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City Of Rotterdam Forced To Pay Radical Muslim Professor Tariq Ramadan For Dismissal As 'Integration Advisor'

April 12, 2013

For background on this story see:

"Faux Moderate Tariq Ramadan Fired As Lecturer And Integration Advisor"

Rotterdam moet islamoloog Ramadan vergoeding betalen

door Kelly van Alphen 19 mrt 2013

De ontslagen islamoloog Tariq Ramadan, die als integratieadviseur voor de gemeente Rotterdam werkte, moet een schadevergoeding krijgen. Ramadan werd in 2009 ontslagen omdat hij ook werkte voor een nieuwszender in Londen die wordt gefinancierd door de Iraanse overheid.

Dat heeft het gerechtshof in Den Haag dinsdag bepaald. De omstreden islamoloog had nog twee maandsalarissen van de gemeente tegoed.

Eerder had de rechtbank in Rotterdam een door Ramadan geëiste schadevergoeding van 75.000 euro afgewezen.


Het ontslag is in de ogen van het hof opzich terecht. Maar de aangestelde 'bruggenbouwer' had de gelegenheid moeten krijgen om te reageren op de ontslagplannen.

Die mogelijkheid heeft hij volgens het gerechtshof nooit gekregen.

Twee maandsalarissen

Ramadan was ook gasthoogleraar aan de Erasmus Universiteit maar werd ook hier ontslagen. In november besliste de rechtbank in Rotterdam dat de universiteit Ramadan een schadevergoeding van twintigduizend euro betalen moest betalen.

De 'integratieadviseur' spande de zaak aan omdat hij zichzelf slachtoffer voelde van een soort 'jacht' op intellectuele moslims.


MIM: Ramadan gloated over his legal victory against the infidels in his 'thank you' on his website showing his Islamist supremacist mindset by claiming that the decisions were "contrary to respecting the rights of Muslims". At the end of the Elsevier article above it says that "The 'integration advisor' filed the suit because he felt himself to be the victim of a sort of 'hunt' on intellectual Muslims."


A big thank you !

jeudi, 21 mars 2013

Following the second decision of the Court of The Hague - which granted me a successful outcome in the case against the Municipality of Rotterdam (and which thereby closes proceedings against both the University and the City) - I would like to warmly thank everyone, all those who intellectually, spiritually and financially supported me in this commitment to justice.

These two court decisions highlight two lessons relating to the general atmosphere in the West towards Islam. The context of general suspicion allowed certain institutions (whether public or private) to make decisions that are contrary to respecting the rights of Muslims towards their jobs and their freedom of conscience and expression.My case, in this sense, is indicative of processes that adversely affect the integrity of the person and the reputation. The second lesson from this case is that no one, whoever they are, should in any way accept such treatment since justice, when it prevails, allows us to recover our rights and ascertain the facts.

This situation has happened twice for me in the Netherlands, and I hope that those who are facing unfair treatment or discrimination will find encouragement to defend their rights.

In financial terms, the total allowances paid in both cases amounted to little more than a quarter of the amount that had been requested - for the entire two cases this compensation amounts to € 29 000, while we were asking € 103,000 (which was the due salary for the remaining two year contract with the Municipality and the University).

This victory is a victory above all for the principle. I hope that the sum of € 29,000 will be sufficient to cover legal fees and the procedures still to be resolved (remaining invoices and expenses over this past year). The payment of these fees and final expenses will put an end to this procedure. If any of the € 29,000 is left after all due fees and any related incurred expenses have been paid, the remaining balance will be paid to the account of 'Just Cause' to support other justice procedures (for people in need).

A big thank you again


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