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Theo van Gogh colleague Ebru Umar attacked on Amsterdam street by Moroccan youths - police refuse to take action

Son of Van Gogh was beaten twice and threatened with death by Moroccans in 2005
April 25, 2006

MIM: According to this absurdly short news item Ebru Umar, who worked with Theo van Gogh, was followed by two Moroccan youths who hit her in the face. She fell against a wall and was wounded in her head. She published columns on the website of Theo van Gogh and wrote a book called "Burqas and Blahniks". According to the report:
Umar called the police immediately after the incident . She filed a report the same evening. The police in Amsterdam will not be investigating the incident. According to protocol the police are not permitted to do anything outside of their designated tasks.

The same thing happened after Theo's son Lieuwe was assaulted at school- by Moroccans who said "we are going to do the same thing to you as your father".

The family filed a report and the police did nothing. Shortly after Van Gogh's murder Moroccan youths also came to the Van Gogh home and rang the bell looking for his son who was beaten twice by Muslims. (see below)
maandag 24 april 2006 uur.

Columniste Ebru Umar mishandeld

AMSTERDAM - Columniste en schrijfster Ebru Umar is vrijdag in de buurt van haar huis in het Amsterdamse stadsdeel De Baarsjes mishandeld door twee Marokkaanse jongens.

Ze kreeg een klap in haar gezicht, viel tegen een muur en raakte gewond aan haar hoofd. De jongens hadden haar eerst enige tijd achtervolgd, zo liet de schrijfster zondag weten. Umar publiceerde onder meer columns op de website van Theo van Gogh. In november 2005 – een jaar na zijn dood – heeft ze de column van de vermoorde filmmaker overgenomen in de gratis krant Metro. Onmiddellijk na het incident heeft Umar de politie gebeld. Dezelfde avond is nog aangifte gedaan. De politie in Amsterdam wil echter niet op de zaak ingaan. Volgens een richtlijn mag de politie niet naar buiten treden.


July 25, 2005

Moroccans beat up Van Gogh's son 14

Since the murder of Theo van Gogh last November his now 14 year old son Lieuwe

has been physically attacked by young Moroccans, or (more likely) Dutch citizens of Moroccan descent. [Link, in Dutch.] Van Gogh's parents said this in an interview on national television.

They insisted their grandson had done nothing to provoke the assaults. In one incident, recalled Anneke van Gogh, Theo's mother, "[Lieuwe] was walking the dog in the Watergraafsmeer area of Amsterdam, and they came up to him and said, 'Is your name van Gogh?' Lieuwe said no, of course, but they beat him anyway."

She also recounted how, some time after Theo van Gogh's assassination, a group of Moroccans appeared in the street where he had lived, inquiring about Lieuwe's whereabouts. It was the neighbors' impression that the visitors weren't there to offer condolences, and the police were called — but according to the filmmaker's mother, no one bothered to show up. That would have been in keeping with local officers' alleged non-action after the two beatings Lieuwe received. The cops were called then, too, Anneke van Gogh told the TV interviewer, but they declined to make an appearance.

Recently, Lieuwe was transferred to another class, in another building of his school, after he'd been repeatedly bullied by Muslim pupils. His grandmother said that Lieuwe had had to endure taunts like "Good thing they killed your dad."

The news of the attacks on the 14-year-old came just a day after Theo's killer, Mohammed Bouyeri, was sentenced to life without parole. Through the verdict, Lieuwe held his head high. His response afterwards was that he would send Bouyeri a postcard with the words "Theo Forever."

This item is available on the Militant Islam Monitor website, at