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Hollandistan Follies: City councilman orders officials to view Muslim rapper's show to understand plight of Moroccan street thugs

February 14, 2005

Rapper Ali B. holding a Palestinian flag on stage (Photo: Han Soete, 2003) news/1229.shtml

MIM: In yet another example of multi kulti run amok – Dutch city councilman Huis has decreed that city council members in his district would be obligated to view the performance of a Muslim Moroccan rapper by the name of Ali B.

According to councilman Huis, Ali B.'s show, which sheds light on the urgent societal problems of Moroccan youth such as' not succeeding at job interviews' ( often as the result of poor Dutch language skills,) and' being refused entry into discoteques',( due to violent behaviour), would afford the city elders an invaluable understanding of the challenges facing Muslim youth in the streets of Holland.

Having a name which brings to mind that of that of Theo van Gogh's killer, (Mohammed B.) and more recently, a purse snatcher named Ali B.( who was honored by the Muslim community as a hero after he was run over by his victim), seems to have contributed to Ali B.'s popularity in the eyes of Dutch officials such as councilman Huis. Indeed Ali B. gleefully recounted that he deliberately chose that name because "it is the way Muslim criminals are referred to in the news".

Chosing a name associated with Muslim murders and thieves seems to have further enchanced Ali B.'s 'street creds' and celebrity status in Holland .In the months since Theo van Gogh's death he has won awards and accolades and,in a stunning display of dhimmitude, was even one of the nominees for ‘Dutch person of the year" and won Holland's top music award.

Ironically, Ali B.recently wrote to a radical Islamist website called Elaqem and demanded that his name not be mentioned on their site because it detracted from his image !

For more on the website see:


Councilman wants to make Ali B. obligatory

Translated by Beila Rabinowitz director MIM

Almere - Councilman F. Huis of Almere wants to make the theatre show ‘Life on the Street' obligatory viewing for all city council members. According to the councilman the show is more educational for the council members then the discussions which the council is holding regarding, for example, the youth policy position papers. Huis said this on Monday.

‘Life on the street' is about street life in a big city. Huis saw Ali B.'s show last weekend in Rotterdam and was very impressed. ‘After the performance I was turned upside down', according to the councilman.

" A performance by Ali B. says more then a hundred position papers", he concluded. Very urgent social problems are presented in a light hearted manner and ridiculed. For example, discrimination by job interviews, or the entry policies of discotheques.'

The city council will become more involved with the society, explained Huis. ‘One will understand the problems of the street better'. And that can only be good for politicians. "But in the end we as city council will of course still require position papers for decision making."


foto Frits HuisFrits Huis

maandag 14 februari 2005 uur.

Wethouder wil voorstelling Ali B verplichten


ALMERE - Wethouder F. Huis van Almere wil de theatershow 'Leven van de straat' van Ali B verplichte kost maken voor de gemeenteraad. De show is wat de wethouder betreft educatiever voor het gemeentebestuur dan de besprekingen die het bestuur voert over bijvoorbeeld jongerennota's. Dat zei Huis maandag.

'Leven van de straat' gaat over het straatleven in de grote stad. Huis bezocht de show van Ali B afgelopen weekeinde in Rotterdam en was erg onder de indruk. 'Na afloop van de voorstelling was ik helemaal van de kaart,' aldus de wethouder.

'Een voorstelling van Ali B. zegt meer dan honderd nota's,' concludeert hij. 'Zeer indringende maatschappelijke problemen worden op een lichtvoetige manier aan de kaak gesteld. Bijvoorbeeld over discriminatie bij sollicitaties of het deurbeleid bij discotheken.'

De gemeenteraad zou door een bezoek aan de voorstelling meer betrokken raken bij de samenleving, stelt Huis. 'Je begrijpt de problemen van de straat beter. En dat is alleen maar goed voor politici. Maar uiteindelijk zullen we als gemeentebestuur natuurlijk altijd nota's nodig hebben voor besluitvorming."

De wethouder stelt het college van burgemeester en wethouders dinsdag voor de show tot nota te benoemen. Als dat lukt, moet de hele raad de voorstelling van de Almeerse rapper gaan bekijken.


MIM: Not to be outdone in dhimmitude by a plebian city councilman , Dutch princess Maxima recently announced that "We have to show the richness of integration". The princess insanely believes that one can 'demand' a 'change of attitude' on the part of disgruntled, hostile 'foreigners' so they will begin to appreciate 'how good they have it in Holland ' and realize"the richness of integration'.

It is obvious that not only has the princess never read the Koran, and has failed to grasp the simple fact that the majority those who have come to Holland from third world hell holes to live in a wealthy European country for the social welfare benefits have no intention of contributing or assimilating into the society in which they live. The 'unhappiness' expressed by the foreigners is caused by the fact that Dutch society is not meeting their needs and expectations,i.e.expecting them to speak Dutch and accept the culture of what they perceive to be a hedonistic Dutch society. In the case of the Muslims, the fact that Holland has not yet become Hollandistan is the cause of their discontent.

Ironically the princess's own explanation of the problem shows why it is a lost cause.

She claims that the first and second generation's problems are clear, but the third generation's are even "harder to deal with" and concludes by saying 'they are neither one nor the other'. Instead of blaming the foreign born for not wanting or attempting to integrate , the princess thinks it is the Dutch who are obliged to make sure them feel at home. With the South American born daughter of a facist, married to a Dutch prince, leading the campaign to help third world women to assimilate , Dutch integration is a done deal.


Translated by Beila Rabinowitz director MIM

"We have to see the richness of integration"

The integration process should be approached more positively, according to princess Maxima Monday evening in the tv -program NOVA. "So much can be gained from the difference of cultures in Holland. So much goes wrong qua lack of comphrehension and misunderstanding. We simply have to see the richness of integation."

Princess Maxima points more or less to the own responsibility of the foreigners for their integration. 'It's up to your own energy and your own will power to participate'. Because I also know people and girls who have it very good here but still say: "Yes, but I miss my country"... The princess demands another attitude. "I grab my chance and I feel myself at home ". "I just love being here and will try to be part of Holland more and more".

She wants to direct her efforts in the future towards integration as part of her work with PAVEM a group meant to help foreign born women .

"I mayself am foreign born" (Note: Maxima is from South America,and her father was said to be an associate of Pinochet, which lead to protests before her wedding to the Dutch prince). More and more women look at me and say"you have to learn the language". They can identify with me in some way. The princess does realize that her situation in the beginning was also quite different then many of the others.

Her position is what gives her the possibility to get alot done.'The is role of the monarchy is to be a symbol of unity and to bring people together.I also want to contribute the integration of the foreign born. I think I can help. I am a political and stay above the political sphere.' The princess thinks that she can bring the groups closer to each other.

The princess, who says she feels at home in our country, wants to focus on the younger foreign born. "I think that the problems of the first and second generation are clear the third generation are more difficult to deal with. You are neither one nor the other'.


maandag 14 februari 2005 uur.
Máxima: 'We moeten de rijkdom van integratie willen zien'

HILVERSUM - Het integratieproces moet positiever worden benaderd, aldus prinses Máxima maandagavond in het tv-programma NOVA. 'Er is zoveel te halen in de verschillende culturen in Nederland. Er gaat zoveel mis qua onbegrip en misverstanden. Wij moeten gewoon de rijkdom van integratie willen zien.'

Prinses Máxima wijst ook min of meer op de eigen verantwoordelijkheid van allochtonen bij hun integratie. 'Het gaat om jouw eigen energie en jouw eigen wilskracht om mee te doen. Want ik ken ook mensen en meisjes die het heel goed hebben en alle mogelijkheden krijgen en toch zeggen: ja maar ik mis mijn land...' De prinses beveelt een andere opstelling aan: 'Ik grijp mijn kans en ik voel me thuis. Ik vind het heerlijk om hier te zijn en probeer meer en meer met Nederland mee te doen.'

Ze wil zich ook in de toekomst, na haar werk voor de PAVEM ten behoeve van allochtone vrouwen, op integratie richten: 'Ik ben zelf ook een allochtoon. Heel veel vrouwen kijken naar mij en denken: jij moest ook de taal leren. Ze kunnen zich deels met mij identificeren.' De prinses realiseert zich wel duidelijk dat haar situatie vanaf het begin af heel anders was dan van veel anderen.

Juist door haar positie kan ze veel doen: 'Er is een rol voor de monarchie als symbool van eenheid, om mensen samen te brengen. Ik wil graag een bijdrage leveren aan de integratie van allochtonen. Ik denk dat ik kan helpen. Ik ben a-politiek, blijf boven de politieke sfeer.' De prinses denkt dat ze partijen nader tot elkaar kan brengen.

De prinses, die zegt zich thuis te voelen in ons land, wil zich richten op de jongere allochtonen. 'Ik denk dat de problemen van de eerste of tweede generatie heel duidelijk zijn, de derde generatie is lastiger. Je bent niet het ene maar ook niet het andere.'

New clothing rules for Muslims in Holland: ' Soon to be 2 million '

This item is available on the Militant Islam Monitor website, at