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VICTORY!!! Holy Land Foundation Defendants Found Guilty Of All Charges

November 24, 2008

VICTORY!! Holy Land Foundation Defendants Found Guilty On All Charges


November 24, 2008 - San Francisco, CA - - After a blown 2007 prosecution and eight days into deliberation in the new trial, the Holy Land Foundation [HLF] jury today found the five defendants guilty on all 108 charges, thus sending a shockwave through the American Islamist community which has grown accustomed to operating beyond the reach of the law.

The case revolved upon the allegations, now proven, that the Richardson Texas based Holy Land Foundation fraudulently operated as a Muslim charity, funneling at least $12 million to the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas.

Among those convicted today are Ghassan Elashi, already serving a six year sentence, having been convicted on 21 charges in another terrorism case U.S. Vs. Infocom. Elashi is notable for being the founder of the Texas chapter of CAIR. CAIR, the Council on American Islamic Relations.

CAIR is a Saudi funded faux civil rights group serving as a mouthpiece for Hamas and was named as an unindicted co-conspirator in the HLF case. CAIR was so designated on the basis of its close relationship to the Egyptian terrorist group the Muslim Brotherhood.

As we noted in a 2006 piece Ghassan Elashi's Sentencing Proves CAIR's Terror Ties

"Flush with millions of dollars of Saudi funding and emboldened by the election of their candidate, Minneapolis Wahhabist Muslim convert Keith Ellison to Congress, the Council on American Islamic Relations [CAIR] has been moving ever more aggressively to wage cultural jihad against American society.

CAIR's goal?

Nothing less than the replacement of the U.S. Constitution with Shari'a - Islamic law.


Manipulation of events [often creating them out of whole cloth, expressly for that purpose] employing a generally accommodative media to establish the impression that Islamophobia is pervasive in America, thus justifying the organization's existence as a group uniquely qualified to deal with such "discrimination."

CAIR then brings to bear its not inconsiderable legal assault team to brow-beat and intimidate private citizens, civic institutions as well as governmental entities into adopting a "speak, see or hear no evil," attitude to the organization's radical Muslim agenda at the risk of being labeled anti-Muslim bigots.

This is a clever and effective policy in present day America [itself a battlefield in its own distinct but related internal culture war pitting progressive secularism against traditional values] where critical thinking skills have been over-run by an intellectually deficient, kumbaya form of multiculturalism, where submission to the supporters of terror [dhimmitude] is deemed preferable to being labeled Muslim haters.

Under this template CAIR has become the defacto spokesman for North American Islam.

This has happened despite the tremendous discontinuity between CAIR's make-nice public pronouncements and the malevolence that lurks at its heart.

With today's conviction, CAIR's public claim's of moderation have been forever shattered, revealed to be what many have always claimed - lies spread by an enemy of the West bent on Islamizing America.

CAIR can no longer hide from the truth, fade to black.

This item is available on the Militant Islam Monitor website, at