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U of Penn Prez Gutmann has got to go - How a pretend suicide bomber umasked the true face of moral relativism on campus

Uni Prez member of FBI National Security Higher Education Board
November 7, 2006

University Of Pennsylvania President Amy Gutmann Has Got To Go
How a pretend suicide bomber unmasked the true face of moral relativism on campus November 7, 2006 - San Francisco, CA - - The uproar caused by University of Pennsylvania president Amy Gutmann allowing herself to be photographed next to a mock suicide bomber at a Halloween party, may serve to slam the door shut on a career which has just barely begun. As a result, University of Pennsylvania alumni and outraged members of the community have demanded her ouster. The images of Gutmann, the Jewish daughter of German Holocaust refugees, masquerading as Glinda the Good Witch from the Wizard of Oz next to Syrian engineering student Saad Saadi [turned out like a Palestinian "freedom martyr"] are enshrined for posterity in cyberspace, though the pictures and controversy have hit fewer of the nation's news papers than one might reasonably expect. As disastrous as the photos were, Gutmannn did have two strokes of luck - one, so far there has been no video of the party turning up on U Tube which would have shown staged executions at Gutmann's home during the party and two, the calls for her resignation might be muted as the media turns its attention towards the aftermath of the Congressional elections. The Good Witch and the Suicide Bomber grinning side by her side is a perfect metaphor for the extreme level of moral relativism which infests university intellectuals. If she is not ethically compelled to refuse entry to a suicide bomber [even a representation of one] to her home where she lives with her husband and children, who can legitimately be expected to draw that line in the sand across which evil will not be permitted to tread? One wonders whether Gutmann would have been so receptive to Saadi if he had come dressed as Adolf Hitler waving a Nazi flag? Indicating the missplaced trust law enforcement has placed upon supposedly sober members of the educational elite, as the U of Penn website points out:
"Penn President Amy Gutmannn is one of the 16 U.S. higher-education leaders named to the National Security Higher Education Board, a group charged with strengthening relations between higher education institutions and the FBI."
Possibly, as a first step the FBI can give Gutmannn a course on how to recognize a suicide bomber. Instead of apologizing and admitting her appalling error in judgment, Gutmannn further compounded the offense, claiming that she -didn't realize he was dressed as a suicide bomber,- and hadn't -noticed- what she called a -toy gun,- which was in reality a full scale replica of a Kalashnikov [AK 47] rifle, the default assault rifle of choice by Islamic terrorists. Gutmann's obscene display of moral relativism should come as no surprise, at a lecture to Wesleyan students she declared:
"most issues are highly debatable. We need massive doses of deliberation and mutual respect if we are going to move our society and world to a better place. This does, however, raise a difficult question: How do we distinguish between a viewpoint that warrants our condemnation and one that merits reasonable disagreement? Your liberal education at Wesleyan taught you to make those distinctions."
Indicative of the degree to which Gutmann's moral blindness permeates university life, not one of the 700 guests expressed dismay at the appearance of two suicide terrorists. On the contrary, the faux jihadi killers became the life of the party with students posing for photos, crouched as prisoners awaiting execution - hands clasped behind their necks - while Saadi stood by reading the Koran and his accomplice, Jason pointed his rifle at their heads. In Gutmann's 2004 inaugural speech she gushed:
"Let us show the world how much there is to learn from cultural diversity, and how productive and respectful disagreements can be. Let us extend the example of Muslim and Jewish students at Penn who pursued dialogue and fellowship after the tragedy of 9/11."
Perhaps the real tragedy of this event is in the understanding that the multicultural/diversity-at-any-price crowd has clouded the not-so-fine line between good and evil so much that no relevant lesson whatsoever can be drawn from America's first real brush with the true dimensions of Islamic terror. Concerned citizens should email the U of Penn Office of Trustee Affairs: [email protected]

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