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March 27, 2013
March 27, 2013 - San Francisco, CA - - Egyptian president Morsi is being targeted by the decidedly leftist group, Amnesty International [AI], which accused the Muslim Brotherhood [MB] dictator of failing to protect Egypt's Christian Copts.In a statement issued by the organization it demanded:
"...Coptic Christians [in Egypt] must be protected from sectarian violence.. "Time and time again, President Mohamed Morsy has claimed to be the president of all Egyptians. Now, he needs to take action to ensure that sectarian violence is prevented and when it occurs that it is properly investigated, with those responsible facing justice," [source, Mahmoud Khaled, Amnesty Slams Morsi for Failing to Protect Copts, Almasry Alyoum, the Egyptian Independent]
While AI usually spends its time beating up "right wing," governments including that of the United States for "human rights abuses," it seldom has singled out any of the numerous leftist and now Islamist dictatorships which have exploded across the Middle East as a result of Barack Obama's "Arab Spring."Muslim persecution of non-Muslims is endemic throughout the Islamic world as the Shari'a makes no allowances for peacefully coexisting alongside other religions on an equal basis. This is rooted in the sense of triumphalism present in all Islamic theory; there is but on God, Allah, and his religion, Islam, is preordained to dominate the Earth.
Therefore it is not and has no intention of being accommodative to other belief structures.The increasing violence against the country's Copts tracks almost perfectly alongside the ascendancy of Egypt's terrorist Muslim Brotherhood, of which Morsi is a long-time leader. The mayhem committed against this tiny minority religious population runs the gamut from simply intimidation to the bombing and/or burning of Christian churches, torture and just about everything else imaginable in a ruthless and barbaric theocracy which has no need for accountability.
Previous Egyptian rulers kept a tight rein on the group's activities, often jailing them for extended periods of time in Egypt's horror filled prison system where more than a few were "eliminated," sometimes publicly as was the case with Sayyid Qutb, the MB's seminal theoretician, who was hanged for his revolutionary writings and activities in 1966 by then president, Gamal Abdel Nasser.
The real world effect of AI's condemnation will most likely be nil; Muslim revolutionaries generally are not want to heed the advice of "do-gooder," Western human rights activists and we see no reason for Mr. Morsi to stop his reign of terror on the strength of AI's criticism.
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