This item is available on the Militant Islam Monitor website, at
August 10, 2016
MIM: The United States Institute of Peace should soon change their name to the Umma Sharia Institute of Propaganda. They have been infilitrated by former CAIR spokesperson Rabia Chaudry who is now a Senior Fellow there Islamic Relief USA is a partner with Islamic Relief Worldwide. Islamic Relief Worldwide was banned in Israel for funding terrorism. .The USIP is federally funded and their cooperation with the terror tied Islamic Relief and the Saudi funded frontgroup for Hamas CAIR operative Rabia Chaudry makes a mockery and travesty of their stated mission which is to:
"... prevent, mitigate, and resolve violent conflict around the world. USIP does this by engaging directly in conflict zones and by providing analysis, education, and resources to those working for peace. Created by Congress in 1984 as an independent, nonpartisan, federally funded organization, USIP's more than 300 staff work at the Institute's D.C. headquarters, and on the ground in the world's most dangerous regions. ..Founded in 1984, USIP is funded by the U.S. Congress, and is governed by a 15-person bipartisan board made up of the Secretary of State and the Secretary of Defense, the President of the National Defense University, and 12 others appointed by the President of the United States and confirmed by the U.S. Senate..."
About the United States Institute of Peace factsheet (PDF).
MIM: Islamic Relief USA and Islamic Relief Worldwide are interconnected and linked to international terrorism.
"...In 1999, the IRW accepted a $50,000 check from Osama Bin Laden. In 2006, Israel arrested its project coordinator in its Gaza office, Iyaz Ali, for funneling money to Hamas. In November 2012, the British Bank UBS closed the IRW's account and blocked its customers from donating to the charity. In June 2014, Israel officially declared the organization to be illegal and banned it from operating in Israel and the Palestinian territories due to its financing of Hamas. In November 2014, the United Arab Emirates declared the IRW to be a terrorist group.
Legally, the IRUSA as an institution and charity is separate and independent from the IRW. However, as an IRW affiliate, it has many links to the IRW, and therefore has many links to terrorism. The IRUSA's CEO, Abed Ayoub, is an IRW governance committee member. Its president, Mohamed Amr Attaiwa, is on the IRW's Board of Trustees. In addition to the relationship between the IRW and the IRUSA created through shared leadership, money flows between the two organizations. In 2007, 2008, and 2009, the IRUSA sent the IRW $5 million, $6 million, and $9.5 million, respectively. Most IRUSA programs are funded through IRW grants; in 2010, the IRUSA received approximately $22 billion from the IRW.
The IRUSA has multiple officials with direct ties to the Muslim Brotherhood (MB)..."
MIM: Anwar Khan, who was at the USIP event and is quoted in the article about it illustrates that there are zero degrees of separation between Islamic Relief Worldwide (based in the UK) and Islamic Relief USA. He began to work for IRW and moved to the USA where he helped found IRUSA.
"...Khan began his tenure with the Islamic Relief family of organizations in the United Kingdom in 1993. In 1994, he moved to the United States and became one of IRUSA's first employees. Since then, he has contributed to the organization's expansion from a two-person operation to a national 501(c)3 charity that now has seven offices, some 100 employees, and thousands of volunteers, providing humanitarian aid to millions of people each year. He was appointed Deputy Chief Operating Officer in July 2013, and Chief Operating Officer in October 2013.
MIM: Rabia Chaudry's bio on the USIP website deliberately omits mention of her work at the Council on American Islamic Relations.
MIM: Below is the article about the USIP event.
Wednesday, June 22, 2016 By: USIP Staff
The traditional Muslim call to prayer echoed across USIP's atrium yesterday evening as the institute ushered in its third annual Iftar, marking the breaking of the daily fast during the holy month of Ramadan. But it wasn't just one imam's voice. Instead, five Muslim clerics and a poetry reader from six traditions—Senegalese, Syrian, Pakistani, Iranian, Turkish and Moroccan—represented the theme of the event: The Islamic Mosaic.
The evening's celebration of diverse Islamic traditions began with Quranic recitations by Imam Ali Tos from the Diyanat Center of Maryland in the Turkish tradition, Imam Bashar Arafat from the Civilizations Exchange and Cooperation Foundation in the Syrian tradition, and Moroccan devotional music from Nabil Faqir and Ali Sbai. The night's emcees, USIP Senior Program Officer Palwasha Kakar and Program Officer Muhammad Rahim, and other institute experts and guests offered reflections on the theme to the more than 100 guests gathered, which included local religious leaders, U.S. government officials, Muslim peacebuilders and ambassadors from Somalia, Tunisia, Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as the U.S. representative from the Kurdistan Regional Government in Iraq.
"It is precisely this diversity within the Muslim world that violent extremists cannot tolerate." – USIP President Nancy Lindborg
"Ramadan is the month of peace, of celebration, and it's a time when believers around the world, including many of the places where USIP works, engage in prayer, fasting and compassionate action," USIP President Nancy Lindborg said. "These are the values that mark Ramadan and they are the same values that mark peacebuilding – charity, sacrifice and compassion. We know that these values are cherished by people of many faiths, many religious traditions."
Lindborg and others cited the juxtaposition of diversity and the violent extremism wrenching so much of the world today.
"It is precisely this diversity within the Muslim world that violent extremists cannot tolerate," said Lindborg, who speaks often of the need to build peaceful and inclusive societies. "So we celebrate that diversity tonight as a source of strength in Muslim communities and a means by which those of many tribes can come to know and appreciate one another, as we know from the Holy Quran."
Islamic Relief USA, a non-profit humanitarian and development organization, was a key co-host of the event, along with the Afghanistan Holding group, United Muslim Relief and a number of individuals: Rafat and Shaista Mahmood, former Ambassador Laurie Fulton, Rafic A. Bizri, Maqsood Chaudhry and Asad Chaudhry.
Anwar Khan, chief executive officer of Islamic Relief, noted that "Muslims came to this country 400 years ago in slave ships."
"I remember after 9/11 when somebody wrote somewhere, `a Muslim-looking man,'" he recalled. "I don't know what a Muslim-looking man looks like. He could be white, he could be black, he could be tall, he could be small, he could be fat, he could be thin. That's the diversity, that's the beauty."
Representative Keith Ellison, a Democrat from Minnesota who is one of only two Muslim members of Congress, had planned to attend the Iftar before his flight was delayed due to weather, but he sent a message to the gathering via staff member Hassan Ali: "During this month, it's clear that our commonalities are far stronger than the things that divide us," Ali said. "More than a third of the world's population is part of the Muslim community. While the stereotypical Muslim is from the Middle East, we know better: Indonesia, India and Pakistan host the world's largest Muslim communities. Our brothers and sisters are spread across Africa and right here in the United States."
Keynote Remarks:
Rabia Chaudry, a Jennings-Randolph Senior Fellow at USIP whose work tests theories about how to counter violent extremism, gave the following keynote remarks, after her introductory comments:
Every year, during the annual USIP Iftar, we decide to highlight an important aspect of Islam in the Muslim world. Last year, it was women in Islam, their contributions to religious faith and community. And this year, in the face of rising intolerance and polarization across the globe, USIP has very appropriately chosen its theme to be diversity...
MIM: A CAIR press release which lists Rabia Chaudry as CAIR Media Relations Director.
(HARTFORD, CT, 4/10/07) - The Connecticut chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-CT) today announced that some 200 people attended its second annual banquet on Saturday, April 7.
In line with the theme "American Muslims: Connecting & Sharing," speakers urged working together in connecting and sharing resources, building bridges of understanding, and combating prejudice and discrimination.
The event brought together interfaith and community leaders from across Connecticut, as well as representatives from most Connecticut Islamic centers and organizations.
Awards were also presented to members of the community who had excelled in building interfaith bridges and promoting mutual understanding.
CAIR-CT's accomplishments and work for the past year were also highlighted at the dinner. CAIR-CT handled 40 cases of discrimination against Muslims, and conducted various workshops for the interfaith community, law enforcement agencies and Muslim community.
CONTACT: Media Relations Director Rabia Chaudry, Tel: 860-707-4097, E-Mail: [email protected]
MIM: In 2008 Daniel Brumberg, who served " as a special adviser for the USIP's Muslim World
Initiative in the Center for Conflict Analysis and Prevention", moderated an event which featured Hany El Banna, the founder of the Bin Laden funded Islamic Relief Worldwide and prominent member of the Muslim Brotherhood.
"...IRW was established in England in 1984 by Dr. Hani Al-Banna, who remains its President to this day. Al-Banna is a former trustee of Muslim Aid (MA), a global charity based in London. While Al-Banna was associated with MA, the group was a "partner organization" to the Al-Salah Islamic Association, a Gaza-based entity that the U.S. Treasury Department designated as a "Key Support Node" for the terrorist group Hamas. (MS Director Ahmed Al-Kurd was also designated by the U.S. government as a "terrorist.") Moreover, while Al-Banna was involved with MA, the group was a partner to organizations directly related to the Muslim Brotherhood of Pakistan, Jamaat-e-Islami (JI).
In 1999, IRW's main office (in England) received $50,000 from a Canadian group that the U.S. Treasury Department called "a bin Laden front." According to Moscow's Obshchaya Gazeta, IRW has collected and funneled millions of dollars to the Chechen terrorist rebels in Russia, who also have ties to al Qaeda...."
MIM: Event announcement.
Counter-radicalization |
| and Faith-Based Organizations |
| |
| with remarks by: |
| Dr. Hany El Banna, President, Humanitarian Forum, and Founder, Islamic Relief |
| Worldwide |
| |
| moderated by: |
| |
| Daniel Brumberg, USIP |
| |
| |
| Thursday, December 11, 2008 |
| 3:00pm – 4:30pm |
| CSIS |
| 4th Floor Conference Room |
| 1800 K Street, NW |
| |
| |
| Please RSVP to [email protected] and visit our blog at
| |
| Dr. Hany El Banna is President of Humanitarian Forum and co-founder of Islamic |
| Relief Worldwide (IRW). In 2004, he was awarded the Order of the British Empire |
| by Queen Elizabeth II, the Ibn Khaldun Award for Excellence in Promoting |
| Understanding between Global Cultures and Faiths (UK), and a service award from |
| the Egyptian Medical Syndicate. In 2005 he received the Kashmiri and Pakistani |
| Professional Association Award, in 2006 he was awarded the Asian Jewel Lifetime |
| Achievement Award, and in 2007, the UK Muslim Power 100 gave him their lifetime |
| achievement award. He is a member of the Three Faiths Forum (UK), the |
| West-Islamic World Dialogue Council of 100 Leaders group. Dr El Banna is a |
| trustee of the Disasters Emergency Committee (UK) and a member of The Advisory |
| Group to the International Department of The Charity Commission (UK). He |
| initiated the Humanitarian Forum, which seeks to build bridges between Muslim and|
| non-Muslim-run NGOs. Born in Egypt, Dr El Banna completed his MBBCH Medicine at |
| Al Azhar University, Cairo, where he also obtained a Diploma in Islamic Studies |
| in 1976. He was awarded the Hamilton Bailey Prize for Pathology 1981 and went on |
| to complete his medical training to become a Doctor of Medicine 1991. |
| |
| Daniel Brumberg serves as a special adviser for the USIP's Muslim World |
| Initiative in the Center for Conflict Analysis and Prevention, where he focuses |
| on issues of democratization and political reform in the Middle East and wider |
| Islamic world. He is also an associate professor at Georgetown University and a |
| former senior associate in the Carnegie Endowment's Democracy and Rule of Law |
| Project (2003–04). He previously was a Jennings Randolph senior fellow at USIP, |
| where he pursued a study of power sharing in the Middle East and Southeast Asia. |
| In 1997, Brumberg was a Mellon junior fellow at Georgetown University and a |
| visiting fellow at the International Forum on Democratic Studies. He was a |
| visiting professor in the Department of Political Science at Emory University and|
| a visiting fellow in the Middle East Program in the Jimmy Carter Center, and has |
| taught at the University of Chicago. Brumberg is the author of many articles on |
| political and social change in the Middle East and wider Islamic world. With a |
| grant from the MacArthur Foundation, he is currently working on a comparative |
| study of power-sharing experiments in Algeria, Kuwait, and Indonesia. A member of|
| the editorial board of the Journal of Democracy and the advisory board of the |
| International Forum on Democratic Studies, Brumberg is also chairman of the |
| nonprofit Foundation on Democratization and Political Change in the Middle East. |
| He has worked closely with a number of nongovernmental organizations in the Arab |
| world, including the Palestinian Academic Society for the Study of International |
| Affairs. Brumberg is also a member of the editorial board of the American |
| Political Science Association's Political Science and Politics. He received his |
| B.A. from Indiana University and a Ph.D. from the University of Chicago.
This item is available on the Militant Islam Monitor website, at