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Hamas threatens to renew attacks while IDF general says "Israel must take the chance"
March 13, 2005
MIM: Arabs in Ramallah 'give piece a chance' as they celebrate the killing of two Jews inside PA 'security forces' headquarters
Likud Appealing to Peace Now for Help Friday, March 11, 2005
The Likud government has asked leftist groups to help in a massive campaign aimed at overcoming strong American Jewish and non-Jewish opposition to the disengagement plan.
Danny Ayalon, Israel's Ambassador to the United States, will participate Monday in a Peace Now-sponsored forum on Capitol Hill. In addition, Deputy Prime Minister Ehud Olmert (pictured above) is scheduled to deliver the keynote speech at the June annual dinner of the Israel Policy Forum, a group that was formed to support the Labor Party's Oslo II policies.
These two events are part of an intensive campaign aimed at counteracting opposition to the disengagement plan by evangelical Christians and a large number of Jews.
Israeli diplomats in the U.S. are under orders to meet with as many Jewish organizations and synagogues as possible and urge them not to "second-guess the government of Israel or the Israeli citizens," says Aryeh Mekel, Israel's consul-general in New York. "This is the number one priority on the agenda of the consulates," he added.
Consulate sources say that the government has recently begun to understand the impact of American Jewish opposition to Sharon's plan to dismantle 25 Jewish communities in the Gaza region and northern Samaria. Pro-disengagement Jewish leaders also are worried about this camp's strength. "It is necessary to mobilize" supporters of the government plan, said Abe Foxman, director of the Anti-Defamation League and a prominent supporter of the plan. "It is very important that Israeli officials will be involved in doing that."
Morton Klein, president of the Zionist Organization of America and an outspoken critic of Sharon's program, said that American Jews have a right and obligation to oppose Israeli policies they think are damaging. Klein added that the ZOA is launching a newspaper advertising campaign exposing anti-Israeli comments by Palestinian Authority chairman Abu Mazen (Mahmoud Abbas).
11 March 2005 Likud Appealing to Peace Now for Help |
2. 20 February 2005 Peace Now Calls on PM to Apologize to Bereaved Families |
3. 17 February 2005 Peace Now Officials Label Federman a "Ticking Bomb" |
4. 6 January 2005 Peace Now Names Wallerstein in Illegal-Construction Complaint |
5. 24 December 2004 Peace Now Happily Volunteering to Replace Soldiers in Expulsion |
6. 30 November 2004 Peace Now Calls on Labor to Permit Gaza Disengagement Implementation |
7. 21 September 2004 Peace Now Leaders Call on Yesha Leaders to Instill Calm |
8. 8 September 2004 Peace Now Activists Steal Container |
9. 8 September 2004 Peace Now Activists Steal Property From the Migron Area |
10. 8 August 2004 Peace Now Calls on Minister Hanegbi to Take Action |
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Top Journalist Confesses: Media Pushed Disengagement
Friday, March 11, 2005
Respected Israeli journalist Nahum Barnea admits that most of the Israeli media has acted more like the "guard dog" of the disengagement plan than that of democracy.
Writing in the most recent edition of the monthly media publication "The Seventh Eye," Barnea stated that Israeli journalists made a mistake that must now be acknowledged.
"There is no argument that the tone in the Israeli media is pro-disengagement," Barnea wrote. "Were the media just supportive, or also enlisted [in its favor]?"
He added that had the Prime Minister presented a program to strengthen Jewish communities instead of dismantling them, the media would have treated him "with cruelty."
Barnea noted that only certain newspapers have published articles against the Prime Minister. He noted that the "right-wing" media, mainly the B'Sheva and Makor Rishon weeklies and the daily HaTzofeh, correctly have emphasized that Sharon promised he would accept the results of last year's Likud party referendum on whether to accept the disengagement plan.
"Two-thirds of the party members voted against it in a party referendum, but Sharon ignored the results," Barnea wrote. "Even Ben-Gurion, whom Sharon admires, would not have dared to act that way towards his party. When he [Ben-Gurion] lost in a party vote, he obeyed it while gritting his teeth."
Israel's media treated Sharon with "kid gloves" although he acted pretentiously, Barnea confessed. "We were the guard dog of disengagement more than we were the guard dog of democracy. Our duty is to report, expose, criticize, educate and influence." The media's conscription in the disengagement program was "a mistake" and the media should admit it now and not later, Barnea concluded.
Complaint Filed Against PM Sharon and Author of Outposts Report Friday, March 11, 2005 ---------------------------------------------------- By Anadolu News Agency (aa) Israeli Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz is reportedly against the building of new Jewish settlements in the Gaza Strip. According to reports of the Israeli newspaper Yediot Aharanot, the latest decision was reached after consultations with the justice and interior ministers and will be put into affect next week and noted that Mofaz is against the new settlements in Gaza. A military official said the commandership in charge of Gaza has banned the settlements of the Jews in Gush Katif by releasing a decree. Military officials had previously decided to declare the withdrawal regions as "closed military zone". To enter the zone, only residents having special identity cards will be allowed access. For now, nearly 8,000 Jewish settlers live in 21,000 units. All of these settlements will be evacuated as of July. ------------------------------ IDF Getting Tough on RefuseniksTuesday, March 15, 2005 --------------------- MIM: Israeli general tells Jews to give piece a chance picture above: Arabs celebrate the slaugher of 2 Jews in Ramallah ------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
Hamas Burns US & Israeli Flags, Threatens to Renew Attacks Saturday, March 12, 2005 / 1 Adar 5765 --------------- Jericho handover to occur Wednesday Margot Dudkevitch The Palestinian Authority will receive security control of Jericho Wednesday, with Tulkarm due to be handed over early next week security officials told The Jerusalem Post during a meeting between Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz and Palestinian Authority Interior Minister Nasser Yusef at the Daniel Hotel in Herzliya on Monday night. According to officials, Mofaz and Yusef are also discussing the transfer of Kalkilya to Palestinian control making it the third city on the list to be handed over. The meeting was scheduled in an attempt to iron out the differences that arose in meetings last week between Israeli and Palestinian security officials that led to a breakdown in talks and prevented the handover from being implemented. As Israeli security officials met with their Palestinian counterparts last week to finalize arrangements for the handover of Jericho, the Palestinians issued new demands including a request that Israel remove all West Bank checkpoints and that they receive security control of Highway 90, the main access route to Jordan Valley communities and those traveling north. In addition, the Palestinians also demanded full control of Oudja, a farming village north of Jericho that straddles Highway 90. It was agreed at the meeting that Israel would retain security control of Highway 90. The checkpoint located at the district coordinating office outside of Jericho will also remain. In addition, members of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine who are incarcerated in Jericho will remain behind bars, including the murderers of Rehavam Ze'evi, the former tourism minister. The Palestinians also agreed to disarm fugitives hiding out in the city and Israel will allow the Palestinians to train police in the city so that they can be deployed in other areas once the PA receives security control over other cities. Mofaz and Yusef plan to meet again in four weeks to discuss further steps. The transfer of cities to Palestinian security control has been on the agenda ever since the first meeting between Mofaz and Palestinian security chief Muhammed Dahlan on January 29, the first held between the two since August 2003. Since then, there have been a number of meetings between Israeli and Palestinian officials in an attempt to move forward with the transfer of cities to Palestinian security control. ----------------------------
--------------------------------- Tulkarm Handover DelayedSunday, March 20, 2005 -------------------------- MIM: Homeland security begins at home : The oxymoronic misnomer of 'Israeli - Arab' reveals the depth of denial to which the Israeli government and the media has sunk in not addressing the mortal danger of the fifth columnists living among them. Israel has to show that they are serious about the war on terror by expelling the ten Arabs from the Knesset and stripping Arabs of their citizenship. Continued dialouge and appeasement is construed as weakness and will only lead to more attacks both in Israel and on Israeli targets abroad. Israeli-Arab Actively Involved in Deadly AttackThursday, March 24, 2005 ------------------- Delegates abuzz over ‘suicide bomber' BY SIM LEOI LEOI PUTRAJAYA: The issue of suicide bombers attracted a lively debate at the international conference on Peace in Palestine here after a delegate asked why "this aspect of the Palestinian armed resistance" was neglected. Razak Kasim from the London-based Islamic Human Rights Commission criticised yesterday's panel of speakers for not discussing it. "Why has nobody condemned the use of tanks and machine-guns by Israeli soldiers against the Palestinian people as immoral when we often use this word in connection with the suicide bombers?" he asked at the conference held in Putrajaya International Convention Centre here.
"But it's not a pleasant feeling to have, whenever one travels in Tel Aviv, and we don't know when the suicide bombers will strike next." Razak then said that Keller had used only a "few seconds" to reply on the immorality of the weapons but "a full 10 minutes on the effects of these attacks on Israelis". Keller is the spokesman of the Israeli Peace Bloc Gush Shalom and one of the five Israelis invited to speak on the topic Is A Just Peace Possible? at the three-day conference organised by Peace Malaysia. Earlier, veteran Arab-American journalist Ramzy Baroud said many Palestinians felt that armed resistance, including suicide bombing, was the only option left for them. "They feel that they have been abandoned by the international world," he said. Delhi University's International Relations and Global Politics pro Achin Vanaik called on the Palestinians to pursue a non-violent strategy. Prior to the debate, Keller apologised that his presence and that of other Israelis had caused "certain members of the Islamic party" to stay away from the event. PAS had withdrawn from the event to protest the participation of the Israelis. Meanwhile, Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss had a lot to say to Jews who think that Palestine rightfully belongs to them. "Our holy book Torah says that the people of Israel are in exile from the land that has been given by God to them. "And that period of exile is not over yet. Our holy books forbid us to take the land by force from the Palestinians. "Any attempt to do so is a rebellion against God," he said. The New Yorker is a representative of a coalition of Jews United Against Zionism.
-------------------------------------- MIM: Better but Deader - Political correctness run amok: Army says it has "no choice" but to obey Supreme Court in ruling which favors terrorists. Democracy and 'rule of law' provides Israeli army escort to terrorist family involved in the 1929 massacre to return to live next to Jews in Hebron.
This item is available on the Militant Islam Monitor website, at