This item is available on the Militant Islam Monitor website, at
"Special" Screed Published By IPT In 2017 Was Put Out Nearly Verbatim In The Pakistan Times In 2016
February 26, 2017
MIM: Ammar Anwer is a self proclaimed 18 year old "ex Islamist" who is barely literate yet writes for international publications. His illiteracy is evident from his Facebook postings and tweets which are rife with errors and inanity such as these gems:
"We,Jews and Muslims have a lot in common. At least we both prefer to have one of our nuts chopped off. Lets stop the hate and fight Bigotry."
"It is the rapist who loses the honour, not the woman. Honor doesnt lie in Vagina. Its a patriarchal norm".
"As a person who could be Nihilist at times,I believe,despite the meaninglessness, World is a sight to savour."
Apparently he has found a lucrative niche in the "ex Islamist turned reformer" circuit and has found gullible people who are willing to pay for his incoherant meanderings on how to stop terrorism and reform Islam.
This proven liar has once again publicly shown his true colors as a self (?) plagarist although given the contrast between his Facebook page and Twitter ramblings the authenticity of his oeuvre is highly questionable. The contrast can be seen below in a juxtaposition of two pieces. One, an Investigative Project On Terrorism "Special" entitled "How Pakistani Law Enshrines Extremism And Weakens Counter- Terror Efforts" and the other item published by the Pakistan Times entitled "Are We Really Fighting A War Against Terror?".
The original IPT screed is included in it's entirety and the Pakistan Times screed can be found in bold italics and brackets beneath the relevant paragraphs.
See: Ammar Anwer: Another "Ex Radical Muslim Reformer" Dissembles - Calls Islamist Javed Ahmed Ghamidi "A Reformist Scholar"
Are we really fighting a war against terror?
September 25, 2016 BY Ammar Anwar
How Pakistani Law Enshrines Extremism and Weakens Counter-Terror Efforts
by Ammar Anwer
Special to IPT News
February 24, 2017
Pakistani extremists have killed nearly 50,000 people since 9/11. But government ineffectiveness has stymied efforts to contain terrorist violence. The government and military often are not on the same page, or have chosen a narrow and selective approach towards extremism, fighting one outfit and at the same time supporting the other.
PT:{Since 9/11 more than 35,000 Pakistanis have lost their lives due to extremism. Necessary steps to prevent extremism in Pakistan could have been undertaken a bit sooner. However, prevention remained an unaccomplished task due to the ineffective measures by the government and the military. Most of the time the government and military have not been on the same page and/or they have chosen a narrow approach, fighting symptoms rather than the root causes.}
For instance, former President Pervez Musharraf acknowledged that Pakistan cultivated and possessed a soft spot for the Afghan Taliban. In addition, Pakistan has failed to take a firm stand against Lashkar-e-Tayyiba, a radical outfit famous for its hateful rhetoric against India. The U.S. designated the organization as a Foreign Terrorist Organization in 2001, and the United Nations designated it as a terrorist outfit in 2005.
Lately, signs of hope have started to emerge. Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and Army Chief of Staff General Raheel Sharif seem to agree about extremism and also seem to lack the selective approach that their predecessors had often adopted. As evidence, more than 250 people have been arrested for propagating hate speech, and a ban has been imposed on loudspeakers, which were often used to promote sectarian violence.
In addition, Pakistan launched a host of military operations against militants, including 2014's Operation Zarb-e-Azb, which targeted militant groups including the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) and the Haqqani Network. As a result, most of North Waziristan is now controlled by the military.
PT:{Things have changed quite a lot under the new government of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and the new Chief of Army Staff General Raheel Sharif. For the first time it seems that the government and the military have a single aim and a single vision. Two hundred and fifty-one people have been arrested for propagating hate speech, and a ban has been imposed on loudspeakers, which were often used to promote sectarian violence.
In addition, Pakistan has launched a host ofmilitary operations against militants. The most recent operation is Operation Zarb-e-Azb, conducted by the Pakistan armed forces against various militant groups, including theTehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) and the Haqqani Network. The operation was launched in North–Waziristan in 2014, and is ongoing.}
The Global Terrorism Index (GTI) 2015, complied by the international research group the Institute for Economics and Peace, analyzes the impact of terrorism on the global community. The report conceded success of Zarb-e-Azb and stated, "Pakistan was the only country in the ten most impacted countries that saw a decline in deaths" but still ranked third in the world.
Pakistan still has a long way to go to eradicate Islamist extremism.
PT{Acknowledging all that has been done, I still believe there is a long way to go before we will have successfully eradicated extremism in Pakistan.}
{"The fact is that extremism can never effectively be eradicated when extremist tenets are embedded in the law. Yet, this is precisely what has happened in Pakistan. Yes, we should fight militants on the ground, as our military has, but as a state we should also focus on some of the tenets in our constitution that pave the way for religious intolerance.}
Pakistani law remains an obstacle to accomplishing this goal. Its constitution paves the way for religious intolerance as the following examples show:
Declaration of Ahmadis as non-Muslims
Discrimination against Ahmadis began shortly after Pakistan's inception in 1947. In 1953, a series of violent attacks was instigated against the Ahmadiyya community in Lahore. The Lahore riots resulted in the deaths of hundreds of Ahmadi Muslims.
In 1974, due to the strong pressure from fundamentalists, Ahmadis were officially declared non-Muslims in Pakistan. To this day Ahmadis suffer religious discrimination and persecution while the state shows no inclination toward amending the law or eradicating the discrimination.
PT:{Declaration of Ahmadis as non-Muslims:}
{The discrimination against Ahmadis began shortly after the inception of Pakistan. In 1953, a series of violent attacks were instigated against the Ahmadiyya community in Lahore. These riots, known as the 1953 Lahore riots, resulted in the death of between200 and 2,000 Ahmadis.}
{It wasn't until 1973 when due to the strong pressure of the fundamentalists, Ahmadis were officially declared Non-Muslims. To this day Ahmadis suffer religious discrimination and the state has shown no inclination towards amending the law or eradicating the discrimination.}
Ehtaram-e-Ramadan Ordinance
The Ehtaram-e-Ramadan ordinance was passed in 1981 during the tenure of General Zia-Ul-Haq, and is part of the constitution. It prohibits public eating during Ramadan's fasting hours. It is a blatant violation of religious freedom for non-Muslims and secular Muslims. The ordinance requires that restaurants remain closed during fasting hours. Violations are punishable by up to three months in prison or a fine.
But vigilantes often take this law into their own hands. During the last Ramadan, an elderly Hindu man was badly beaten for eating publicly.
PT:{Ehtaram-e-Ramzan Ordiance:}
{Ehtaram-e-Ramzan ordinancewas passed in 1981 during the tenure of General Zia-Ul-Haq and is part of the constitution. This law states that no one can publically eat in the month of Ramzan during the fasting hours. It is a blatant violation of freedom of religion.}
{The sub section 1 of this ordinance says:}
{"No person who, according to the tenets of Islam, is under an obligation to fast shall eat, drink or smoke in a public place during fasting hours in the month of Ramzan."[1]}
{According to the sub-section 2 of this ordinance:}
{"Whoever contravenes the provisions of sub-section (1) shall be punishable with simple imprisonment for a term which may extend to three months, or with fine which may extend to five hundred rupees, or with both."}
{It also states that all restaurants must be closed during the fasting hours.}
{In the last Ramzan, an old man from the Hindu community was badly beaten for eating publically. Do these clauses suggest that we are fighting a war against extremism or are they extremist in themselves?}
Pakistan's contentious blasphemy law
Blasphemy is the act of insulting, showing contempt or a lack of reverence for God or that which is considered sacred. The blasphemy laws are now enshrined in section 295 A, B and C of the Penal Code, with their focus to protect Islam.
Pakistan uses this controversial law at a level unparalleled in any other country. The law has had a disproportionate impact on minority communities. Minorities, which comprise just 4 percent of Pakistan's population, are targeted in more than half of the 702 total blasphemy law cases. The laws routinely are used to target religious minorities like Hindus or Christians for personal or political motives.
This action contradicts Pakistan's constitution which guarantees the right to profess religion, equality of citizens and protection of minorities.
The law perpetuates an environment of intolerance and discrimination. To guarantee equal treatment and fundamental rights, the blasphemy laws must be eliminated or dramatically changed. Without this improvement, the state will never be able to achieve peace, tolerance and equal human rights.
PT:{The contentious blasphemy law In Pakistan:}
{Blasphemy is the act of insulting, showing contempt for or lack of reverencefor God or that which is considered sacred. In 1987, General Zia-ul-Haq‘Islamised' the blasphemy laws as part of a widespread policy of Islamisation. The blasphemy laws are now enshrined in section 295 A, B and C of the Penal Code, with their focus being on protecting Islam.}
{Presently, Pakistan uses this controversial law at a level unparalleled to anything anywhere else in the world. The law has had a disproportionate impact on minority communities. There have been 702 cases registered against minorities, which equates to 52pc of total cases against 4pc of the population. The laws are routinely used to target religious minorities for personal or political motives, and result in a violation of fundamental rights. This is evident in the cases of Asia Bibi and Rimsha Masih. Blasphemy laws and this treatment of minorities are contrary to rights guaranteed in Pakistan's constitution, particularly the right to profess religion (Article 20), equality of citizens (Article 25) and protection of minorities (Article 36).}
The facts are before us, though they might be difficult to face. However, as Aldous Huxley said, "Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored."
We in Pakistan cannot claim that we are fighting a war against extremism if there are extremist tenets within our constitution. Until we change those laws, the fight can never be won.
{The facts are before us, though they might be difficult to face up to. However, as Aldous Huxley said: "Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored."}
{We need to rectify our shortcomings and to amend those sections of our constitution that violate freedom of religion and as such legalise extremism and religious fundamentalism. In the end, I would like to stress the point I made earlier: extremism cannot be fought when it becomes legalised.}
Ammar Anwer is an ex-Islamist who writes for The Nation, Pakistan Today and other media outlets. He believes in secularism and democracy and aspires to see Pakistan become a pluralistic state.
MIM: Ammar Anwer is still very much an Islamist. Here are several postings on his Facebook page which prove this. He makes the outrageous claim that Islam was the "first religion that preached and practiced democracy" and calls Winston Churchill "our enemy". He also reposted the shahada (Islamist declaration of faith) with the hashtag "challenge accepted" by a doctor with the same name.
My name is Dr. Ammar Anwer. I bear witness that there is No God but Allah & Prophet Muhammad ﷺ is the last messenger of Allah.❤️
Copy and past with your own name
"It was the first religion that preached and practiced democracy; for, in the mosque, when the call for prayer is sounded and worshippers are gathered together, the democracy of Islam is embodied five times a day when the peasant and king kneel side by side and proclaim: ‘God Alone is Great'… " – Sarojini Naidu(Prominent female Freedom fighter of India and Member of Indian National Congress).
Islam(Good Things):
A religion where you are supposed to offer prayers five times a day. People gather in the mosque. You might be the caliph and the person standing next to you might be just a peasant.
This was the message. You could be Ali or Abu Bakr, but Bilal ,a former slave, would be chosen as the moazzan based on merit.
You go to Mecca to perform Pilgrimage, You mix with people speaking different languages and of different color and ethnicity. But you worship,walk together and circle around the same house of one God.
This was the message.
Colonialism apologists:.
They came to my house, murdered my family. Looted my house, but at least while they were here they furnished it. Now how come I be against them?