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A Radical Muslim Convert Worked At Germany's Domestic Security Agency

December 5, 2016


A radical convert to Islam was employed by Germany's Domestic Security Agency, the so-called "Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution"(BfV) in Cologne. The agency did not know that one of their staff members, a 51-year-old native German and father of several children, had converted to Islam and was providing secret information to other Islamists. Nor did his wife and children know anything about his conversion to Islam. This Islamist mole reportedly was living a perfect double life, betraying spies who had infiltrated Islamist circles. But suspicions were raised after a number of internet chats from him going under a false name. He was arrested in November this year. He also planned a terrorist attack involving explosives on the Security Agency's Headquarters in Cologne. Such an attack "against the infidels" was "in line with Allah's will."

The Security Agency began to employ this man in April 2016, not too long ago,that is. His main task was to observe the vastly growing Islamist scene in Germany. In an internet chat with one of his contact persons he discussed the possibility of carrying out a terrorist attack on BfV Headquarters in Cologne.But he was not aware of the fact that this contact person was himself an informer of the Security Agency. German Interior Minister Lothar de Maziere and BfV chief Hans-Georg Maassen confirmed the arrest of this Islamist mole.

ISIS terrorists have also infiltrated the German army, the so-called "Bundeswehr."The British newspaper The Sun reported on November 7, 2016: "Germany finds ISIS jihadis queuing up to join their army – with eighty suspected terrorists discovered in recent weeks." "Alarm raised as Islamic State fifth column within the Bundeswehr found to be growing." And the usually well informed Washington-based IPT News reported on that same day: "In the past Germany's Ministry of Defense expressed concern that no backround checks are required for soldiers in unclassified positions – a policy that enabled dozens of radical Islamists to enlist and receive military training and weaponry."

Radical Muslims, or Islamists, pose a very serious threat to European and German security. There are more than 9,200 extremist "Salafist" Muslims in Germany alone. And by the end of 2015 nearly 800 jihadists had left Germany to join dangerous terrorist organizations such as Al-Qaeda and ISIS in Syria and Irak. Many of them committed war crimes, raped women, executed so-called infidels or tortured prisoners. In most cases these jihadists are second-generation Muslim immigrants.

Many more ticking time bombs are still living in Germany. For example, five ISIS suspects were arrested on Tuesday November 8, 2016, in North Rhine-Westphalia and Lower Saxony. Interior Minister Thomas de Maziere said: "We don't want terrorism to take place in Germany. We don't want terrorism to be exported from Germany." Those five men who were arrested "are suspected of recruiting young Muslims in Germany, and raising funds to send them to Syria to join IS," prosecutors said. They are also accused of providing logistical support for the trips. All of them have a migration background, there is even a radical Muslim from Cameroon and an equally radical German-Serbian citizen.The ringleader of the group is an Iraqi hate cleric in Hildesheim, Lower Saxony. He is widely known as "Sheikh Abu Walaa" and encouraged twenty young radical Muslims in Lower Saxony to join ISIS in Syria and Iraq. He was preaching in a mosque belonging to the "German-Speaking Islamic Circle Hildesheim" (DIK).

Germany's Federal Intelligence Agency, the so-called"Bundesnachrichtendienst" (BND) reported in November 2016 that "Islamic State" (IS or ISIS) "is infiltrating refugee groups to get into Europe." This report was quoted by "Deutsche Welle," a German-based TV Station. "The report's authors say that the BND suggests that terrorists train potential attackers on how to answer questions during border interrogations so that they can prove their credibility as refugees." Deutsche Welle also refers to the terror attacks in Paris in November 2015. This was a very successful ISIS operation. "Meanwhile,investigations have revealed that all nine men involved in the attacks had traveled to Europe together with the stream of refugees that entered the continent in 2015."

Europol recently also issued an alarming report, saying that ISIS "is planning more attacks in Europe and the Netherlands." The European policing force thinks that ISIS "will likely keep to attack tactics currently used in Syria and Iraq – car bombs, kidnappings, extortion and suicide bombings." "ISIS considers the attacks in Belgium and France over the past year to be great successes." "Attacks on random targets have an important effect, namely to increase fear among the population," the report says.

Too many North African immigrants pose a serious security risk

North African asylum seekers and immigrants are causing very serious problems in Europe. Most of them hate the Jews and believe in absurd anti-Semitic conspiracy theories. A lot of Al-Qaeda or ISIS terrorists in Britain, Sweden,Denmark, the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, France, Italy and Spain are Tunisians, Moroccans, Algerians or Libyans. Usually, they are frustrated second-generation immigrants. Many of these angry young men started their"careers" as petty criminals. After judges gave them jail sentences they met radical Muslims who were also behind bars. That is when their path towards Islamic terrorism often began. And it is not much better in North Africa itself. About 10,000 North Africans joined ISIS or Al-Qaida in Syria and Iraq. Libya is a radical Islamic hellhole and a paradise for criminal and ruthless migrant traffickers and slave traders. Virtually all of these criminals are Muslims.

An unprecedented number of North African economic migrants arrived in Germany in 2015 and 2016 where they applied for asylum. But in most cases the overwhelmed German authorities refused to recognize them as genuine refugees. Thousands of them subsequently traveled to Holland, Belgium,Sweden and France where they applied for asylum once again. They know that their applications for asylum will also be turned down there, but they are aware of the fact that it is virtually impossible to deport them Morocco and Algeria,because these Muslim countries flatly refuse to take their own nationals back.

These fake asylum seekers also deliberately destroyed their passports. In Holland they are now operating as criminal gangs, intimidating staff members of Asylum Seekers Centers, especially women. They also act as street robbers and break into houses. Mayors in the northern part of the Netherlands complain that local people do not feel safe at their own houses and in shops anymore. Supermarkets have to hire security guards.

The staff of the Asylum Seekers Center at Ter Apel wrote a letter to the "Central Organ Asylum Seekers" (COA), complaining that the situation in many centers "is untenable now," due to the bad behavior of these North African "asylum seekers." "Most of them are criminals," the letter says. "They steal anything they can. They blow pot and consume alcohol until the early morning hours.Especially female staff members do not feel safe in their presence." Many of the mayors who complain about the behavior of "asylum seekers" from North Africa are members of the leftist Labor Party (PvdA). This party has been in favor of liberal asylum policies for decades, with the notable exception of migration expert Paul Scheffer. Labor party mayors are now belately learning lessons that they should have learned years ago.

Paul Scheffer rightly warns that Europe needs real external borders and real border controls, otherwise the old continent will be engulfed by hundreds of millions of economic migrants from Africa, Turkey and the Middle East and our freedoms and way of life will lost. There were only 500 million Africans back in 1980, now there are 1.2 billion. This number will double in the year 2050. The monthly growth rate of the African population is 3.5 million! There were only 100 million Arabs back in 1950, by 2007 their number had increased to 430 million and by the year 2050 their number will have risen to 700. There will be no jobs and homes for all these people.

Emerson Vermaat is an investigative journalist in the Netherlands, specialized in crime, terrorism and anti-Semitism.



Heute Journal (German TV), November 30, 2016, 7 o'clock pm; Tagesschau(German TV), November 30, 2016, 8 o'clock pm ("Übertritt zum Islam für seine Familie geheim gehalten.")

Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten, November 29, 2016, Verfassungsschutzfindet islamistischen Maulwurf in den eigenen Reihen,

Die Welt (Germany). November 30, 2016, Maulwurf beim Verfassungsschutz,

Spiegel Online (Germany), November 30, 2016, Islamist schlich sich beim Verfassungsschutz ein,

"Zudem soll der Beschuldigte im Internet unter falschen Namen islamistischgeäussert und Dienstgeheime verraten haben."

The Sun (London), November 7, 2016, THE ENEMY WITHIN Germany finds ISIS jihadis queuing up to join their amy – with EIGHTY suspected terrorists discovered in recent weeks,

IPT News, November 7, 2016, Germany's Military Probes Growing Threat from ISIS Infiltration,

Fox News, November 8, 2016, Five ISIS suspects arrested in Germany,

Associated Press, November 8, 2016, 5 Islamic State suspects arrested inGermany,

Thomas de Maziere: "We don't want terrorism to be exported from Germany."

Spiegel Online, November 8, 2016, Polizei stellt den "Prediger ohne Gesicht",

"Rund 20 Männer aus Niedersachsen, die sich dem IS im Irak und in Syrien anschlossen, sollen sich im DIK radikalisiert haben."

Facebook, Sheikh Abu Walaa,

Deutsche Welle, November 14, 2016, "Islamic State" reportedly training terrorists to enter Europe as asylum seekers,

Nl Times, December 2, 2016, Netherlands possible ISIS target in new attack warning,

Europol report; see also: Jan van Benthem's excellent article in: Nederlands Dagblad (the Netherlands), December 3, 2016, pp. 1, 8, Nederland hoog op aanslag lijst ISIS.

1Vandaag (Dutch TV), November 30, 2016 (Leontien Kompien, mayor of Vlagwedde/Ter Apel: "People don't feel safe at their own houses anymore."); 1Vandaag, December 2, 2016 ("It is a European problem").

Algemeen Dagblad (the Netherlands), December 2, 2016, p. 1, 10, Personeel AZC's bang voor aso's. (About the letter to COA.)

Paul Scheffer, De vrijheid van de grens (Amsterdam: De Bezige Bij/Maand van de Filosofie, 2016); Paul Scheffer, Hoeveel grenzen heeft de vrijheid nodig?, De Standaard (Belgium), March 25, 2016, pp. 1, 5, 6. "We hebben de binnengrenzen in Europa geslecht, maar daardoor heeft Europa meer dan ooit een buitengrens nodig, die ook daadwerkelijk wordt gehandhaafd."

This item is available on the Militant Islam Monitor website, at