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CIA Nominee John Brennan May Have Become A Muslim

February 14, 2013

John Brennan, CIA nominee, may have converted to Islam

February 14, 2013

A former FBI agent said on Saturday that there were indications that President Barack Obama's CIA nominee John Brennan converted to Islam between 1996 and 1999 when he was the CIA station chief in Riyadh.

Agent John Guandolo, who retired from the FBI in 2008, told the U.S. Trento Radio Show that Brennan converted to Islam in Saudi Arabia and visited Mecca and Medina during the hajj season along with Saudi officials, who may have induced Brennan to convert.

In a Skype video interview with the radio show, Guandolo referred to a video showing Brennan saying that during his time in Saudi Arabia, he "marveled at the majesty of the Hajj and the devotion of those who fulfilled their duty as Muslims by making that pilgrimage."

Guandolo concluded that this "video confirms Brennan converted to Islam" since non-Muslims are not allowed to visit Medina and Mecca especially during the Hajj season.

Brennan is a CIA veteran, among his previously held posts are the deputy national security advisor for homeland security and counterterrorism.

Also see: "John Brennan From Mecca To Washington"

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