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Obama's "Peaceful" Uighurs Continue Chinese Jihad

August 3, 2009

Obama's "Peaceful" Uighurs Continue Chinese Jihad

August 3, 2009 - San Francisco, CA - - Since the Obama administration's June 11 release of 4 Uighur terrorists - previously held at GITMO - to Bermuda, the radical Muslim group's jihad in China's Xinjiang province has exploded.

Starting on July 5, a constant battle has ensued between Chinese law enforcement and the group with approximately 2,000 so far having been detained with over 300 arrested over the last few days alone.

In what appears to be a typical incitement to violence by the Uighurs in Xinjiang, detailed in a New York Times piece, "The imam, Abdushukur Rehmutura, said one of the men stood up among the congregants, took out a green banner and shouted: "Holy war! Holy war! Go with us." [source,]. The man then produced a bag full of knives which he hoped to distribute to the faithful.

This item is available on the Militant Islam Monitor website, at