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Hollandistan Follies: Dutch PM witnessed signing of ' social contract' with Muslim leaders - urges vigilance in teaching certain passages of the Koran

September 7, 2005

MIM: Will the first article of the social contract read " No ritual murders on public bicycle paths?". The Dutch government is providing funding for Imams on 'how to spot extremism' an irony in itself . The courses could be renamed Takfir Wal Hijrah 101 - and teach Bouyeri wannabes how to blend into Dutch society and not to exhibit any suspicious behaviour which might suggest radical Islamist proclivities.

For more on Dutch dhimmitude and the Aya Sofya mosque see: Better but Deader: Dutch officials respond to security report that "Muslims are becoming increasingly radicalised" by opening up more 'discrimination reporting centers'.

"...Under the code, imams will receive Dutch-language classes and training in how to recognise radical behaviour and are required to be particularly vigilant about how they teach certain passages of the Koran..."


MIM: A meeting with the Imam of Aya Sofya mosque shows Dutch officials in full dhimmitude mode. The government decided to open more centers where Muslims could complain about discrimination.

Mosque adopts code to curb Islamic extremism

Press Trust Of India

The Hague, September 5:

Dutch Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende today witnessed the signing of a code of conduct with Muslim religious leaders which commits them to rooting out extremism. The code seeks to specify how mosques detect radical elements in their congregations, counter extreme interpretations of Islamic texts and even report suspected extremists to police.

The initiative is in response to a "social contract" signed between the Dutch authorities and mosques after violence erupted, mostly against the country's Muslim community, following the murder of controversial film-maker Theo Van Gogh by an Islamic extremist in November 2004. Under the code, imams will receive Dutch-language classes and training in how to recognise radical behaviour and are required to be particularly vigilant about how they teach certain passages of the Koran.

The Aya Sofya mosque, controlled by the Turkish immigrant community, is one of three Amsterdam mosques involved in drawing up the code in partnership with local authorities in Baarsjes, a district with a large immigrant population. For its part, the local council will create an office to raise the status of Muslims and counter discrimination against them. The Dutch Prime Minister said he hoped other mosques would also adopt the code. "We need others to say 'no' to unacceptable behaviour. This protocol is modern way to attack the problems and I hope this example will be followed," Balkenende said.

This item is available on the Militant Islam Monitor website, at