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Radical Clerics And Jihadis Gather In Philadelphia To Call For Death Of Bangladeshi Minister Who "Insulted Mohammed"

October 29, 2014

Muslims Gather in Philly Taxi Hall to Demand Death of Heretic

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On October 29, 2014 @ 8:37 am In The Point

Can we please send these people back to Bangladesh where it seems the authorities are doing a good job of dealing with them.

Philadelphia (12 October, 2014): Batil Firqa and materialism are enemies of iman, deen and humanity. The believers staged a strong protest rally countering the Satan Minister's insult to the Prophet and his bad words about the fourth pillar of Islam — the Holy Hajj.

The meeting was presided over by Alhaj Sheikh Mohammad Khorshan and was held at the local Taxi Alliance Hall. The speakers at the meeting said that the former Posts and Telecommunications Minister of Bangladesh, the apostate Latif Siddique, made tasteless statements about Islam and the Great Prophet of the religion. They also said that by hurting the feelings and faith of the Muslims of Bangladesh and the whole world, Mr. Siddique committed a despicable crime. They demanded exemplary punishment of the former Bangladeshi Minister.

The speaker said, Our faith demands we have to love the Prophet above everything of the world. Otherwise, we can not remain faithful. They said, A handful of apostates made bad comments about the Prophet before, and we saw their punishment in this world. We had witnessed Golam Mohammad Kadiani's tragic death in the toilet. They demanded the arrest of the apostate Latif Siddique and his public hanging.

This is a translation of an original story hosted at Jihad Watch. The Taxi Alliance Hall probably refers to a meeting house of the Taxi Workers Alliance of Pennsylvania. If so questions need to be asked why the group allowed its facility to be used to call for Jihad.

The organizing committee for that group has a lot of Muslims on board, but spellings of Muslim names can vary and with a translation become rather ambiguous.

The Golam reference is probably a mention of the founder of the Ahmadiyya movement who Muslims claim died on the toilet, because as we've seen from ISIS they're a classy bunch, which means that aside from the calls for murder, there was also the usual bigotry on display.

Article printed from FrontPage Magazine:

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