite common.Women who refuse to be circumcized are severely punished. A lot of Somali women who successfully applied for aslyum in Europe even return to dangerous Somalia with their daughters to have these poor girls circumcized over there and in accordance with highly primitive local traditions.

And many Eritreans are deliberately sent to Europe by the despicable Eritrean regime and then forced to pay a lot of "taxes" to the regime once they have a job. Eritrean embassies and consulates are instructed to closely monitor the activities of Eritrean communities abroad.

Yalda Hakim from BBC News reported on July 8, 2017, that is estimated that over 250,000 largely economic migrants will be smuggled to Italy by Libyan and African migrant traffickers this year alone, a huge number! This reporter, who speaks Arabic quite well, also reported that 80 percent of the Nigerian women who entered Italy are trafficked and forced into prostitution. You now see them all over Italy, begging for money and male clients. About 11,000 of these women entered Italy in 2016. "They have to pay a debt of 40,000 Euro to the traffickers," Yalda Hakim reported in the BBC series Our World. European NGOs who assisted the migrant traffickers are guilty as well. So are liberal journalists who criticize belated European measures to curb the uncontrollable influx of hundreds of thousands of Africans, North Africans and Muslims from the Middle East.

The Dutch daily news program "Nieuwsuur," for example, interviewed Agalith,a migrant trafficker from Niger who complained that he went out of business because the European Union (EU) finally managed to train the local police giving money to them to stop migrant traffickers in the desert. At least one hundred pickup trucks, have been confiscated so far. Each of these heavily overcrowded trucks carried 24 mostly economic migrants who had to pay thousands of dollars for the trip to Libya. Nieuwsuur reporter Bram Vermeulen and Nieuwsuur editor Twan Huys told their Dutch viewers on July 8, 2017, that the now unemployed migrant traffickers might join radical Islamic movements who are very successful in recruiting young frustrated African males.

Moreover, the traffickers from Niger are now forced take alternative routes in the desert resulting in more deaths, because these criminals often simply leave their victims alone in the desert. "This is not the fault of the European Union,"Raul Mateus Paula, the EU ambassador to Niger, told Nieuwsuur. "Those who are to blame are the traffickers." "A law against criminals has been adopted democratically. We support a government. People are now dying because they are left alone by criminals. These people (the traffickers, V.) ought to be in jail."

Niger adopted a new law against migrant trafficking in 2015. That law was not enforced, but this year the police of Niger began to arrrest migrant traffickers. Niger received one billion Euros from the European Union and its police force is now being trained by EUCAP.

There are also not very few terrorists and radicalized Muslims among the asylum seekers in Italy and Germany. Last month, for example, a 29-year-old Iraqi asylum seeker was arrested in southern Italy for inciting terrorism – "for supplying news and materials in support of Islamic State" (ISIS), Reuters reported on June 19, 2017. "In a recorded telephone conversation between the arrested man and his sister, he said he had been called to join the ‘holy war' in his country, but had decided to stay in Italy to ‘redeem the infidels' who should have their throats cut."

Alarming police statistics on non-Western immigrants and crime

Quite recently, a Dutch court convicted the 28-year-old Somali asylum seeker Mohmmed M. because he had assaulted a young Dutch woman from the northern picturesque town of Hoorn last October. When he tried to strangle his victim, he almost killed her. He also stole her cell phone. After this crime his application for asylum was even granted, because the heavily over burdened police initially did not take the matter seriously. Klaas Dijkhoff, the Dutch Deputy Minister of Justice, now seeks to deport this man. "The permission to stay in the country can be withdrawn, if serious crimes are committed," Dijkhoff told "De Telegraaf."

Because of rising crime among non-Western asylum seekers a new law has been adoped in order to make it easer to deport these people – usually males from Muslim and African countries. Raping and assaulting women by young and frustrated male immigrants is also a huge problem in Spain, Italy, Austria, Germany, France, Belgium, Denmark, Norway and Sweden.

The Dutch daily "Algemeen Dagblad" reported on July 1, 2017, that 566 asylum seekers have been arrested because they were involved in criminal activities. Most of them were from Albania, Georgia, Morocco, Algeria and Libya. The Dutch police initially refused to reveal these data to "De Telegraaf," being the first daily to report on this contested issue. (Liberals didn't like it at all.) "De Telegraaf" had to resort to a so-called "WOB-Verzoek" (the Dutch version of the Right to Information Act).

It is not much better in Germany, by the way. There, the Federal Crime Office ("Bundeskriminalamt" or BKA) recently reported that the total number of asylum seekers/refugees that entered Germany in 2016 was about 280,000. (Not less, as some politicians and news reports claimed.) There were also nearly 500,000 illegal immigrants in Germany last year. And 174,438 immigrants (so-called "Tatverdächtige Zuwanderer") were suspected of having been involved in a crime in 2016, among them 30,699 Syrians, 17,466 Afghans, 12,202 Iraqis, 9,882 Albanians, 8,332 Algerians, 8,266 Moroccans and 4,595 Somalis. Mind you, this does not include the migrants from these countries who now have German nationality. (They are counted as "Germans.") For some reason, politicians failed to mention the high number of Syrians (30,699!) who were under suspicion in 2016.

Hysterical idiots in Hamburg

Many of those violent leftist extremists who recently created havoc in Hamburg ("Welcome2Hell!"), advocate "open borders" and are siding with the Palestinians. What these spoiled youngsters did was making war, that is what they themselves claimed at least. I clearly saw a banner with the word "Krieg"(war) in one of the many TV reports. More than 20,000 policemen were needed to protect the "G20" prime ministers and heads of state as well as Hamburg's terrified citizens. Yet, the police failed to protect many of those citizens. 476 police officers were injured. If these advocates of the "anti-capitalistic world"and their ilk want to make war in Hamburg, let me give them a very good advice: you hysterical idiots, go to to Syria or Iraq. It is right there where you will quicky find out what war really means!

Emerson Vermaat is an investigative reporter in the Netherlands, specialized in crime and terrorism.



De Telegraaf (Amsterdam), April 11, 2017, pp. 1-3, Hulp bij overtocht op de korrel.

"De organisaties zouden clandestiene migratie bevorderen en mogelijk afspraken hebben met criminele bendes die vluchtelingen in gammele bootjes de Middellandse Zee opsturen." "…Sea Watch, de organisatie die onder vuur ligt van de Italiaanse justitie." "Jugend Rettet."

Il Post (Italy), May 3, 2017, Cosa dice il procuratore Zuccaro dei migranti,

"Zuccaro ha ipotizzato di intercettare tutte le chiamate di soccorso fatte con i telefoni satatellitari dagli scafisti o dai migranti." "…destabilizzarre l'economia italiana."

The Local (Italy), March 23, 2017, Italy steps up investigation into charity-funded migrant rescue boats,

"Praying for Asylum," "Sicily Overwhelmed," BBC News Channel, "Our World," with Yalda Hakim, July 8, 2017, 18:30 p.m, continental European time,

"80 percent of the Nigerian women are trafficked." "It is estimated that over 250,000 migrants will enter Italy this year."

Nieuwsuur TV (current affairs program, Hilversum, the Netherlands), July 8, 2017, Migranten verdwalen en drogen uit in de woestijn van Niger,

Paul Mateus Paula: "Ik vind niet dat het onze fout is."

See also Bram Vermeulen's lengthy article in NRC Handelsblad (Rotterdam/Amsterdam), July 8, 2017, pp. 2, 18, 19, Smokkelaars laten migranten voor dood achter in woestijn van Niger.

Reuters, June 19, 2017, Italy arrests asylum seeker for inciting terrorism,

De Telegraaf, June 7, 2017, Vrouw lokt aanrander in de val,

"..die ervan wordt verdacht haar op gewelddadige wijze te hebben aangerand en bijna gewurgd…" "In de tussentijd heeft Mohammed M. een verblijfsvergunning gekregen."

(The case of Mohammed M., a Somali asylum seeker.)

De Telegraaf, July 8, 2017, p. 5, Aanrander moet na celstraf land uit."

Klaas Dijkhoff: "Ernstige misdrijven kunnen niet zonder gevolgen voor een asielvergunning zijn."

Algemeen Dagblad (Rotterdam), July 1, 2017, p. 4, Criminele asielzoeker: vastzetten of uitzetten? "Herkomst verdachten opgepakt op/rond azc. De top 5 van 566 verdachten."

"Het rapport werd gisteren, samen met nog 40 andere verslagen en rapporten, openbaar gemaakt door de politie nadat De Telegraaf een beroep had gedaan op de Wet Openbaarheid van Besuur (WOB)."

See also: De Telegraaf, June 30, 2017, pp. 1-4, Schokkend beeld misdaad kansloze asielzoekers: Deze cijfers mocht u van de overheid niet zien.

Bundeskriminalamt (BKA)/Bundesministerium des Innern, Bericht zur Polizeilichen Kriminalstatistik 2016 (PKS 2016), p. 69 (280,000 refugees entered Germany in 2016). p. 70 (nearly 500,000 illegal immigrants in 2016), p.76 (174,438 foreign crime suspects in 2016) (Berlin: 2017),

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