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August 4, 2014
Soldier Shot in Jerusalem
Young man, aged about 20, was shot in the stomach near Har Hatzofim tunnel. He is in moderate to serious condition. By Gil Ronen First Publish: 8/4/2014, 4:16 PMAn Israeli man was shot in the stomach at the entrance to the Har Hatzofim (Mount Scopus) tunnel in Jerusalem, in what looks to be the capital's second terror attack in a matter of hours.
An eyewitness named Eti said that the victim is a soldier. "I saw him falling backward," she told reporter Moshe Nusbaum.
The wounded man is about 20, said the channel's reporters, and he is in moderate to serious condition and received treatment on the spot. He was then taken to the nearby Hadassah Har Hatzofim hospital.
Eyewitnesses said that he was shot by a man who then got on a motorcycle or scooter and then drove off toward the Arab neighborhood of Wadi Joz. There may have been another man on the scooter as well.
Police are conducting a manhunt assisted by helicopters.
While the background for the attack is not known, initial estimates are that it is nationalistically motivated.
Major General Yosi Parienti, Jerusalem District Police Commander, said that the shooter was dressed in black and that he fired several shots at the soldier from close range. The man then ran toward a Vespa type scooter and drove off. A security guard fired at the scooter but apparently missed it.
"There is a very high likelihood that this is a terror attack," said Parienti. The soldier apparently has no criminal background and a criminal motivation appears unlikely.
Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat also said that the attack is a terror incident. Standing outside the entrance to Hadassah Hospital, he said that he believes the soldier was conscious when he arrived at the hospital.
The shooting and the tractor terror attack that preceded it by about three hours appear to be the direct result of repeated exhortations by Hamas directed at Palestinian Arabs in Judea and Samaria, whom Hamas expects to carry out terror attacks against Jewish people.
More to follow.
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