This item is available on the Militant Islam Monitor website, at
August 6, 2006
Thanks to all who met yesterday.
Here are some of the issues that were discussed and the directions we plan to take God-willing.
Elhamdllah we have been growing steadily and this project continues to have the potential to be something really powerful! Do not look at it as just some people feeding homeless, their are endless things we can incorporate and grow into. And really change Islam in America through this humble endeavor.
Just think about it..."
Message to participants in the Project Downtown/CAIR da'wa campaign.
By Beila Rabinowitz
August 7, 2006 - San Francisco, CA - - "Why did you invite a bigot to speak at your August 2nd meeting?"
Thus began the belligerent email from Samir Kakli to Florida's Broward County Young Republicans.
Kakli was referring to Reverend O'Neil Dozier, head of the Worldwide Christian Center, who had galvanized local residents into protesting the building of a mosque in their predominantly black Christian neighborhood, alleging that they "will try to convert our youth" and hoping "to make such a fuss that the Muslims pack up."
Kakli along with Altaf Ali - director of the Florida chapter of the Council on American Islamic Relations - were furious at having their plan to create yet another "area for Allah" in South Florida challenged. However, their mini-jihad of personal vilification against Reverend Dozier bore fruit when Florida's clueless governor Jeb Bush forced him to resign from a state judicial selection commission.
This da'wa campaign is not limited to building mosques and Islamic centers, as CAIR's "Faith in Action" program is partnering with Kakli's "Project Downtown" creating what they are calling "altruism for Allah," designed to bring the words of the "prophet" to the homeless, hungry and downtrodden - luring them with food and recycled clothing and of course free copies of the Quran.
The spoon-fed nature of the propaganda offered to the homeless is transparent.
At a 2004 homeless feed-in organized by CAIR, Imam Rafiq Mahdi hectored the potential converts to "stand up when they hear blanket condemnation of tell people that Muslims helped to feed them," adding "we want you to know that Muslims are not your enemy...Muslims are not out to hurt you...Muslims are not out to blow you up."
That Mahdi felt the need to make the bizarre assertion that the diners were "not being fattened up for the kill" suggests exactly the opposite, if only metaphorically.
Last month CAIR received $50 million from the UAE to be used as seed money to "improve the image of Islam." Flowing directly from this Wahhabist stipend, CAIR's efforts at Muslim volunteerism is a brazen ploy to gain access to society's most vulnerable and then leveraging that opportunity into a full court press for conversion.
Additionally, Kakli and CAIR are also turning to the Miami Dade taxpayers, in the hopes of augmenting the already generous contributions of their Saudi and UAE masters.
The American Asian Advisory Board [AAAB] - part of Florida's Dade County Community Relations program and headed by Mohamed Shakir - is also being looked to as a source for funding for these same Muslim programs, so what might at first glance seem to be laudable humanitarian efforts such as feeding and clothing of the homeless are in actuality cloaks for the Muslim conversion agenda.
Shakir also sits on the board of several Florida based Islamist organizations and institutions which are linked to individuals and groups with terrorist ties and his willingness to involve the AAAB with CAIR and Kakli's projects warrants further scrutiny.
Shakir and fellow board member Asad Ishoof are also on the board of directors of the radical Islamist Nur Ul Islam Academy.
A gentleman by the name of Raed Awad also sat on this board.
Awad is the former Imam of Masjid Al Imam who fled Florida after being accused of fundraising for both the Benevolence Foundation as well as the Holyland Foundation - phony charities which channeled funds to Hamas and al-Qaeda.
Raed Awad is a rather notorious fellow as he is believed to be the Imam who converted dirty bomber wannabe Jose Padilla and then conducted fundraising efforts in his mosque to pay for Padilla's journey to Egypt where he hooked up with al-Qaeda.
The direct linking of a questionable religious institution intent upon promoting an Islamist agenda with the Miami Dade Asian American Advisory Board - a governmental institution, screams not only conflict of interest but raises important First Amendment considerations. The shadowy alliance between Shakir, Ishoof, AAAB and CAIR reads more like a conspiracy than a chance occurrence, smacking of influence peddling and abuse of power.
We strongly believe that these actions are in no way supportive of AAAB's charter, which is to "serve in an advisory capacity to the Board of County Commissioners, the County Administration, the community and all agencies and persons in Miami Dade County, Florida...with respect to matters pertaining to the Asian community of Miami - Dade County."
Moreover AAAB now appears to have been used as a front for radical Islamists, with the taxpayers footing the bill.
We urge that Shakir and Ishoof be removed from the AAAB pending a thorough and immediate investigation into this apparent and serious ethical breach.
Proof that CAIR and Project Downtown are working together can be seen in this message addressed to particpants written by AAAB board member Shabbir Motowala which was posted on August 3rd.
Asalam U Alekum
I received the following thank you note and I have been asked by Mr. Altaf Ali of CAIR to personally thank everyone of you who volunteered for CAIR's program.
I am attaching part of his email for your information.
Would anyone be intrested in helping for the next CAIR event?
BTW Saturdays event of UHI at UM will be covered by Miami Herald, hopefully PD
can get some coverage in newspaper( I will try my best with Miami Herald to give you exposure)
Thank you and good luck in your finals
several volunteers from ‘project downtown' a feeding the homeless group made up of students.
The next project is the ‘Adopt a Street' clean up. This will be on Sunday August 13 at 10 am. We want to have the area clean before school reopens. Remember several schools and universities are on this street. The more volunteers we have the faster the clean up will be. With about 10 volunteers it takes 2hrs. Altaf Ali
Shabbir Motorwala
305 283 2261Shabbir Motorwala
305 283 2261
[ Attached Message ]
"Altaf Ali" <> : "'shabbir motorwala'" <[email protected]>, <[email protected]> : Thu, 3 Aug 2006 14:54:42 -0400 : Thurs, Aug 3 2006 1:54 pm : RE: Thank you I want to take this opportunity to thank all the volunteers from Project
Downtown for helping feed the homeless last Sunday, JazakAllah. It' an
honor seeing so many committed individuals providing a much needed and
neglected service in our community. A reminder to me and you, we are
supposed to be the best of example, your contribution, dedication and
approach is exemplary of that example, thank you all very much. Your
example is how we change the hearts and minds of people, it's the way of
our Prophet Muhammad, pbuh.
For those who had the event in your hearts but could not attend, remember it
starts with the intentions, so thank you.
Samir Kakli from Impact to Project Downtown:
Before coming to Florida , Samir Kakli directed Project Impact in Michigan, appears to be a duplicate of his current Florida enterprise, Project Downtown. Both projects involve recruiting students for social service projects aimed at Muslims and non Muslims, in order to promote Islam and Islamist causes.
According to Impact's website:
"Our members are Muslims, college-age and above, living in Southeastern Michigan…
…IMPACT will, God-willing, promote awareness among local and national civic and governmental groups about Islamic views and perspectives…
…The mission of this wing of IMPACT is to provide Muslims an opportunity to help the less fortunate. We intend to get involved with various types of projects; both long-term and short-term. We hope that, by doing this, we will be able to make a difference in the lives of others….
It is the intention of the group to research and discuss Islamic issues, practices, and other topics that will constantly remind us of our purpose
We will actively try to change the existing system to acknowledge the wishes and needs of the Muslim community if we find that these systems are not meeting our needs.
We plan to work hand in hand with existing organizations to accomplish any of the above goals. By doing this, we hope to promote unity among different Muslim groups, and also reach out to non-Muslims and become part of the society.
Project Downtown's brandnew website announces a CAIR event for the homeless and an award ceremony organized by the Universal Heritage Institute run by University of Miami professor Moiez Tapia.
Samir Kakli is also a rabid anti semite and conspiracy theorist – in a recent weblog comment he wrote that :
The most vivid, abliet (sic) scary, indication of this (Jewish control) is Ariel Sharon's comments on 10/3/01 at a Tel Aviv Cabinet meeting, acc. to Israel Radio (Kol Yisrael): "I want to tell you something very clear, don't worry about America. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it."
In 2002 Kakli wrote a comment headed "Israel Terrorises the Palestinians" which concluded with"end the occupation free Palestine".
MIM:The list of publications on the AAAB website includes many Jihadist/Arab publications like the Hamas mouth piece the Palestine Chronicle which is listed under the heading of a non existant country called Palestine. PC editor Ramzy Baroud and his wife Susan, were are among the registered agents of the Health Resource Center Palestine - the Hamas charity' which was run by the co wife of the Islamic Center of Boca Raton Imam Ibrahim Dremali, which funneled the money to Gaza via his brother Ishaq. The HRCP openly solicited funding for the Islamic Association of Palestine.
*Mohammed Shakir is the director of the Asian American Advisory Board. His position on the AAAB allows him to help find and allocate funding for Islamist activities such as Project Downtown and CAIR's outreach programs to feed the homeless.
Out of 21 members of the board 7 are Muslim and several have ties to Shakir and other Islamist organisations and ,institutions.
Mohammed Shakir works with U of Miami professor Moiez Tapia, the head of the Universal Heritage Institute (a da'wa enterprise) who is also on the board of the Nur Ul Islam mosque school.
Shakir is also the secretary of the Miami Council of the Board of International Visitors which counts among their sponsors the U.S. Department of State: "The Miami Council for International Visitors is the official host in South Florida for leaders sponsored by the U.S. Department of State's International Vistior Leadership Program …and is a "network of community based volunteer organizations that is part of the Nationaal Councli for International Visitors in Washington, DC. This is his biography on their website:
MCIV || Miami Council for International Visitors Secretary: Mohammad Shakir He is an immigrant American from Pakistan. He has lived in South Florida for the past 35 years. During his stay in South Florida, he has been involved in a wide range of social and community activities, as a volunteer, social worker and a peace activist. Presently, he is the Executive Director of Miami-Dade County Asian-American Advisory Board. Previously he served for Barry University and prior to that ABC Theatre Division as the zonal manager for eleven years. In addition, he served in the United States Army for two years. He has hosted Asian-American Focus, a television segment on Community Service Television-- Cable-Tap since 1987. He has served on the Boards and grant panels of several organizations, including the Urban League of Greater Miami. As a life long peace activist, he was an American Jewish Committee nominee for Project Interchange and visited Israel in 2002. He has been an active participant in NCCJ's interfaith outreach program. Also a volunteer and 2002 Honor Award recipient of the Florida Immigration Advocacy Center. |
* Shabbir Motowala is the first vice chair of the AAAB and a member of the Institute for Islamic Education and Research (now known as the Universal Heritage Institute) which is run by U of Miami professor Moiez Tapeia who announced his group was giving an ‘award for excellence'; to Project Downtown . Motowala is also on the board of the Nur Ul Islam Islamic School in Cooper City,whose president, Raed Awad, was also the Imam who is believed to have converted dirty bomber wannabe Jose Padilla to Islam, and fundraised for Global Relief. In 2003 Motowala wrote a letter to the Miami Herald warning that if President Bush appointed Dr,.Daniel Pipes to the United States Institute of Peace "he will again blunder in his dealings with the Muslim world."
*Asad Ishoof is a board member of the AAAB who runs The Florida Chemicals and Trading Company . He is on the board of the Universal Heritage Institute.
*Moiez Tapia who is not an AAAB board member is working together with the Project Downtown and CAIR . His Universal Heritage Institute recently gave Project Downtown an award.
According to a web bio:
Dr. Tapia is Chairman of Universal Heritage Institute (the former Institute for Islamic Education and Research). Dr. Tapia is a professor in the Electrical & Computer Engineering Department of the University of Miami and an adviser to the college's Muslim students. Dr.Tapia served as Chairman of the Islamic Center for many years. He is currently a member of the Board of Directors of the Urban League of Miami and a member of the Jew Arab Dialogue Association (JADA).
MIM:Shakir's efforts to promote the Project Downtown effort , as was openly stated in their message exchange which is being presented in it's entirety .
Dear Wajiha,
Assalamu Alaikum! I am seeking the answers for you from the State Attorney's office, our County Attorney's office (who by the way is on vacation at the present time) and the Homeless Trust in Miami-Dade County. Let me make a few suggestions. You may network with Miami-Dade County employees in our building. I am quite sure that there are a number of Muslims/Asians among them who would love to join your project. Secondly, these folks may be able to make financial contributions to your project. I would encourage you to consider working with Miami-Dade County Asian American Advisory Board, (Like Sahara , your group would be pretty much autonomous, someone from our board will join your group as a pet project. This would enable you to proceed to Homeless Trust of Miami-Dade County, which may lead to some financial assistance as well. Meanwhile, I am waiting for the answers from the above two parties, as soon as I receive them, you will have it. Thanks and May Allah grant you more strength and courage to carry on these wonderful projects.
Love Chacha.
Mohammad S. Shakir, Director
Asian-American Advisory Board
111 NW. First Street , Suite 660
Miami , FL. 33128
Ph: (305) 375-1570
Cell:(786) 255-8668
Fax (305) 375-5715 Delivering Excellence Every Day The connection between CAIR and Project Downtown is seen in this posting. Asalam U Alekum
I just spoke to Altaf Ali and Mellisa Matos of CAIR and I want to clarify some information which was conveyed to Raheel.
Initially I was told that they need volunteers to feed people in the shelter. CAIR will provide the food and that is what they really need
As far as the wish list is concerned, it is not REQUIRED for PD to collect as you need all these items for your own Miami work.
You donot have to go and collect items for BROWARD CAIR project. If only you have extra items then they will take it from you
please donot overburden yourselves.
If you have any question please feel free to contact me.
Wasalam Shabbir Motorwala
305 283 2261
Another poster showed appreciation for Shakir's efforts and wrote:
Brother Mohammed Shakir, If we can get the cafeteria in the Governement Center or Library courtyard for feeding that would be great. I believe that this was a great idea that you brought up in the AAAB meeting, thank you. We can then prepare better meals (hot meals). We can use the assistance of the house wives/husbands in the community for this for those who know people that are interested. It would be wonderful if we can give a nice hot meal where they can sit and eat. Amir Salam 3alakom
MIM: This letter written in Shakir's capacity as a civil servant and local government employee begins and ending with religious salutations openly shows his Islamism he grants permission to approach the other "Asian Muslims " in the state government building for support and fundraising. This obvious prejudice would seem antithetical to the AAAB's mission statement, which claims to want to help integrate Asian Americans into the community, It is also a blatant mixture of religion into civic life – quite an anomaly considering the uproar that ensued when one local Florida government website was roundly attacked when it hosted an advertisement for a Christian ‘Day of Prayer' and one city government office worker was told not to end her conversations with people by stating "God bless ". Not coincidentally 7 out of 21 members of the AAAB group seven are Muslims including director Mohammed Shakkir.
Several of them are working on interlocking organizations , and sit on the board of Islamist groups and institutions.
*AAAB board member Akhtar Hussein is a well known lawyer in the South Florida Islamist community, he was the first legal representative for Adnam Hassoun the mentor of dirty bomber wannabe Jose Padilla .Both men are awaiting trial on terrorism related charges. Hussain had had his license suspended in 2002 for improper council in two cases, one involving cocaine distribution and the other involving possession of firearms and car theft, and had his license suspended in 1994 for two years, due to his own felony conviction. Hussein called the government's case against Hassoun "ridiculous."
The rampant cronyism under the direction of Mohamed Shakir at the AAAB is only trumped by their brazenness which is best related in their own words.
On July 26th Samir Kakli wrote to inform the participants in Project Downtown: Alhamdulillah that looks great. May Allah bless all of you multifold and multiply your good deeds. I feel very blessed to be part of this effort,
May Allah give us success and expand the effort further and further
On July 26th an email from a participant in Project Downtown included this message from Florida CAIR director Altaf Ali: As part of the Muslim Care Initiative, we will be feeding the homeless on Sunday, July 30. please mark your calendar and plan to attend. Broward Outreach Center Pompano Beach
(Broward North Homeless Assistance Center)
1700 Blount Road
Pompano Beach, FL
Phone: (954) 979-6365 This state-of-the-art 200-bed homeless assistance center is in its second year of serving the homeless men, women and families.
The program is designed to be an eight week, full-service homeless shelter, with an average stay of sixty days.
This county facility is managed by the staff of the Broward Outreach Center.
Day services are provided by Saint Lawrence Chapel Altaf Ali Executive Director
Council on American-Islamic Relations
1601 N. Palm Avenue, Suite 203
Pembroke Pines, FL. 33026
Phone: 954-272-0490
FAX: 954-272-0491
Faith in Action
On July 27th Motowala wrote:
Asalam U Alekum
I have asked Asian American Advisory Board Executive Director to put Projectdowntown on agenda for Tuesday's meeting. Saif Ishoof and myself are the members of AAB who will sponsor this as our personal project with Miami Dade county. Please have as many members as possible to attend the meeting and present your project This might open some doors for this project inshallah...........
BTW did anyone picked up Toothburshes/paste and soap?
Wasalam Shabbir Motorwala
305 283 2261 On July 28th 2006 Motowala wrote :
Assalum U Alekum Being a Vice Chair of the Asian American Advisory Board I am willing to take this project and use it as my pet Project and bring it up in the next meeting. Shakir sahib then officially can help us through this Miami Dade County and othe (sic) agencies. Wasalum Shabbir Motowala On July 10th Moiez Tapeia a professor of economics at the University of Miami who works with Shabbir Motowala, and Mohammed Shakir on the Universal Heritage Institute da'wa campaigns wrote to Amir Zaheer ,one of the organizers of the Project Downtown initiative Dear Amir:
Salaam warahmatullaah!
The Universal Heritage Institute gives awards to Muslims in SF who have
shown excellence.
They decided to give an award to PROJECT DOWNTOWN. It will be given in a
program at 6:00pm on Saturday 008/05/06. I will let you know the exact
place later.
Meanwhile send me a description of when it was started, what you are
doing in it and who are involved in it and your future plans. With regards.
Your sincerely, Moiez
Dr. Moiez A. Tapia, Professor of ECE EB 406
1251 Memorial Drive
University of Miami POB 248294
Coral Gables, FL 33124-0640
Tel: (305) 284-5565 [ofc] (305) 284-4044 [fax]
(305) 666-9590 [res]
MIM: More postings show the connection between Project Downtown and CAIR
I will plan to be at the below event ISA, and encourage as many of us as possible to go. I would like to pursue toiletries for this CAIR event to supplement their food, assuming that we can get it in time and that is not too burdensome as brother Shabbir mentioned. PD's main purpose is to Please Allah through empowering his Creation, and therefore are participation in this event perfectly fits with our purpose ISA. CAIR is also a very respectable and well established organization which we should support. Wajiha/Zane would you be interested in developing a PD flier which we can use in this event as well as leaving in the local Masjeds.
Initially the plan was to conduct procedures as normal next Friday, passing out what we normally do and only bringing along a few extras, if there were any, to the CAIR outreach program. Mr. Motorwala is correct in his assesment, however, that we might put our own program at a setback because we need these valuable resources. I suggest as many of us that can go to volunteer should, and we'll let CAIR take care of the rest since we are still an up-and-coming organization. Thanks to all those who replied. I need to know who would like to attend still.
Brother Mohammed Shakir,
If we can get the cafeteria in the Governement Center or Library courtyard for feeding that would be great. I believe that this was a great idea that you brought up in the AAAB meeting, thank you. We can then prepare better meals (hot meals). We can use the assistance of the house wives/husbands in the community for this for those who know people that are interested. It would be wonderful if we can give a nice hot meal where they can sit and eat.
Salam 3alakom
Walekum Asalam
Answers to the Questons asked from me,
I have no problem if you contact Mr. Mohammed Sayd directly.
As far as UHI helping you regarding space, you would have to ask Mr. Syed Zafar chairman or you can Tariq (wajiha's brother) to convey your message to EC of UHI. This also goes for using UHI name for non parishable products. I donot think they would have any problems granting the permission but have to follow proper procedure of the Organization.
I will follow up on your request about using Dade county's space for preparing meals on Monday with Mohammad Shakir.
I would also like to convey my thank to Mohammed Ezuddin for a note of thanks to AAAB as well Mikal for the nice note to Miami Herald. I do hope that Mikal will continue his dialogue with Manny Garcia of Miami Herald, if I can be of any assistance in this regard, please feel free to contact me.
amir zaher
On June 24th one of the organizers for Project Downtown Amir Afdelzaher
discussed gaining non profit status , and asked about the the legal issue distributing Korans and Islamic texts, explaining that "basically we give food, toiletries, clothes , Islamic literature, and other supplies such as sleeping bags, etc. and asked "are there any laws or permits required for distributing Korans and religious materials in the streets?" and questioned if there were other precautions they should take to avoid "jeopardizing the project".
Asalam U Alekum
Being a Vice Chair of Asian American Advisory Board, I am willing to take this project and use as my Pet Project and bring up in next meeting. Shakir saheb then officially can help us through Miami Dade County and othe agencies.
Please let me know
Wajiha Akhtar <> wrote:
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Shakir, Mohammad S. (OCR) <>
Date: Jun 27, 2006 4:49 PM
Subject: Feeding the homeless
To: Wajiha Akhtar
Dear Wajiha,
Assalamu Alaikum!
I am seeking the answers for you from the State Attorney's office, our County Attorney's office (who by the way is on vacation at the present time) and the Homeless Trust in Miami-Dade County.
Let me make a few suggestions.
You may network with Miami-Dade County employees in our building. I am quite sure that there are a number of Muslims/Asians among them who would love to join your project. Secondly, these folks may be able to make financial contributions to your project.
I would encourage you to consider working with Miami-Dade County Asian American Advisory Board, (Like Sahara , your group would be pretty much autonomous, someone from our board will join your group as a pet project. This would enable you to proceed to Homeless Trust of Miami-Dade County, which may lead to some financial assistance as well.
Meanwhile, I am waiting for the answers from the above two parties, as soon as I receive them, you will have it. Thanks and May Allah grant you more strength and courage to carry on these wonderful projects.
Love Chacha.
Mohammad S. Shakir, Director
Asian-American Advisory Board
111 NW. First Street , Suite 660
Miami , FL. 33128
Ph: (305) 375-1570
Cell:(786) 255-8668
Fax (305) 375-5715
Delivering Excellence Every Day
Both Project Downtown and CAIR are trying to get Miami Dade taxpayer funding for a projects aimed at converting homeless and poor citizens under the pretext of humanitarian concerns. Mohammed Shakir , has abused his position as the director of the Asian American Advisory Board and is plainly engaged in aiding and abetting his coreligionists, several of whom are sitting on the board of the AAAB. It is imperative that the City Commissioner and State Attorney launch an investigation into the activities of the Asian American Advisory Board, and call Mohammed Shakir into accounting for his use of his official position to further the agenda of his fellow radical Islamists.
This item is available on the Militant Islam Monitor website, at