This item is available on the Militant Islam Monitor website, at
July 15, 2004
Livingstone invited Qaradawi back to Britain for further conferences
The Dhimmi and the Jihadi :
Bending over backwards and forwards for Allah.
'Londonistan' Mayor Ken Livingstone looks adoringly at his favorite Islamist .
More zero degrees of separation.MAS/ICNA trustee and teacher Qaradawi also attended a meeting with Al Muhajiroun and members of the Muslim Brotherhood in London.
The objective of the meeting was to plan an armed strategy to protest the Israeli evacuation of the West Bank.
The terrorists who envision the total destruction of the Jewish state claim that the withdrawal would mean that Israel was just moving residents to another location. AM Qaradawi and the Muslim Brotherhood/Hama want to drive all the Jews into the sea.
Reading between the lines this means the following:
Any gestures on the part of the Israelis which could leave terrorists without the excuse to kill would leave them wih one less pseudo political platform for genocide .Note that Al Muhajiroun has vowed to launch attacks on Egypt (which has banned Qaradawi) and Jordan, whom they accuse of "collaborating with the Zionists".Besides showing that the no concession on the part of Israel will ever appease their bloodlust,the terrorists vow to fight against an Israeli withdrawal from Gaza proves that they are willing to kill fellow Muslims whom they see as thwarting their attempts to murder Jews .
In an ironic twist of fate it could turn out to be the terrorists groups like All Muhajiroun and Hamas will will thwart Israel's planned Gaza evacuation.
In February 2004 Dr. Daniel Pipes astutely predicted the deterioration of the PA which he chronicles in his blog : "The Coming Palestinian Anarchy"
No doubt Livingston's and other left wingers were thrilled that Qaradawi issued this feminist fatwa ruling that women should become suicide bombers:
He ruled that : " When necessary she might even take off her hijab to carry out the operation, because she is going to die in the cause of Allah and not to show off her beauty or uncover her hair".
(Florida state prosecutors in the Sultana Freeman case, take note )
Jerusalem Post (Israel), May 25, 2003
One of the leading Muslim scholars has issued a fatwa permitting women to carry out suicide attacks.
Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, an Egyptian who serves as the dean of Islamic Studies at the University of Qatar, issued his ruling in response to last week's bombing in Afula, which was carried out by 19-year-old Hiba Daraghmeh, a female student from Tubas in the northern West Bank.
"Women's participation in the martyrdom [suicide] operations carried out in Palestine given the status of the land as an occupied territory, in addition to a lot of sacrilegious acts perpetrated by the Jews against the sanctuaries is one of the most praised acts of worship," Qaradawi said.
"Also, the act is a form of martyrdom for the cause of Allah, and it entitles them, inshallah, to the same reward earned by their male counterparts who also die in the cause of Allah." He said Muslim jurists have unanimously agreed that when the enemy attacks part of the Muslim territories, jihad becomes the duty of every individual.
"This obligation reaches the extent that a woman should go out for jihad even without the permission of her husband, and the son without the consent of his parents," he added.
According to his fatwa, the organizers of the suicide attacks "could benefit from some believing [in] women, as they may do what is impossible for men to do." He said Muslim women are allowed to violate Islamic teachings by traveling unaccompanied by a close male relative and without having to cover their heads for the sake of carrying out an attack.
"Concerning the issue of the hijab [veil], a woman can put on a hat or anything else to cover her hair," Qaradawi ruled. "When necessary, she may even take off her hijab in order to carry out the operation, for she is going to die in the cause of Allah and not to show off her beauty or uncover her hair."
"I don't see any problem in her taking off the hijab in this case. I think the committed Muslim women in Palestine have the right to participate and have their own role in jihad and to attain martyrdom."
Yusuf al Qaradawi is a trustee of the Muslim American Society's Islamic American University.
He is also on the board of advisors of the Institute for Islamic Political Thought in the UK.
Last year Qaradawi, who is banned from entering the United States was implicated together with Abdul Rahman Alamoudi, the jailed head of the American Muslim Council, in an Al Qaeda funding case.
Qaradawi denounces Muslim extremism
When pressed on suicide attacks in Israel, the cleric said that such operations were permissible.
"They are necessary because, simply, the Palestinians do not have any other means of confronting their enemies. Give them Apaches (helicopters) and tanks and not one of them would explode himself in a martyrdom operation," he said. "
LONDON - Outspoken Muslim cleric Yussef al-Qaradawi, whose visit to Britain has provoked protests, denounced Muslim religious extremism in an interview Tuesday.
"There are among Muslims some fringe groups who represent the strength of violence and extremism, such as Abu Hamza and Abu Qatada, but these have no scholarly, practical or community weight," the Egyptian-born, Qatari-based preacher told Channel Four television.
Abu Hamza al-Masri, the former radical imam of north London's Finsbury Park mosque, was arrested in May on an extradition request from the United States on terrorism-related charges.
Qatada, a suspected leading member of Al-Qaeda, has been held in London's high-security Belmarsh prison since October 2002 under Britain's anti-terror legislation.
"Had it not been for the media, which projected these, nobody would have heard of them," Qaradawi said.
"The great majority of Muslims in Britain are co-operative and constructive. We call for love not hate, for tolerance not fanaticism, for peace not war," he added.
When pressed on suicide attacks in Israel, the cleric said that such operations were permissible.
"They are necessary because, simply, the Palestinians do not have any other means of confronting their enemies.
"When you see the Palestinians being killed every day, their houses blown up, their trees pulled down, their land taken away, what can they do? Give them Apaches (helicopters) and tanks and not one of them would explode himself in a martyrdom operation," he said.
Qaradawi's arrival in the British capital on July 5 for several conferences on Islam sparked an official complaint by the Board of Deputies of British Jews, which has called for a ban on him.
Despite the protests, the Labour Party's Mayor of London Ken Livingstone has invited the cleric back to Britain for further conferences.
UK Islamists emboldened by the left wing Fifth Columnists like London Mayor Ken Livingston. attempt to censor the British media .Their aim to to intimidate the press so that any information about Muslims will come from Islamist organisations such at the Hamas/Al Qaeda linked International Institute of Islamic Political Thought of which Qaradawi is a board member. The IIPT as do all Islamists organisations have a media department which attempts to feed the press their disinformation on Islam.
UK Group To Sue Telegraph Over "False" Qaradawi Story
CAIRO, July 14 ( -
A British Muslim organization said on Wednesday, July 14, it will sue the Sunday Telegraph for "falsely attributing" statements to prominent Muslim scholar Sheikh Yussef Qaradawi.
"We are seeking avenues and what legal action to take against the paper, known for its right-wing stands and Islamophobic articles," Anas Al-Tikriti, the spokesman for the Muslim Association of Britain (MAB), told over phone from London.
He stressed that the MAB wants a "full apology from the paper as well as resignation of the two writers of the story, published on Sunday, July 11.
The reporters alleged that Qaradawi said that rape victims should be punished if they have dressed immodestly.
Although the Telegraph claimed "a panel, headed by Qaradawi" made the pronouncement in a fatwa published by, the website's officials denied Qaradawi has anything to do with the edict.
"A simple reading of the page in question shows that Qaradawi did not write these statements," said Kamal Badr, who wrote them.
He added that the only time Qaradawi was mentioned inside the page was to cite his encouragement of support for rape victims.
As for the British newspaper argument on punishing raped women by laying the blame on them in some cases, he stressed that his statements, which were made in response to a relevant question, states in bold letters that "raped women are not punished in Islam".
He added that the phrases reported by the British newspaper were "taken out of context. This is falsification of the truth, nothing more nothing less."
Badr reiterated that Islam calls for punishing rapists, adding that to punish a woman for being raped is part of the "law of the jungle".
Smear Campaign
MAB dismissed the Telegraph story as part of a "smear campaign" targeting Qaradawi, after a media campaign against the veteran scholar's visit to London "suffered considerable defeat".
"This demonstrates to us that the right-wing media in attempting to stoke up the flames of hate against the eminent Muslim scholar have had to resort to lying to make any sort of case against him," the group said in a press release.
"We are thankful that their dodgy journalism has been exposed – the article wasn't just ‘sexed up', it was made up."
Tikriti said the "Telegraph is well-known Islamophobic publication. They promote the right-wing statements."
He recalled that Lord Conrad, the Telegraph's former shareholder, and his wife, Barbara Aniel, a columnist in the newspaper before being accused of abusing her position, were pro-Zionists.
"Anriel was the speech writer of Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon".
London Mayor Ken Livingstone had apologized to Qaradawi for the vile campaign unleashed against him and invited the prominent scholar back to London next October.
"On behalf of the people of London, I want to apologize to the Sheikh for the outbreak of xenophobia and hysteria in some sections of the tabloid press which demonstrated an underlying ignorance of Islam," he said.
New Lobby
For British Muslims, by falsely attributing to Qaradawi statements he never made the Telegraph would obstruct efforts for their integration in society.
The story has been seized upon by eager figures known for their opposition to Muslims such as Peter Tatchell, who is not only quoted in the Telegraph article, but has since repeated the falsehood on BBC's Newsnight.
"It is unfair to launch a campaign on a man who was received with a standing ovation in all the events he attend here and even supported by the mayor of London," said Soha El-Samman, a resident of Reading in Berkshire.
But she said the response of Muslims to the entire anti-Qaradawi campaign yielded positive impact.
"With the failure of attacks on Qaradawi, we feel how strong we are now while acting as a lobby getting much influence."
Many others of the two-million Muslim community in Britain hope the lobby will stand up to the more crucial battle of acceptance in the European country.
The government will support a festival called Islam Expo 2005 that will be held in London with millions of pounds.
"We want to remove the tarnished image of Muslims in media and in the minds of Britons, who suffer lack of knowledge on the religion and its principles," Zaher Biruui, the director of the political perspective for studies and consultation organization.
"We still have a long way to go," he added.
The head of the IIPT, known Hamas operative Azzam Tamimi addressed a gathering organised the BBC .
His shadowy group "Liberty for the Muslim World" is a front for Hamas and other militant Islamist organisations.
His statements show that Islamists expect the western press to come to them for information and "praises" them for towing the line.
The fact that he was asked to address the BBC shows the appalling depth of British dhimmitude (non Muslim submission to Islamic dictates) which existed in 2002. The situation in the UK is worsening by the day,to the point where Muslims in the UK believe they can censor the media with lawsuits for saying anything they perceive to be negative about Islam.
The threatened lawsuit by Muslims against the Telegraph in the UK is an example of trying to push their Islamist agenda. In the article above, Al Tikriti, a spokesman of the Muslim Council of Britain 'inadvertently' reveals the anti semitism behind the suit, calling the editor of the Telegraph, Lord Conrad, and his wife Barbara Aniel, "Pro Zionists".
Excerpts from Azzam Tammis talk to BBC journalists on how to present Muslims in the media.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I would like to thank the BBC World Service Training for inviting me and affording me this opportunity to address you on the "Perception of Islam in the BBC and other Western Media."
While acknowledging a marked improvement in the perception of Islam, I would contend that the British media, just like the media in the rest of the Western World, is still overwhelmed by the tendency to portray a distorted image of Islam.
I would like to conclude by saying that I am optimistic that the coverage of Islam in the British media will continue to improve. More and more journalists are now anxious to pursue the truth. In the last three years, Liberty for the Muslim World co-ordinated with several journalists and producers. They approached us for contacts and background information to assist them in covering stories in Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Sudan and the West Bank and Gaza. Assignment, Living Islam, News Night and Channel 4 News have done stories which one can only commend as fair and objective. The BBC world Service in English has frequently sought Liberty's opinion on and analysis of developments in various parts of the Arab world. I can confidently say that there are today many more journalists and producers than ever before who are anxious to provide their audience with fuller stories, clearer pictures and fairer images.
London terror conference vows to stop pullout
Presents detailed outline to thwart Israel's evacuation of Gaza in 2005
Posted: July 16, 2004
1:00 a.m. Eastern
By Aaron Klein
© 2004
A World Muslim Brotherhood conference in London this week pledged to disrupt Sharon's planned withdrawal from Gaza "by all means necessary," a member of the UK-based extremist group Al-Muhajiroun, which helped plan the conference, told WND.
Members at the conference, which featured a popular Egyptian extremist cleric, and representatives of Hamas, Islamic Jihad and local Muslim groups, constructed a detailed outline to thwart Israel's evacuation of Gaza in 2005, and to stop Egypt from assuming security responsibilities in the Gaza Strip, the Muhajiroun member said
Speakers at the conference vowed open confrontation with any country that aids Israel in the withdrawal, and warned that Israel, Egypt and Jordan should brace for an onslaught of terror attacks.
"The Israelis think they are going to get away with moving all their settlements from Gaza to the West Bank, and stopping the Palestinians from getting a State of their own. But all of us are not going to let that happen," said the Al-Muhajiroun member.
"Egypt and Jordan are collaborating with the Zionists and have been bought out by the American government to do whatever Sharon says. They are not going to get away with this," he said.
He said the conference declared that groups in the Palestinian territories should "use all means at their disposal to make sure Sharon's plan can't happen."
The Muslim Brotherhood, aligned with the views of al-Qaida, is an umbrella organization founded in Egypt that encompasses various Islamic extremist factions, and maintains powerful branches in the Palestinian territories, Egypt, Jordan and Qatar. Hamas and Islamic Jihad are bound by the decisions of the Brotherhood.
London has long been a hotbed of Islamic extremism. Groups like Al-Muhajiroun operate openly, and have held public rallies, drawing thousands of British Muslims, at which speakers have chanted "Death to America!" and "Kill Bush!"
Al-Muhajiroun's worldwide leader, Sheikh Omar Bakri Muhammad, who has been interviewed by WorldNetDaily and is based in London, is a member of the Brotherhood's European Islamic Law Council. He has previously hosted leaders of Hamas at his London headquarters, and is suspected of ties to al-Qaida.
Israeli security sources say British law enforcement authorities were aware of the conference and did not attempt to detain one of the main speakers, Yusuf al-Qaradawi, a member of the Brotherhood's Shura council, who flew in to London's Heathrow airport this week from Qatar. Al-Qaradawi has been arrested many times in several Arab countries and is not allowed to enter Egypt.
The conference, which was videotaped and was held in a Muslim center that is also used as a mosque, reportedly featured signs on the walls that included "Bush is a Terrorist" and another with a Jewish star that had blood dripping from it.
Al-Muhajiroun also maintains a branch in New York that holds closed-door meetings and study sessions at a mosque in Jackson Heights, Queens.
The Queens branch youth leader, Abu Yousuf, a U.S. citizen who told WND he attended a "camp" in Sudan and takes computer courses at the City University of New York, speaks at universities throughout New York City at events usually sponsored by the Muslim Student Association.
Al-Muhajiroiun member Muhammed Junaid Babar, a naturalized citizen from Pakistan, was recently arrested by the FBI in New York for aiding in a plot to blow up discos, restaurants and train stations in London. Babar faces 30 years to life in prison under an agreement with federal prosecutors.
The plot was foiled in late March when British authorities arrested eight suspects and seized 1,000 pounds of ammonium nitrate fertilizer, which can be used to make explosives, from a storage locker near central London.
This item is available on the Militant Islam Monitor website, at