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July 9, 2012
Toulouse Terrorist: I'm Not Afraid of Death
French television releases recording of terrorist Mohammed Merah, revealing what he told French police during a standoff.
By Elad Benari
First Publish: 7/9/2012, 3:13 AM
French television released on Sunday a recording of Mohammed Merah, the terrorist who murdered seven people, including a rabbi and three young children, in the French city of Toulouse several months ago.
The recording reveals what Merah told French police officers in a standoff in his apartment after he refused to give himself up. Merah was ultimately killed when he tried to flee a raid on his apartment.
"I am a determined person. I didn't do what I did to get caught," Merah told the officers, according to a report on Army Radio.
"We're holding negotiations here, but beyond that, do not forget I'm armed," he said, ridiculing the officers for the fact that he managed to murder several times and avoid them. He added that he had connections with Al-Qaeda and with the underworld and stated that he knows the methods used by the police.
"I know what's going to happen," Merah declared. "I know how you operate, and I'm aware that you might kill me. It's a risk I'm making. You should know that in front of you stands a man who is not afraid of death. I love death as you love life."
The 23-year-old terrorist had shot footage of himself carrying out seven murders in the week prior to the raid. Merah killed three Muslim paratroopers of North African heritage, in addition to the rabbi and children at the Otzar HaTorah Jewish day school in Toulouse.
He confessed to murdering the soldiers, the rabbi and the Jewish children while hiding in his apartment during the siege by SWAT police officers prior to his death.
Merah's father has filed suit against police who killed him, accusing police of murdering his son.
The elder Merah was forced to inter his son in France, despite the family's desire to bury the terrorist in Algiers, the birthplace of his mother. item is available on the Militant Islam Monitor website, at