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Obama's Muslim Woman Advisor, Dalia Mogahed, Showcases Her Islamism

April 30, 2009

Obama's Muslim Woman Advisor, Dalia Mogahed, Showcases Her Islamism


April 30, 2009 - San Francisco, CA - - Obama's newest addition to his "faith based" advisory board is Dalia Mogahed.

Mogahed was recently interviewed by IslamOnline [see,] during which she stated that "Islamophobia in America is very real," and seemed to indicate that Islamic terrorists have legitimate complaints, stating that terrorists have been allowed to "take over...Muslim grievances."

"What kind of advise [sic] would you be giving Obama to improve relations with US Muslims and the Muslim world?

I would advise him to listen first and foremost. Many have claimed that terrorists have 'hijacked Islam'. I disagree. I think Islam is safe and thriving in the lives of Muslims around the world. What the terrorists have been allowed to take over are Muslim grievances. Muslim concerns over injustice have been largely dismissed by the previous administration leaving a vacuum exploited by extremists. This is a dangerous reality for all of us. Instead, the US must hear mainstream Muslim concerns even if America does not agree with their perceptions. These issues can no longer be ignored or left and the extremists to monopolize.

What do you think of the rising Islamphobia in America?

Islamphobia in America is very real. Gallup finds that Muslims are among the most unfavorably viewed groups in the US and only a little over a third of Americans say they have no prejudice against Muslims. This presents a grave danger to America as a whole. The disease of racism, by definition, is a bias in judgment. This means that racism clouds sound j udgment and leads people to make irrational decisions. It also divides a nation and prevents the full utilization of its intellectual and cultural resources. Racism is wasteful. Racism is a strategic disadvantage. I am very proud of the progress America has made in fighting this problem as it relates to the relationship between blacks and whites. In 1956 only 4% of Americans approved of a marriage between whites and blacks. The marriage that produced our president was illegal in Virginia when he was born. Today 80% of Americans approve of marriage between blacks and whites. Last year, Barack Obama became the first Democratic Presidential candidate in decades to carry Virginia. We are a stronger and smarter nation because of this growth. Our next growth spurt will be in ridding our society of anti-Muslim prejudice."

Ms. Mogahed's viewpoint is typical of the Islamist mindset.

She sees no responsibility for the actions of Muslims in causing what she wrongfully terms Islamophobia and maintains a hostile/confrontational attitude towards the United States while striking a pose of victimhood, even after having been appointed to a high level WH advisory panel by a president who seems to be similarly constructed.

This item is available on the Militant Islam Monitor website, at