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November 14, 2012
By WILLIAM MAYERNovember 13, 2012 - Washington, DC - - In a strongly worded letter to House Speaker Boehner Rep. Frank Wolf (R-VA) today called for the creation of a select committee to investigate the terrorist attack in Benghazi and subsequent revelations that followed [text appears below].
Wolf maintained in a statement that such a high level investigation be conducted, "so that Congress can fulfill its constitutional responsibilities to legislate and educate the American people on the circumstances surrounding the attack, which led to the death of four Americans, including a U.S. ambassador."
The Virginia Congressman has sharp words for the manner in which the WH has so far obfuscated on the deadly September 11 attack which left 4 dead including American Ambassador Chris Stevens. "The White House has repeatedly cancelled scheduled briefings and, to date, has not provided the chairmen of national security committees and subcommittees…the additional information requested regarding the attack and the administration's response."
Wolf decried DOJ response to the growing scandal, expressing, "disappointment in the response by Attorney General Eric Holder, saying that the FBI's recent investigation of CIA Director Petraeus raises further skepticism as the CIA had a central role in the Benghazi attack.
Additionally, Mr. Wolf claims that, "Reportedly, Holder knew about this investigation for months "but chose not to disclose it until after the presidential election – yet another example of Mr. Holder's politicized leadership of the Justice Department...There are serious questions surrounding this Justice Department's integrity, similar to those raised during the second term of the Nixon Administration."
On the palpable sense of frustration welling within Congress on the Benghazi scandal the Congressman concluded, "Too many questions remain surrounding the Benghazi attack and response," Wolf concluded. "The Congress owes it to the families of the victims of this terrorist attack, and the American people, to fully investigate this tragedy."
Below, the full text of the letter has been reproduced:
The Honorable John Boehner
Speaker of the House
U.S. House of Representatives
H-232 The Capitol
INSIDE MAILDear Mr. Speaker,
In light of the ongoing revelations stemming from the September 11, 2012 terrorist attack on the U.S. consulate and Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) annex in Benghazi, Libya, I ask that you immediately establish a House or bicameral Select Committee on the Terrorist Attack in Benghazi.
Given that this incident and subsequent disclosures involves the CIA, State Department, Defense Department, Justice Department and the White House, I believe the select committee should be comprised of the chairmen and ranking members of the committees on Intelligence, Foreign Affairs, Armed Services, Judiciary and Government Reform and Oversight. Other members could also be appointed at the discretion of House leadership based on expertise. A House or bicameral select committee will prevent the overlap of multiple investigations and hearings, and must have full subpoena authority.
The Congress has an obligation to fully investigate this attack in order to fulfill its constitutional responsibilities as it does its legislative work, particularly when it comes to national security and defending the homeland. It also has a responsibility to educate the American people on the circumstances surrounding the attack, which led to the death of four Americans, including a U.S. ambassador. Basic questions remain unanswered, and when additional information has been released, much of it has been through the media. The White House has repeatedly canceled scheduled briefings and, to date, has not provided the chairmen of national security committees and subcommittees that wrote the president on September 25 the additional information requested regarding the attack and the administration's response.
The revelations surrounding the FBI's investigation of CIA Director Petraeus raise even more questions, especially given the CIA's central role in the Benghazi attack. It has been reported that Attorney General Holder knew about this investigation for months but chose not to disclose it until after the presidential election - yet another example of Mr. Holder's politicized leadership of the Justice Department. There are serious questions surrounding this Justice Department's integrity, similar to those raised during the second term of the Nixon Administration.
Too many questions remain surrounding the Benghazi attack and response, and the questions seem to grow by the day. The Congress has a responsibility to the families of the victims of this terrorist attack, and the American people, to fully investigate this tragedy.
Frank R. Wolf
Member of Congress
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