This item is available on the Militant Islam Monitor website, at

Disabled woman torched by Muslims as Ramadan rioting continues and French capitulate to Islamo facist reign of terror

Muslim youth taunt police " Come on -come on - if you dare !"
November 4, 2005

Paris riots

MIM:Paris becomes Fallujah. This paper cited the attack on the woman in passing and notes that it had been hoped (by Europeans who should not be shocked by barbarity only 60 years after the Nazis) , that Muslims would have taken a break from their Ramadan rioting to celebrate Eid. Instead the rampaging Islamo facists burned a woman alive in another example of Islamist barbarism.

"...Despite hopes that Eid-ul-Fitr, the festivities ending the fasting month of Ramadan, would calm the unrest, police reports suggest an escalation in the violence...According to one report, a disabled woman was doused in petrol and set on fire when she was unable to escape a bus under attack in the northern suburb of Sevran. She was rescued by the driver and is being treated for severe burns, according to state prosecutors..."

MIM: The horrific details of the attack were reported the Dutch Volkskrant but do not seem to have made headilines in the US media so far.

"Paris rioters set woman on fire".

Paris - During the riots around Paris on Friday night a handicapped woman was doused with gasoline and set on fire .This was announced Friday by the state prosecutor. The woman is severely burned.

The handicapped woman sat in a bus in the North Paris district of Sevran, when the bus was attacked by youths with Molotov cocktails. One rioter doused her with gasoline and another threw a flaming rage on her. The bus driver brought her to the hospital.

Translation Beila Rabinowitz director of MIM

For article in Dutch scroll below or click on link:

Relschoppers Parijs staken vrouw in brand


MIM: Eid is Die spelled backwards :

The European press is ignoring the fact that this is Jihad, and that the French are facing a full blown Muslim insurgency, such as the one which the UK was warned about.

Few articles or reports mentioned the fact that the rioters were Muslims or that it is the end of Ramadan, (Eid El Fitr) which has often been a time when Muslims have launched attacks.

The rioters were referred to as 'poor African immigrants'


MIM: Three days after the London bombings UK intelligence chiefs warned of a homegrown insurgency by African immigrants which is similiar to what has erupted in Paris.

Published: 07 August 2005

Intelligence chiefs are warning Tony Blair that Britain faces a full-blown Islamist insurgency, sustained by thousands of young Muslim men with military training now resident in this country.

The grim possibility that the two London attacks were not simply a sporadic terror campaign is being discussed at the highest levels in Whitehall. Fears of a third strike remain high this weekend, based on concrete evidence supplied by an intercepted text message and the interrogation of a terror suspect being held outside Britain, say US reports.

As police and the security services work to prevent another cell murdering civilians, attention is focusing on the pool of migrants to this country from the Horn of Africa and central Asia. MI5 is working to an estimate that more than 10,000 young men from these regions have had at least basic training in light weapons and military explosives.

A well-connected source said there were more than 100,000 people in Britain from "completely militarised" regions, including Somalia and its neighbours in the Horn of Africa, and Afghanistan and territories bordering the country. "Every one of them knows how to use an AK-47," said the source. "About 10 per cent can strip and reassemble such a weapon blindfolded, and probably a similar proportion have some knowledge of how to use military explosives. That adds up to tens of thousands of men."

Even though the vast majority had come to Britain to escape the lawlessness of their homelands, the source added, there remained an alarmingly large pool of trained men who could be lured into violent action here.


Paris the ticking bomb

In Aulnay-sous-Bois, north-east of Paris, a fire engine hurtles through the evening streets. After a tour around the long, high blocks of flats, the vehicle stops in front of a school building.

Flames are leaping from the window frames. "The glass has been smashed in," says resident André Sirguey, angrily. "They've set it on fire. Again!"

It is nine o'clock, and a new evening full of violence and arson has begun. Every evening since Thursday, 27 October, the suburbs of Paris have been struck by serious riots. Youths take to the streets, light fires and engage in battles with the police.

Raising hell
Mr Sirguey's neighbour comes to watch what is going on this evening. "The school?" he yells, while clouds of black smoke hang around the apartment complexes. "Have those jerks really set it on fire? My daughter goes there!" He begins to gesticulate wildly. "If you really think it's necessary to raise hell, then set fire to the town hall, or a government building, but not a school!"

Suddenly, there's the sound of shouting from the end of the street. André Sirguey and his neighbour walk over, and see a line of about 30 police officers, helmets on, shields in hand. They've sealed off the street. Opposite them: the banlieu youths; immigrant boys with their hoods pulled over their heads, who stand defiantly in the middle of the street, yelling "come on then! Come on if you dare!" at the riot squad facing them.

Scarcely two minutes later, and the street has been transformed into a battlefield. The youths hurl petrol-bombs, bottles and rubbish at the police. A shrubbery is set on fire and a skip is pushed into the middle of the street. It is also set alight.

Paris riots

The officers stay in their places, deflecting bottles with their shields. When the young men come too close with their petrol bombs, rubber bullets are fired. Tear gas is kept near to hand, but it isn't used. Again, this evening, Aulnay-sous-Bois is the stage for what some people say is urban guerilla warfare and what the extreme right calls ethnic civil war.

The riots began in the north-east of Paris, but, in a couple of days spread to suburbs around the whole of the French capital. Within a week, more than 140 rioters had been arrested.

People getting angry
In the mosque at Clichy-sous-Bois, a couple of kilometers south of Aulnay, its chairman Abderrahmane Bouhout wants to give his analysis of the situation. The visitors to the mosque, however, are getting angry. Why talk to the press? They only paint a negative picture of Muslims here, they snarl at him.

Later on, outside the mosque, Mr Bouhout tells his side of the story. "People in this area don't have any work, the young people don't have anything to do," he says, as the mosque fills up with men for evening prayer. It only needed something to spark it off." A youth-worker, who has also come to pray, adds his opinion. "It's a timebomb here! They've created ghettos, shoving all the immigrants together and then just letting things run their course over the years. Now the bomb has exploded."

In Aulnay-sous-Bois, the police and fire services withdraw at around 11 o'clock at night: they're needed elsewhere. On the other side of the city, a police station and a garage have been set on fire. The burning skip stays on the street.


Suburbs burn in worst night of Paris riots
By Simon Freeman and agencies,,13509-1857801,00.html

The poor suburbs of Paris were set ablaze in the worst of eight consecutive nights of rioting, with 500 cars torched and a gym and primary school razed.

Police today reported that the wave of unrest has now spread to at least 20 provincial towns.

An army of 1,300 police reinforcements moved into the streets of the impoverished north-east of Paris last night, to enforce a belated pledge by Dominique de Villepin, the Prime Minister, to stop the rioting that has engulfed the largely Muslim ghettos.

Despite hopes that Eid-ul-Fitr, the festivities ending the fasting month of Ramadan, would calm the unrest, police reports suggest an escalation in the violence. At least 80 arrests were made.

According to one report, a disabled woman was doused in petrol and set on fire when she was unable to escape a bus under attack in the northern suburb of Sevran. She was rescued by the driver and is being treated for severe burns, according to state prosecutors.

Disturbances also took place for the first time in other towns, including Dijon, Rouen and the outskirts of Marseille.

Television networks have mostly stayed away from the scenes of the confrontations. Camera crews have been physically attacked and reports blamed for stoking the discontent.

"Why a school, why a car? What can you say about such blind violence," said Michel Beaumale, mayor of Trappes, southwest of Paris, outside the smouldering ruins of a local primary school.

Francis Masanet, leader of the UNSA police union, said: "It is very serious and we fear that events could get worse."

The warfare of the streets, initially triggered by the deaths of two African teenagers who ran into an electricity relay station fearing they were being chased by police, has flared into broader protest against the living conditions and prospects of African communities.

It has been played out against a backdrop of political bickering between the Prime Minister and Nicolas Sarkozy, the interior minister and his rival for presidency in 2007. M de Villepin has been accused of leaving his rival to deal with the fallout from the unrest.

M Sarkozy's hard-line stance - he has spoken of "hosing down" the "scum" - has fanned the flames of protest, and may have damaged his future prospects for the presidency. It has also exposed a philosophical split in the Cabinet and country over the place of immigrants in French life, and caused policies of integration dating back 30 years to be re-examined.

Evidence of the scale of law-breaking, in what are officially known as "les quartiers difficiles", came with a police report yesterday that 28,000 vehicles had been torched in outbreaks of urban violence in France so far this year.

Unemployment among French men aged 15 to 24 has risen from 15 per cent four years ago to more than 22 per cent. It is thought to be as high as 30-40 per cent among young second- and third-generation immigrants in poorer high-rise suburbs.


vrijdag 4 november 2005 uur.
Relschoppers Parijs staken vrouw in brand

PARIJS - Bij de rellen rond Parijs is woensdagnacht een gehandicapte vrouw met benzine overgoten en in brand gestoken. Dat heeft de Franse justitie vrijdag meegedeeld. De vrouw is ernstig verbrand.

De gehandicapte vrouw zat in een bus in de Noord-Parijse wijk Sevran, toen de bus werd aangevallen door jongeren met een molotovcocktail. De vrouw kon de bus niet uit. Een betoger overgoot haar met benzine en anderen gooiden een brandende lap naar haar. De buschauffeur bracht haar naar het ziekenhuis.

Bij de ongeregeldheden zijn in de nacht van donderdag op vrijdag, de achtste nacht op rij, zeker vijfhonderd auto's in brand gestoken. Bijna tachtig mensen zijn opgepakt voor verhoor, aldus de politie vrijdag.

Op zeker negentig locaties rond de hoofdstad kwam het tot incidenten, dubbel zoveel als de nacht ervoor, aldus de politie. Brandstichters vielen overheidsgebouwen aan, waaronder een postkantoor, een busstation, een kleuterschool, een rechtbank en een politiebureau.

Vijf agenten raakten lichtgewond nadat zij met stenen waren bekogeld. Een auto van de oproerpolitie CRS werd beschoten, maar er waren minder gewelddadige confrontaties tussen politie en jongeren. Bij het aanbreken van de ochtend keerde de rust enigszins terug.

Het was de achtste avond op rij dat het onrustig was. Ook in de oostelijke stad Dijon, in het westelijke departement Seine-Maritime en in het departement Bouches-du-Rhône (zuidoosten) werden auto's in brand gestoken.

De regering heeft 1300 agenten ingezet om het geweld in te dammen. ‘Het herstellen van de openbare orde heeft de prioriteit. Wij accepteren dergelijke geweldsuitbarstingen niet, maar zullen tevens een dialoog aangaan om oplossingen te vinden', zei premier De Villepin, die er een reis naar Canada voor afzegde.

President Chirac riep woensdag al op tot kalmte. De oppositie zegt dat minister Sarkozy van Binnenlandse Zaken de rellen heeft aangewakkerd door zijn harde woorden. De minister zei kort voor het begin van de rellen een ‘oorlog zonder genade' te zullen gaan voeren tegen criminelen en opstandige jongeren in de voorsteden. Donderdagavond zei Sarkozy dat de onlusten ‘perfect zijn georganiseerd'.

In de flats van de voorsteden wonen veel immigranten uit Afrika. De werkloosheid onder jongeren loopt in sommige gemeenten op tot 44 procent. Door kortingen op subsidies verkeren veel verenigingen en sportclubs in problemen. De bewoners klagen over discriminatie en racisme.

De rellen braken vorige week uit in Clichy-sous-Bois nadat twee jongens die zich voor de politie hadden verstopt in een transformatorhuisje, waren geëlektrocuteerd. Een derde raakte ernstig gewond. De autoriteiten ontkennen dat de politie de jongens achtervolgde.

This item is available on the Militant Islam Monitor website, at