This item is available on the Militant Islam Monitor website, at
December 7, 2014
MIM: The Palestine Children's Relief Fund is run by Steve Sosebee a virulently anti semitic convert to Islam and fervent supporter of Hamas. The organisation has been tied to numerous terrorist entities including the Holy Fund For Relief and Development and The Global Relief Fund which were closed down by the U.S. government.On November 1st a motley assortment of musicians released an album "2 Unite All" with the proceeds going to the PCRF. "All proceeds will go directly to support the surgical and medical teams of Palestine Children's Relief Fund (PCRF) and the vital psychological counseling supported by UNRWA USA."
For more on PCRF's ties to terror see: "Humanitarian Terrorism' and the PCRF: Dr.Imad Tabry & Steve Sosebee: From Miami's Holy Cross Hospital to Hamas"
The board and staff of the PCRF:
MIM: Excerpt from "Recruiting For Jihad" by Joe Kaufman.
"...The Palestine Children's Relief Fund (PCRF), the other "charity" group Shadya (Hantouli aka Rosemary Davis) is affiliated with, is headed by Stephen Sosebee. Sosebee is a journalist with a writing style best described as "fantasy." In his world, the Israelis are murderous Zionist terrorists, resisted by meek-yet-righteous Palestinians via "armed struggle" (that is, suicide bombings).
Sosebee charges that U.S. government, citizenry and media are manipulated by a "Zionist lobby" and "Zionist influence," classic anti-Semitic accusations. He recently propounded these theories during a lecture at the Zayed International Centre for Coordination and Follow-up (ZCCF)....
"...In 1991, the PCRF considered two entities "ASSISTING ORGANIZATIONS"-- The Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development and Global Relief Foundation -- that were closed down by the U.S. government for funding terrorist groups. Another assisting organization, the International [Islamic] Relief Organization, was raided by the FBI, accused of filtering money to al-Qaeda, Egyptian Islamic Jihad and Hamas. The New York Post records that the International Islamic Relief Organization (IIRO) has been named in a lawsuit put forward by the families of the 9/11 victims for having "played key roles in laundering of funds to the terrorists in the 1998 African embassy bombings" and having been involved in the "financing and ‘aiding and abetting' of terrorists in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing." On its website, the PCRF says it "works with these organizations" and acknowledges their "support and cooperation."
In addition, the PCRF received thousands of dollars from the American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC). "Throughout the 1980s, the [ADC] lent its name to political-support campaigns for Soviet-backed guerrilla organizations around the world from the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and the PFLP to Marxist revolutionaries in Latin America," according to the December 17, 2001, edition of Insight Magazine.
On March 17, 2001, Steve Sosebee spoke on behalf of the PCRF, at a ‘Conference on Palestine,' held at the University of Michigan. The event was co-sponsored by the Global Relief Foundation (described above), the International Action Center (the parent of ANSWER), the Islamic Association for Palestine (a front for Hamas), CAIR (an off-shoot of the Islamic Association for Palestine), and others. Also speaking at the event was Ibrahim Hooper, the National Communications Director for CAIR and a man that claimed the 1998 bombings of two American embassies in Africa was the result of a "misunderstanding." The event kicked off with the showing of a video entitled ‘The New Uprising,' code words for the second intifada against Israel.
In addition, Sosebee represented the PCRF at an antiwar rally held at Kent State University, on May 4, 2002, although he claims he does not have "any political designs." The event included a "solidarity speech" made by the All-African People's Revolutionary Party, the group founded by Kwame Ture (Stokely Carmichael), who has stated, "Zionism is the enemy of humanity." There was also a speech given by the Revolutionary Communist Youth Brigade, the youth wing of the Revolutionary Communist Party. This group that was included in New Black Panther Khalid Muhammad's heavily anti-Semitic "Million Youth March" in 1998.
Besides his attendance at conferences and rallies, Steve Sosebee is also a thrill seeker. In October of 2000, Sosebee, along with his wife, a team of doctors and his four-year-old daughter Deema trekked all the way to some of the most terrorist-laden areas located within the Palestinian territories. Sosebee's personal highlights of the trip included: sightseeing at a police station, where just one day earlier, two Israelis were brutally beaten to death by an angry mob; sitting and waiting for another car to come, "so they could go first and be hit by stones"; keeping Deema busy in the playground, as ambulances sped passed with sirens blaring; putting on a Cuban Che Guevarra t-shirt to ensure his "acceptance among the youths"; driving across a dangerous rocky road, as his wife presses Deema to the floor of the car for protection; and applauding as Palestinian children hurled stones at Israeli soldiers, noting "every decent toss."...
Artists, Rock Stars and Composers Join Forces in First US-Produced Benefit Album for Gaza Relief
A diverse group of famed musicians including Peter Gabriel, The Police's Stewart Copeland, Rick Allen of Def Leppard, System of a Down frontman Serj Tankian and Grammy® Award-winning opera singer Sasha Cooke, have come together for a first-of-its-kind benefit album to deliver urgent humanitarian aid to Palestinians in Gaza. Produced by Project Peace On Earth (PPOE), the album features 26 powerful musical tracks of healing and peace.
Peter Gabriel says of his decision to participate: "Although I am sure both the Palestinian and Israeli people would benefit enormously from a just and fair two-state agreement based around the '67 borders, we have watched the Palestinians subjected to more and more suffering for far too long, especially in Gaza. Meanwhile their long held land is repeatedly stolen by force for illegal settlements. I am not and have never been anti-Israeli or anti-Semitic; I am anti-Israeli government policy, anti-injustice, anti-oppression and anti-occupation.
Serj Tankian adds that "helping to rebuild the lives of Palestinians in Gaza is a necessary and noble worldwide humanitarian prerogative that we must not shy away from. It's the least we can do for a people that have suffered under an occupation, embargo, and invasion."
Steve Robertson, PPOE founder and Executive Producer of the album, has conducted several awareness-raising peace projects in Palestine. He says that 2 Unite All was inspired by a report he saw about a young Palestinian girl who was in a coma from the bombing. "The doctors weren't sure if she would survive, but said if she did regain consciousness, she would learn that her mother, father and sister had all been killed," says Robertson. "My tears wouldn't stop and I said to myself, ‘That's enough. I have to do something now and offer some sort of healing support to the people of Gaza and this Middle East crisis.'"
Robertson called on acclaimed Indian composer Ricky Kej to produce the album, and he immediately accepted. "I just knew how important it was for me, and all people, to help bring awareness and an end to the suffering of the people of the Holy Land," Kej says.
With over 2,100 people dead, more than 3,000 children injured, and over 370,000 Palestinian children in Gaza left traumatized after this summer's assault, 2 Unite All proceeds will go directly to support the surgical and medical teams of Palestine Children's Relief Fund (PCRF) and the vital psychological counseling supported by UNRWA USA. PPOE will also lead a PTSD therapy effort with renowned psychotherapist Dr. Edward Tick and continue its peace initiatives in the Holy Land.
"Our music may not be able to rebuild homes nor bring back victims of violence, but at least it can soften hearts," says Stewart Copeland. "Hard hearts allow violence in the Holy Land and softening up allows persuasion. Even the most flinty realpolitik analysis shows that ‘Kumbaya' is more credible than ‘They Must Go.'"
Rick Allen of Def Leppard says, "Our world is finally focusing on resolving this conflict. Too many lives have been lost and too many innocent children and families remain perilously injured." Lauren Monroe, Allen's wife and songwriting partner, adds, "The beautiful people of Palestine require the world's immediate medical support. Contributing a song to help bring necessary healing and resources to Gaza was the least Rick and I could do." Allen concludes, "I'm encouraging all Def Leppard fans to buy a copy of 2 Unite All and support this cause."
The 2 Unite All album, which features cover art from renowned illustrator Greg Spalenka and was made possible with the assistance of TuneCore distribution, is available for purchase at:
It features 26 powerful musical tracks from:
Peter Gabriel (Six-time Grammy® Winner)
Stewart Copeland (The Police) and Serj Tankian (System of a Down), with Omar Fadel
Rick Allen of Def Leppard, with songwriter Lauren Monroe
Pearl Thompson (The Cure), with Finbar O'Hanlon
Sasha Cooke (Grammy® Winner, Opera)
Gary Nicholson (Grammy® Winner, Country)
Joanne Shenandoah (Grammy® Winner, Native American) with Leah and Diane
Richard Gannaway, Jay Oliver & Miriam Stockley of AOMusic
David Arkenstone and Charlee Brooks
Rickie Byars Beckwith
Christoph Bull
Beth Nielsen Chapman
Sussan Deyhim and Richard Horowitz
The GuruGanesha Band
Lili Haydn
Fritz Heede
Ricky Kej and Wouter Kellerman
Fox Lima of the Enigma MMX Social Media Song
Ray Lynch
Maetar with Itai and Hagai Disraeli
Gary Malkin with Thich Nhat Hanh and Phap Niem
Hani Naser Band
Elijah Ray and the Band of Light
Riddle the Sphinx with Christiane Cargill Kinney, Burgundy Morgan, Christo Pellani
Kenji Williams of Bella Gaia
To request an interview with album producers or musicians, or for more information, please contact Karmah Elmusa at [email protected] or 202.341.9500
MIM: On October 25th the Philadelphia chapter of the PCRF held a fundraiser with Dr.Mads Gilbert as keynote speaker. Gilbert is a notorious anti semite who was recently banned from entering Gaza for life due to his aid and abetting of terrorists and terrorism via his activities with and for the PCRF.
(A Google search for 'Mads Gilbert PCRF' reveals that he is making the rounds of Arab sponsored events in the United States to fundraise for the PCRF.)
Dear Friends and Supporters, We are Now Less Than 2 Days Away From our Big Event!
Registration Will Close Saturday October 25th At Noon!!!
No Ticket Sales at the Door!
Free on Site Parking...
Do Not Miss This once in a life time Chance to Meet the World Renown Humanitarian,
Dr. Mads Gilbert!
Building Hope,
Changing Lives
Gaza, Syria and Iraq
Please join us at our first annual PCRF Gala to benefit children and families most in need. Join us for an evening of inspiration, hope, and humanity.
Saturday, October 25, 2014 5:30 pm - 10:00 pm at the Sheraton Hotel (University City) 3549 Chestnut St. Philadelphia, PA 19104
The PCRF Philadelphia Chapter
With the ongoing crises occurring in the Middle East, the children of Gaza, Syria, Iraq, and other countries are constantly struggling for survival. The need for our work is more urgent than ever before.
Meet some of the inspiring, talented, and dedicated members of the Palestine Children's Relief Fund, including the President and CEO of PCRF, Steve Sosebee, who will be speaking about PCRF's humanitarian efforts.
Keynote Speaker - Mads, Gilbert, M.D.
Dr. Gilbert is a humanitarian and licensed surgeon who has been volunteering at Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza for over 10 years, treating and tending to the injured people of Gaza.
Poetry Reading - Najla Said
Said is an author, actor, playwright, activist and the daughter of Dr. Edward Said.
Musical Performance - Morris Shadid
Shadid is a talented oud player, and will be performing patriotic and traditional songs of the Middle East.
• Regular Admission: $75 Student Admission: $55
• Program includes: dinner, speakers, entertainment,
silent auction and raffle.
• Registration and reception: 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm
• Dinner and program: 6:30 pm - 10:00 pm
• No ticket sales at the door; please register early to ensure spots.
• Vegetarian option available; please indicate when buying tickets.
This item is available on the Militant Islam Monitor website, at