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Thousands Of Moroccan Teenagers Expected To Return To Holland To Keep Welfare Payments

February 18, 2013

Welfare payments to Morocco greatly decreased

Several thousand children in Moroccan with a Dutch passport are expected to be brought back to Holland next year. This was said by top administrator Mohammed Bernoussi from the 'Ministry for Moroccans abroad' in an interview this evening withh Nieuwsuur.

'No choice'

According to him this is the result of the proposal by the Rutte kabinet to completely stop the export of the children's welfare payments per January 1 2014. Half of European countries have already done this."The fathers have no choice" says Bernoussi. This will affect possibly thousands of children, mostly teenagers. Once they are back in Holland they have once again the right to a full children's welfare payment...

Uitkeringen Marokko flink gekort

Toegevoegd: maandag 18 feb 2013, 12:37

Enkele duizenden kinderen in Marokko met een Nederlands paspoort worden volgend jaar mogelijk naar Nederland teruggehaald. Dat zegt topambtenaar Mohammed Bernoussi van het 'Ministerie voor Marokkanen in het buitenland' vanavond in een interview met Nieuwsuur.

'Geen keus'

Het is volgens hem de consequentie van het voornemen van het kabinet Rutte om de export van kinderbijslag buiten de EU per 1 januari 2014 helemaal stop te zetten. De helft van de Europese landen heeft dat al gedaan. "De vaders hebben geen keus", zegt Bernoussi. Het gaat mogelijk om duizenden kinderen, vooral tieners. Eenmaal terug in Nederland, hebben ze weer recht op de volledige kinderbijslag...

MIM: The situation regarding criminality by Moroccan youths in Holland has reached crisis proportions. The influx of thousands of Moroccan teenagers to the country will only increase the problem which the government has not been able to solve as detailed below.

Government Financed Attempt To Stop Criminality By Moroccan Youth In Holland A Failure

March 30, 2011

Last year 22 Dutch "Moroccan municipalities" received 32 million euros to tackle the problem of Moroccan youth criminality. The program was labeled " Dealing with Moroccan At Risk Youth". Experts have concluded that the effort was a total waste of money and that the criminality in some areas has even increased. The municipalities instituted "family coaches" who were supposed to interact with families whose children were causing societal problems and "street coaches"who were supposed to counsel the youth on the street. Instead the coaches helped the Moroccan youth with avoiding fines and penalities incurred by their anti-social behaviour.

According to Elsevier magazine:"The cities that have problems with "youthful loiterers" of Moroccan background have pumped their money into projects which were already known not to work".

De Telegraaf newspaper lead with the headline " Moroccan Subsidy Money Thrown Away".

Also see: "Moroccan Youth Terrorize Dutch Town"

"The Radicalization of Young Moroccans and Turks In The Netherlands"


Morocco takes action against welfare cuts

"Together with other countries Morocco has tried to move Holland to rescind the welfare cuts. Moroccan media has reported that the Moroccan minster of Foreign Affairs, Saad Dine al- Otmani has emphasized that Morocco together with other countries, mainly Egypt, Tunesia and Turkey, will challenge the Dutch policy..."

Morocco in actie tegen korting uitkeringen

"Marokko probeert samen met andere landen Nederland te bewegen kortingen op uitkeringen van gerechtigden in het buitenland terug te draaien. Marokkaanse media meldden dat de Marokkaanse minister van Buitenlandse Zaken, Saad Dine al-Otmani, heeft beklemtoond dat Marokko samen met andere landen, vooral Egypte, Tunesië en Turkije, het Nederlandse beleid aanvecht..."

This item is available on the Militant Islam Monitor website, at